Good afternoon! I was wondering real quick if I should put a tarp over my compost pile over winter. Wondering if it would help you not. Thinking it will trap in some heat.
@Shule Schule I will send you very very credible information on fluoride. It is literally a by product, a very poisonous by product of the aluminum and phosphate industries. It literally is not for teeth, nor bodies, nor plants. This is one huge creepy thing that got started and no one thought to question long ago. The ONLY reason they dump fluoride (not just fluoride at all anymore) into our water and get paid! to do so is because it would cost huge amounts to get rid of it properly.
@Shule Here is one on fluoride...couldn't find the two I saved in my bookmarks...too many bookmarks!!! People have got to actually understand and experience a major lie to start being more skeptical of our governments. This one is easy! No one would drink tap water, bottled water again. I am working on our water supply in this podunk town. No one CALLS back! Conspiracy theories...the only one I have ever found to be true is CO2 causing global warming. THAT is a conspiracy theory! Grins.
@Ljk2000 Only if you keep your compost moist below the tarp. The heat part isn't really necessary in your...what 4 or 5 zone? I left my 6' high piles that made a good 300 feet long border alone all winter (zone 4/5). Chippings from the power company trimming trees from the lines. I threw in hand fulls of kitty litter alfalfa pellets once and let it 'steam' all winter. Very cool ambience with the steam that hovered over the ground? CO2? Spring those 6' piles were 6"! No more blackberry
If I've not sent this to all of you (@Alina) I am sending information on fluoride again. Fluoride is critical to know about for us, our children and our PLANTS!
PLEASE WATCH THIS! PLEASE! I entertain stuff that has been labeled conspiracy theory...that label has been misused!! PLEASE. Try 10 minutes? I am no idiot weirdo. Just a weirdo, grins!
@Sue Sue, please watch this video, please. I just watched this again and I cry every time. There's fluoride in Cheerios, Fruit Loops...the only thing that fluoride does is cause dental fluorosis. Ugly. After you watch this, think about the heavily fluorided baby 'water' (before they have teeth??). Please watch this.
Watering plants with fluoride, the plants take it up, we eat it and then it is taken into our bones and fluoride as a toxin, the body has to put it somewhere, similar to calcium, so it goes to the bones. Makes bones 'denser' but horribly brittle. Given to babies, adults, pets...across the board is dosing all of us with a drug with a WIDE paint brush. Unilateral dosing. Fluoride is a drug. Drugs are NEVER the same dose for adults as babies...just a few obvious points. Please watch this.
@stormy Do you consider yourself a fluoride activist? If you're an activist with anything, you've got to be careful. Not everyone will agree with everything you say (even if you're not an activist, but especially if you are). I might recommend looking for common ground more often, and pronouncing upon that, if possible. I think the root problem to most things like this is that the corporate model exists and is legally allowed to bribe government officials.
Of course, we get a lot of benefits from the corporate model; so, if we were to get rid of it, we would likely need a nice alternative for people to accept it.
@Shule I am no activist or labeled anything. I also have little tact, little patience when I find people drinking the Koolaid willingly. I don't care about popularity. These damn points give me a bit of credibility at least. And I will waste every single point trying to stop Alina, Stephie, Sue, you, Niall, all of you from giving fluoride to plants and kids and yourselves. Common ground? Thought I'd already has some of that...just watch this ONE video. This is no conspiracy. It's REAL
I'm not insulting you Stormy. You don't have to convince me. I'm already against water fluoridation. However, you don't seem to think it exists in nature at all. Is it true that you think this?
Good afternoon people. Will be heading to do chores, in COLD Wisconsin weather. Say thing came to mind, will my peppers that are left on the plant still be good? The lowest temp was around 40 and I don't know if there going to be good yet.