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@stormy See my above comment. The reason I thought maybe you thought it didn't exist in nature at all is because you said it doesn't play any beneficial role in humans (with the implication that small abouts are bad, too).
Well I will be back later, please let me know if the peppers are going to be okay to use yet or not.
Anyway, I've got a chunk of rock from a vein of flint with some fluorite in it. Flourite contains calcium fluoride. I'm thinking that rock is quite old.
@Shule Shule, sure it exists? as fluoride in nature? But this is (gotta turn the page to get the spelling close) HYDROFLUORISILICIC ACID. Not always pure, please sweetie watch this video and please let me know if your opinion changes about it's normal ness...! I don't think you are at all ever have been insulting. Not to worry!
@stormy What I'm saying is that I think natural fluoride has a definite purpose. Synthetic may have beneficial applications like drugs, but I don't think it should be forced on everyone.
@Shule small amounts are never beneficial...
You know, I have heard that they don't use the things that we use in water in other countries. I really am not sure what for sure, but I thought maybe that was a fun fact for you guys, gals
@stormy I plan to watch the video, but if it's very long, I've got other stuff I need to attend to before I do that. It's 6:06 PM and I haven't had breakfast, yet.
Ljk2000 I would harvest all your peppers, even if green. The peppers ripen well indoors. The fruit is very hardy with the cold, after all the seeds need to be protected more than say the leaves and stems. They'll be fine!
Some countries do fluoridation in some areas, and some may not do it at all. I don't know how common it is outside the US, but I believe I've read about it happening (maybe in some part of Germany or somewhere in Europe). @Ljk2000
@Shule This is easy to watch in bits. 10 to 20 minutes you'll get the jest for sure. Watch more later, heck, I'll bet you will after getting a 'taste' of this video.
It is not in Germany and some other countries. But Stephie, in Germany, gives her family fluoride tablets!! Stephie! Oh I hope I am able to get my friends and team mates on our site to watch this! Especially the ones with kids!!!!
Here guys/gals. I know fluoride is on topic. So I found a website with 50 reasons to oppose it. fluoridealert.org/articles/50-reasons
@Ljk2000 Yay! Thanks Ljk2000, major big huggs!
I have to post YouTube videos to Google+ before I can watch them (or else I usually get errors about insecure connections or privacy issues). So, I'll have to do that, but I've got to go right now.
2 hours later…
I was told that I should pull out the tomatoes and not put them in the compost because of how they are know to do something with decease. Ideas?
19 hours later…
Hey everyone, I have great news!!! SE has decided to remove the 2 link only limit for first time users. It's now 8 links!! Yay! That means we can ask for as many as 8 pictures or links out to informational websites or anything else that might help us answer the question.
Please please please please don't take this as an excuse not to vote! Voting is essential and a foundation of our system. Don't stop the voting!! This is just a great way to make life here easier for new posters, and anything that does that helps the whole community!
A: Remove the 2 link limit for new users everywhere

bluefeetThis is a reasonable request. We don't want to be blocking new users from posting, but we also don't want to start letting in more junk. While SmokeDetector is great as identifying spam, we still would like to prevent as much of the junk from getting onto the sites in the first place. After pok...

@NiallC., you might want to check to make sure I understood that right!
@Shule, @stormy, @Alina, @stephie, @J. Musser, @Ljk2000, @GrahamChiu, check out my note that we now users can post up to 8 links before hitting the 10 rep. stormy, I think this will be great news for you, since you've been so frustrated by all the hoops new users have to jump through. Maybe this is one thing that will make it easier for you. @Alina too, because I know you answer a lot of new user questions (well, questions in general), and that restriction makes it harder.
I didn't see anything in that post saying that the help center will change, so it will probably continue to say people need 10 rep to post more than two links, but I'm not sure how many people read that anyway!
Hope all of you are having a great day!
@Sue Thanks for the tip.
@stormy Yes, I watched the video. I don't recommend watching it before bed, but I can see why you wanted me to watch it.
Some of key points I gleaned from the video include these: 1. Fluoride as found in drinking water is a multitude of substances (not one single substance) that can be comprised of other toxins than fluoride. 2. This fluoride is a toxic biproduct from the phosphoric acid creation product. 3. This fluoride is one of the strongest acids there is. 4. Fluoride is more unhealthy for people who aren't Caucasian (genetically speaking).
5. The toxic fluoride acid creates extremely stable compounds in bones that are not easily removed. 6. Fluoride can increase bone mass, but make bones more brittle.
7. Fluoride is in just about everything these days, including cereal, milk, etc. 8. There's no reason to have it in infant water, since infants don't have teeth.
The reasons go on. It's about a 90 minute video.
9. Fluoridation was forced on the populace of San Diego against the will of the people.
10. Fluoride is not easily removed by filtration.
11. The phosphorus fertilizer undustry is creating a lot of toxic waste and the workers there are suffering from the health effects.
By listing the points of the video, I'm not saying they're all verified and irrefutable, but I think the video warrants further investigation, and it will most likely turn some people off of fluoride.
12. The video does not particularly state whether the fluoride in toothpaste (or anything but tap water) comes from the phosphorus fertilizer industry.
13. Fluoridation can result in build-up of unknown substances.
@Shule You are my hero Shule. What an amazing amount you were able to glean from this. A first video? Do you take notes as you watch? Took me a number of times watching these videos before I could recite the high points. And absolutely for sure always always be staunchly skeptical. Man, I just want to hugg you hard. Thanks, Shule. I don't know what else I am able to do to convince brilliant people raising kids to watch this ONE source of information.
I love the part about about the secretaries who work in the offices of these companies on site. Their panty hose MELTED. The company gave them a stipend to buy more panty hose. Burns your skin. And you only need to be close to this stuff. The fines for dumping in the oceans is HUGE. Thank goodness we got that far. So they get paid to put it in our water and make huge money. Kills fish. Kills plants. Kills...ruins teeth!
@Sue Very excellent news, Sue! Again, I beg you to watch these videos...read Shule's report after watching just one video once. Your endorsement will save lives...
@Ljk2000 Hey there Ljk2000...have you blight? Otherwise, go right ahead and put tomatoes and their leaves, roots...even potato vegetation in your compost. If you have any disease you don't know you have from this genus, it is everywhere anyway. This is why I plant tomatoes and peppers in pots, one reason anyway. It is also easier to move them when necessary and I am able to save my beds for other crops. huggs
@Shule One other point that is critical is that 'fluoride' is considered a 'drug'. What other drug do you know is forced on the populace without a prescription. Without dosing requirements? Try to think of any other 'drug' in existence that would be should be taken willy nilly from babies to young adults to mature adults, pets, cattle...PLANTS?
I really consider the babies of our team mates on this site...and if at least this one site is able to see the big big bad picture, we will be more able to help other regular peon people to become aware, educated...plants are all part of this. All is connected anyway. 'One Dose Fits All'???? This crap stays in your bones forever. The plants take it up and we ingest even more fluorine. There is NO safe dose with fluorine...not to mention the other stuff NOT listed or even known.
I am not at all asking or recommending TALKING about chemistry or fluoride on our site. Not this site's job.

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