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07:00 - 09:0009:00 - 10:00

44: it makes things faster while staying the same
contact 44
44: It's not CATALYST
44 ✔
8. Shape that minimises potential energy in a calculus of variations problem
some of that looks like English?
contact 8
contact 8
Edited to make it easier then :P
edit made it better
44 Pope's favorite book
8: I'll guess that it's (still) not CATENARY but with zero confidence
44: It's not CATECHISMS
It is indeed CATENARY
44 ✔
44 pope
44: it's not CATHOLIC
44 ✔
@wen1now, response on 1?
44 A movie's favorite sentence
44: It's not CATCHPHRASE
(the problem alluded to was basically the shape of electrical wires across telephone poles, to put it loosely)
44 ✔
6: Intrusive renal assistant
6: It's not ouuuuwwwwccchhhhhhhhhh
er. sorry. CATHETER
6: haha, yes
42: It's not CATALOG
44 cows
42 ✔
44: It's not CATTLE
44 ✔
3: Heller's dilemma
42: a young vegetarian
27. Despite one of its other names, people usually walk on this
nothing contacted right now, yes?
27: It's not a CATWALK perhaps
27. Correct
Not at the moment, it seems.
what other names?
44: a proton in chemistry
oh that kind of catwalk
44: It's not CATION
44 ✔
44 ray tube
(and yes, I didn't realise I put "walk" in the clue until after I posted oops :P)
44: It's not CATHODE
44 ✔
pistachios are good. just sayin'.
I might even say they're Wonderful.
9. Disaster
9: It's not a CATASTROPHE ... there
(Rubio that's how you know the advertisers have gotten to you :P)
that's ... not how that's spelled
44: something like trebuchet
9. Hm oops too broad - but the intended one was not CATASTROPHE
6: This put slingers out of a job
44: It's not a CATAPULT. which I still hold should be something that hurls felines.
44 ✔
9: It's not CATACLYSM then
Yeah that's the one
It could be used to hurl dead bodies, yeah
I'm surprised 3 hasn't been contacted yet.
(I don't think I know a Heller)
I imagine that's easy if you know Heller, very hard if you don't
seems familiar but I can't place it. Yet. :)
44: free food
9. ?A?A?A?A?
contact 9
2: Plant used by Yuna to hit for 9999 damage
I'm surprised 43 is still there
9: It's not CATAMARAN i think
looks right
9. Correct
oh, nice
(I don't know if there's any others, but I don't think there's any common ones at least)
6: Catapult maybe?
no, that's not how this game works
Oh, sorry
1: x
@Y.Zhang you aren't defending...
Currently Rubio guesses, everyone else gives clues :)
Please read the rules - you are an attacker, if you think you know the word for a hint you say "Contact"
Also for ffao: not sure what the ref is there sorry :P
sorry, I thought I already contacted
Also, though it immediately followed another CATAPULT word, I'll go ahead and say that for 6 to remove any doubt (@Fargle)
@Y.Zhang even if you did, you have to wait for a pass
6 is right. I got sniped.
Rubio probably doesn't know the ref either so you're on even ground
although Yuna should be a fairly famous character
This is a very slow lightning strike.
15. Settling game
contact 15
15 It's not CATAN
I can only think of one plant tbh, not sure if that's it
the problem is, you keep guessing what I contact!
that's, like, my job. :)
@Fargle more of a sustained arc :P
2: It's not a CAT TAIL maybe
i guess that's hyphenated?
w/e it looks weird. hehe
2: it's not that anyway :P
17. Rude whistling
contact 17
17: It's not a CAT CALL
did we lose @Wen1now ?
I'm here
He said 1 was wrong
Sorry I just went for dinner
ah I missed that, thanks
just in case: s/beginning/\0s/ in 43
contact 44
1: It's not CATACLYSM or CATASTROPHE just to cover some more bases
contact 5
43: it's not CATNIP
43 ✔
PASS on 5, no idea
5: category
oh. Jeopardy?
or is that Wheel of Fortune?
how did we all miss 43 for so long
I'm ashamed.
I made a "What is a .. .Word?" based on that game.
@Fargle Confirmation?
Rubio defending: C A T C
5 is category sorry
I had to step away
2 was also CATNIP, the protagonist's ultimate accessory in Final Fantasy X-2
I would have guessed CATNIP on sole account of me not knowing any other fitting plants :P
3 lives
44 dies, was catering
42 dies, was caterpillar
17. in the rye (freebie for Rubio)
@Rubio Wheel of Fortune was what I was trying to evoke
34 minutes on "CAT". that's a looong time. :)
17: It's not CATCHER
not even going to bother contacting 17
contact 17
Well speed round, gotta cover those bases :P
catering is NOT free food. lol
how exact is the "exact match only" rule? strcmp level of exact?
Then how do you call the free food at a party?
Free for event attendees at least (if it's a free event), not the organisers :P
^ :P
It literally means exact. Having said that, I generally choose words where there's no mucking about with word endings to make it more fair.
Since my objective is in fact to get done, er, "quickly'. :)
Oh, 1 dies, it was also CATNIP
16, 17: the words CATCHES and CATCHING respectively
In which case
so much catnip
17: rude whistling (10)
16, 17: It's not CATCHES nor CATCHING.
A reference to Gale from Hunger Games
contact 17
17: It's not CATCALLING
(that's a yes)
18: The word CATCHY
17 ✔
you can at least try ;)
18: It's not CATCHY
is 3 alive btw
Oh, I finally get why Rubio types 'It's not'
nvm i see that it is
3 is indeed alive
3: it's not CATCH-22 ?
3: Correct!
19, 20. The words CATCHIER, CATCHIEST
oh. facepalm
I knew that sounded familiar
19,20 It's not those.
k, just checking :)
21: The word BIBLIOPOLE
21 ✔ you guessed it.
Not sure if actual clue :P
I'm lost
(it's a JOKE people)
I'm not a fan of this sustained arc round :-P
To make sure all bases are covered for you
It is no form or tense of the verb CATCH, nor the adjective CATCHY
but it is probably CATCH*
mainly because I can't think of any words starting with catc
cat/c... seems likely, but failing to think of some
10. The asterisk in this chat's parlance
10: CATCHALL (or CATCH-ALL if you prefer)
well. that's not how that's done, but -
yes, that was my word.
Wait, how would it be done?
I pass if I think there's another word you might have that is NOT my word
if I know you have it, I'll just say yes, you got it
you forgo the possibility of getting a letter if that were not rubio's word
so formally, you're supposed to get someone else to guess your word at that point
Ah, I didn't think anyone could contact past a pass.
But you're passing an uncontacted word. Who's to guess it?
even if by means of, say, "10': The word CATCHALL" :)
Ah, okay.
Well, I didn't want to win, so I'll bow out.
but if he does that and it's not CATCHALL, can you still guess?
A catchall is something that, er, catches all.
well. technically a pass w/o a contact is a nullity, but it shortcuts me saying "I think you have it." you getting someone to contact. me formally passing. them guessing.
then I see no difference between that and just giving the word
I defer to your judgment and will abide that in the future.
If the word is contacted and guessed, I give up a letter even if it wasn't my word, per usual.
And yeah, it happens.
anyway. i'm off to bed now.
So, if you pass without a contact, it's treated as if you passed after the next contact for that clue?
basically, yes.
It's shorthand for "That's probably it, get someone to contact so I can pass and confirm"
Who's still in?
I could be
I guess that's not quite enough for now then, unfortunately
three are technically enough
practically usually not
What's happening?
Oh gg
I'm here for a while
Me too
I'll be here while I scan stuff
07:00 - 09:0009:00 - 10:00

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