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10: Israel
yes sir
4: cannot be done
4: Impossible
1: Blood of the gods
contact 1
2: To bury most of a trainee (5)
3: Medical-speak for "we don't know why"
1: Ichor
contact 2
1: ✔
2: Inter
1: Devil... um... male tree man is temporary (11)
@BeastlyGerbil contact 1
contact 1
contact 1
1: impermanent?
3: inconclusive?
3 - no
1: Well-chilled
1: Icy
1: ✔
2: Like kudzu
4: Good cop, bad cop
not very confident contact on 4
5: class
2: Invasive
4: Interrogation?
2: ✔
1: You're born with it
6: No one expects it
contact 1
8: Eye flower
5: Instance?
contact 1
contact 8
1: Intrinsic
6: Spanish Inquisition
8: Iris
1 is not intrinsic
1: inborn?
INSTANCE is wrong for 5.
very shaky contact 5
contact 1 though there are a few words it could be
pass 1
I think maybe INNATE
Oh. I was thinking INSTINCT
Sconibulus defending: I D
5 is dead (was ILK)
I was also thinking INSTINCT so I'm glad I chose to go with INNATE instead :-)
6: Idiot
@Silenus strictly "ilk" means not "type" or "nature" but "name".
it more or less means that at its component level :)
3 lives
contact 3 @Rubio
1: Fraud, kind of
contact 1 @Rubio
1: Identity Theft
1: ✔
2. Freud, kind of
(that's a terrible definition but I couldn't resist)
3: Ideosyncratic?
contact 2, but lol
3 - no
pass 3
I think 3 is IDIOPATHIC
Sconibulus defending: I D O
glossing it as "we don't know why" is just a little uncharitable :-)
2: Look up to
contact 2
it's not quite a direct quote from (Dr.) House, but it's not far off
contact 2
1: Idol and Idolize
contact 2 @BeastlyGerbil
yup, my 1 was IDOL
yep same
1: Heretical worship, maybe
contact 1 @Rubio
pass 1
I did wonder about cluing that befORE IDOL
oops, shift key shift problem there
I was debating whether to give that to Idol, after I guessed :)
well done @Rubio
Rubio saved me from my strife
I had the same hesitation before bothering to clue it
I think it's by Mozart but I'm hopeless on operas
figured best to be safe
Rubio defending: C
4. It's a gene
contact 4
contact 1
2. Famously rich guy
contact 2
hang on my browser went nuts and i can't see what i am typing
or what you are for that matter
I have no idea what I am
7: Capture a feline with the head of a rodent (5)
contact 7
can someone star my 1 and 2?
ok yay I can see again!
1: it's not a CRACK-HEAD ?
5: Note: Stirred up oil is History's inspiration (4)
4: It's not CHROMOSOME ?
1 is not CRACK-HEAD nor anything to do with crack
7: It's not CATCH ?
No, it's not.
(good, because a chromosome is not a gene)
contact 5 @Sconibulus
My teacher will burn me if I make that mistake anywhere. So...
5: It's not CLIO
5: yep
hm. I shall PASS on 1.
1: Catapault (heh)
@Sconibulus I believe you contacted 1
ah, clever answer, but unfortunately I was thinking of a different clever answer, the COCKATRICE that supposedly has the power to turn you to stone.
7 is catch yes
never mind, these things happen
Very well - I shall PASS on 4 then
and in fact I think the idea that they specifically turn you to stone rather than just killing you may be an invention of Nethack :-)
who contacted 4?
I need to play Nethack again, it's been a while
no! it'll eat all your spare time and you'll have no time for winning at Contact
Why not both?
Nethack only takes a small piece of your viewing window, is turn based, and requires you to think about your next move frequently
2: It's not Andrew CARNEGIE ?
@Rubio no, 2 is not Carnegie
@BeastlyGerbil we need your guess at Sid's 4...
2: It's not CAESAR ? (heh)
no, 2 is also not Caesar
@GarethMcCaughan i didn't contact
2: it's not sCrooge mC duCk. buahhaa
hmm, then did anyone?
11 mins ago, by Beastly Gerbil
contact 4
I wonder what that was for then :)
Oh crap i did. I thought it said 'game' and the answer was CONTACT :/
oh. hah
4: It's not Gene L. Coon, is it?
damn. that would have been clever
And my mock test is over. That effectively translates to "I need to go to sleep".
I shall PASS on 2 then
@Sconibulus I think you contacted 2
2: Croeses/Creosote
So, the answer was "cry"-A gene found in a bacterium.
You have to pick one
Have a good day folks.
cya Sid
aren't they the same guy?
@Sid Fair enough but aren't there zillions of genes with names beginning C?
I'll go with the left one
@Sconibulus good choice! Croesus it was.
@Sconibulus I think Creosote is a Pratchettism based on Croesus.
Rubio defending: C A
@GarethMcCaughan Eh, they both run the vault in Nethack :)
1. Explosive era
2. All have won, and all must have prizes!
3: Fights Tiamet
1: It's not CAMBRIAN
1 was indeed CAMBRIAN
I suspect Tiamat and Tiamet are alternate spellings
(also, explosive - well played. *hat-tip*)
@Rubio thank you, sir
2: It's not CARNIVAL ?
@Rubio no, 2 is not CARNIVAL
Wait, this is probably unfair, based on the last couple
nor CARNIE nor anything etymologically related to carnivals
Another nethack thing
yeah, I think we should avoid further nethackery
oh. Yes, let me just state definitively that I have in fact never played Nethack
also, I have no recollection of the answer either in Nethack or in Babylonian myth
or, er, Sumerian or Akkadian or whatever it is
Caveman quest nemesi
I only knew of Tiamat from d&d hehe
if someone wants to star my 2, that might not be a bad idea
@Sconibulus ah! I have never played as a caveman
@BeastlyGerbil I still haven't figured out how to play. I'm probably just being thick, but I still haven't figured it out.
@Mithrandir The rules are just over there on the right...
Stepping away for a bit
we may be getting short of players at this point...
I'm finally free from the alarm investigation
seems that way
... which is a bit irrelevant given that I'll never get a gareth clue
@GarethMcCaughan I know. Every time I read them my head goes fuzzy. I'm also sleep deprived :/
1: Carrot nutrient
contact 1 @ffao
1: It's not (Beta) CAROTENE
1: yes
3: It's not CALL (OUT) ?
see, @ffao, the trouble with clues that aren't unreasonably difficult is that Rubio tends to get them.
@Rubio 3 is not CALL or CALL OUT or anything similar
@GarethMcCaughan There may be some truth in this
also, the trouble with clues that are unreasonably difficult is that Rubio tends to get them.
ok so more literal. 3: It's not CAMBRIUM or CAMBIUM or whatever that word is. been too long
in The Sphinx's Lair, 2 days ago, by Ankoganit
Does Rubio count as a normal human being?
3 was indeed CAMBIUM, well done
... cambium?
normal is boring.
fancy biological term for the bark of a tree
it's, literally, bark. yeah
4. Neither holy, Roman, nor an empire
1: Animals not found in Vancouver's Beaver Lake
@ffao on the face of it that would be pretty much any animal whose name begins with CA.
VTC 1 as too broad
but for kicks, let's try
contact 1 @ffao with about a 5% chance of having guessed at the sort of thing you have in mind
1: It's not CARP
I bet there's no camels there
but it has to be difficult, Gareth! :P
1: no
1: It's not CATFISH either
@BusinessCat what, you're not familiar with the North American Freshwater Camel?
1: nor is it CAMELS, nor CATS, business or otherwise
1: also no
thought to be the common ancestor of the sea toad and the desert shark
Hey now, don't joke about land sharks.
It's true, I do not live in that lake
contact 4
4 seems like it should point clearly at something, but at what I can't grasp. I'll state it's neither CANAAN, CANADA, nor the CATHOLIC CHURCH. (that last one for comedic effect, but hey!)
4. None of those.
3. Waiting for John Frum
PASS on 4, whatcha got @ffao
(I hope I remembered that name right)
I was actually going to guess catholic lol
the pass is null then, the clue stands
ah, I was going to give it up, but if you're happy for it to stand then so am I
ok what the hell. I'll pass on 1
if you take it at face value, there are a bunch of things neither holy, roman or empires
that's even broader than 1
however, I have to disappear for about ten minutes in the name of Democracy (we have local elections where I am today and voting closes very shortly). I'll say what I think 1 is and then vanish briefly.
I will be very surprised if this is the right answer, but I wonder whether 1 might be the CAELOCANTH. Having written this I am stricken with the thought that it might be COELO rather than CAELO in which case it's even less likely to be right.
we probably won't have enough players to continue then, so I guess we'll need to adjourn this game
and in fact it's COELACANTH so I'm even wronger than I thought
I was going for CASTOR, the genus name of beavers
(which there are none in beaver lake)
oh. heh
I did wonder about that but didn't attempt it becaues I couldn't remember the Latin name for beavers
I suspected that's what it would be, but had no idea what the genus for beaver is
anyway, away for 10 minutes. Might only be 5.
and i'm going to use the pause here to also AFK briefly
I am back around ish if this resumes
we should probably wait for gareth so we can attack with 3
well - Gareth has 3 up on the board already - some new stuff from someone else might be nice too

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