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pass 2
Any contacts on 4? Orrr?
2: arcade?
...yeah, that's a thing :)
Sconibulus defending: A R G
1 dies, was ARDENT
46 was artillery.
9: Country
1: Silvery
Contact 9
12: Parameter
9: Argentina
contact 12
12: Argument
9 yes
12 yes
is 42 live?
what was it?
Arabic Peninsula
uh ok
Dunno how we were supposed to get that...
you know the objective is for the other attackers to be able to guess these, right? ;)
2: Jason's ship
2: Argos
it's Argo, but ok
Contact 1
3: Plant used in oil
pass 1
Argent ✔
Argent is my word
Ooh, my turn?
ARGAN at the end there
I wasn't ready to go on :)
@Phoenix and no - Cluer gets it not guesser
whoa whoa there tiger
Ease up cowboy
You should also check if people are around for enough of a game
i m not around.
Ok, who's playing?
I'll be out/sporadic for the next 15 or so
I'm around
I'll go invite some people from TNB
Rubio defending: W
I know my first letter there is a huge surprise to some of you.
1: Walk aimlessly
1: It's not WANDER
contact 1
1 yes
2: Dream
3: Witches around churches
tentative contact 2
2: It's not WISH
It is not
2: It's not WOOLGATHER either
9: The place in the famous book 'A song of ice and fire' or in the TV series 'The Game of Thrones'
^^is this valid?
contact 9
Seems to be
It's valid, but please be on notice I don't know anything really about GoT
uncontact 2
77: Uncontrallable
whats going on?
We're playing contact
I'll pass on 9 - go for it @sco
9: Westeros
77: it's not WANTON
It is not
true for 9
Rubio defending: W O
2 is live. 77 was WILD
(YAY!! my first attack) :p
how can i defend a word against being guessed?
3 is dead, it was Widdershins
I'm defending, not you
I think you first wait for the current game to end.
@FarhadRouhbakhsh You are an attacker.
78: Animal
2: It's not WONDER
It is.
contact 78
78: It's not WOLF nor WOLVERINE
It is wolf.
79: Fictitious place
4: Element
44: Language
5: Dye
how can i start the game?
80: What you find in dictionaries
Farhad - a game is already going.
contact 80
Or you can make clues
80: It's not WORD(S)
(how do i confirm?)
44: i'll try WORDS here too
Wait you're supposed to star clues?
will it take long for the current game to finish?
yes...i am starring them.
4: It's not WOLFRAMIUM or whatever that old name is
4: nope
44 yes
@FarhadRouhbakhsh Depends how long the defender lasts - and no you don't just get to make up the new word, whoever clues to the defender's word gets to defend next
@EriktheOutgolfer No guess (yet). Unless someone contacts I'm not actually obligated to ever guess it, but I try to guess as many as I can
I'm not entirely sure, but this is what the rules say: "At any time, if an attacker thinks they know the clue, they can say 'contact'.
Once the defender gives up on a clue, if any attackers have 'made contact' with the clue, they can say the answer. (Each attacker only gets one guess.) "
12: Risen
contact 12
12: It's not WOKE
It is
bah. i think someone I know would be quite unhappy with me for taking this long ...
6: Marsupial?
5: It's not WOAD ?
@KritixiLithos If someone who is attacking says contact on your clue, and Rubio passes then the person who said contact before he passed, gets 1 guess (If they're right, we get a new letter, if not, it's busted)
9: dot product of force and displacement
5: correct
contact 9
9: It's not WORK
@Rubio Me and Gareth both ;)
9: it is
19: Last place
contact 19
19: It's not WORST
It is
35: Concern
Make sure clues are getting starred when they are made, and unstarred when guessed correctly - don't overpopulate the clue list, it's a cluttered chatroom right now
Contact 35
contact 35
35: It's not WORRY
It is
Multiple people can contact a clue
6: It's not WOMBAT ?
everyone is ninja-ing me today.
6 is live, just scrolled off my screen
6: never mind, Rubio is right
12: Teeter
12: It's not WOBBLE
nor WOMBLE hehe
It is
(you didn't name it for animal, so I was hopeful)
Need things starred - Few of us are out of them
9: Earth
9: It's not WORLD
I'm out of stars
it is
seeya @Sconibulus
oh. nvm :)
123: Mathematica
81: birth
I'm out of stars also
contact 81
contact 123
12: /r/MarijuanaEnthusiasts
Contact 123
123: i'm guessing WOLFRAM ALPHA or something akin
you're right, so what happens now?
9: deserve
Do I just pick any random number (that's not currently in use)?
tentative contact 12
To make a clue
@BusinessCat I think so, that's what I did
@KritixiLithos Nothing - he got it, you move on and make new clues
81: presumably WOMB - not that
@BusinessCat yes, but it's helpful if the numbers are short
81: yes
9: It's not WONT
@BusinessCat Yes you can, granted there are not an overwhelming amount of clues
the longer they get, the less quick they are as a reference (their only purpose)
Considering most of these are not being starred and people are losing track of them, we have no idea how many there are
star 12 please
9: it is not.
2-3 digits is fine, but some people were using 8-10 for a while
82: hospital
17: fleecy
yeah, past 2 and I'm not going to use your number, because that no longer helps me
Contact 17
17: It's not WOOLY nor WOOLEN
what are this digits?
122: a word that is an onomatopoeia
contact 122
someone starred the wrong 12
Sorry, I got confused
Contact 122
and please bold your clues
@Rubio you said so.
122: It's not WOO or WOOT
what are this digits?
the current 12 is something about marijuana
21: intertwined
122: my word is not any of them
@FarhadRouhbakhsh Clues are numbered to more easily differentiate when guessing
21: It's not WOVEN
contact 21, nvm
@Rubio you gave up 82?
what is currently contacted?
i believe 12 and 122?
those are the only 2 I have contacted
It matters what is contacted @LeakyNun he will say if he passed clues or not
I GTG so if you pass on 12 do it really soon
I will pass on 12
@Rubio and @Sconibulus I'll focus on answering questions right now/giving reminders/try to keep the peace
9: it's not WORTHY or WORTH
@Rubio it is
12: Weeders
that's not WO*
I'm gone, the clues dead.
what was it
The subreddit is for enthusiasts of actual trees, so wood.
@n_palum can you make an example? you mean for each clue we have a number
i gtg too. (This game IS addictive)
@BusinessCat was 17 WOOLY or WOOLEN btw? you never confirmed
Ahh, I remembered it was Gardeners and Arborists
Oh sorry, yes it was WOOLY
And 21 was WOVEN
ok thanks
@FarhadRouhbakhsh Yes. You just pick a number (Preferably lower digits) that is not taken/already active, and you give your clue as #. Emboldened clue
122 is still live, right?
I'll pass on 122, I have no idea what you're after with that
111: Star Wars
122: Woosh?
@FarhadRouhbakhsh So that the defender can just say # - (Their guess)
contact 111
@Sconibulus Yup
that's spelled whoosh
^ It is whoosh not woosh
whatever ;)
I say it's invalid
I'm sure someone ca...
yeah there that
Rubio defending: W O R
4 is dead, it was Wood
Can you have more than one clue at a time?
@KritixiLithos yes, but you probably shouldn't with this many people around
@KritixiLithos yes but with an active game it can get confusing if everyone does so
Also as Rubio said, bring the numbers down a bit, no need for 100s
one last attack
1234: clothes
And what Scon said ^^^^
9: county in England
I'm sorry.
@LeakyNun Bring em down. Like way down.
contact 9
9: it is...
Wait, one of my clues is now invalid with the new letter, what do I do?
you say it's dead, and give what it was
111: dead; it was Wookie
^ Usually when a new letter is given we ask what is busted
is 82 and 79 still live?
65: School
82 dead
7: ____ Weight
@EriktheOutgolfer - 79 valid with new letters?
just watching for now
1234: i hope you're not looking for wardrobe. I'll say: it's not WORK-CLOTHES
tentative contact on 1234
14: deserving of attention
contact 14
1234: no.
14: It's not WORTHY nor WORTHWHILE
sup tech
1048576: What we're guessing
14: yep
just. stop.
@Mendeleev Not okay.
pick a usable number or I will just ignore you.
in any case, it's (still) not WORDS
@n_palum What is not okay?
contact 65
Using a number like that.
What about the singular form, WORD?
It was WORD
@KritixiLithos also already clued and guessed
0.01: Not play
Some latitude is afforded the defender, so we don't have to laboriously guess every form of a word
Contact 0.01
.01: It's not WORK
@BusinessCat Star whatever it is you're contacting because it currently is not on the board
what happens when the defender guesses wrongly?
...the point of the numbers is to be easy to reference
PASSING on 65 School - go whoever
if your number is not easy to reference, you're doing it wrong
why doesnt the game finish?
65: Workbook?
@LeakyNun Nothing until they pass - they get as many guesses as they want
@n_palum oh
@FarhadRouhbakhsh Because the defender is good. ;)
@BusinessCat 65: close, but no
@FarhadRouhbakhsh Because an attacker has not clued the defender's word and Rubio is good at defending
0.02: Dirt eating tiny snake
It's not WORM, and seriously, stop
Contact 0.02
what the hell is 0.02
can i start a different game while this game continues?
@FarhadRouhbakhsh that would be very confusing
@LeakyNun It's common that the defender will try to guess clues that are heavily contacted, and pass if they cannot
@FarhadRouhbakhsh Not in here, no.
@Sconibulus could this be starred?
what was 65 please?
There are mods here @Mendeleev Play a fair game please
@Techidiot Define fair.
Those attacking need to contribute to starring other attackers clues.
contact 4
Hi @GentlePurpleRain!
"Don't be a jerk." I think that summarizes it nicely. Moving on.
What happens when you have a clue that leads to word X, but the defender already said that X was an invalid word to someone else's clue?
4: It's not WORMTONGUE
@Rubio What did I even do?
@Rubio WORK
@KritixiLithos this is fine, leave it
@KritixiLithos If it is a unique clue - it's okay
@Rubio correct
Any active contacts, please?
19: Screwtape demon
is @Erik still here?
@Rubio I think it's safe to ignore Erik's 79
He left the room a few minutes ago, I think
33: global
45: At low end of scale
Ok I'm killing that clue then
contact 33
Contact 33?
Contact 33
33: It's not WORLDWIDE
contact 45
@Rubio correct
45: It's not WORTHLESS ?
Nope not correct
contact 1234
passing on 1234 - go for it
okay, uncontact 45, then
1234: Worn?
89: idolization
hang on please
Contact 89
don't add clues while a contact is pending
85: Nietzche
@Sconibulus very close, lol
@FarhadRouhbakhsh 1) You cannot guess if you did not say contact on the clue before he passed. 2) The clue has to give a word that starts with the letters given e.g. WOR right now, so football is invalid
close sometimes counts
what was the word please
1234 was wore
@FarhadRouhbakhsh You also need to wait to give a clue while passing/contacting guesses are happening in case we need new letters. and you need to bold ** ** your clue words after the number
that's close enough
Rubio defending: W O R L
that should bust a few.
7 is dead, it was Worsted
89 was WORSHIP
45 was WORST
@Rubio ninja'd
contact 2
oh for the love of
@n_palum now i should guess a word that has W O R L in it?
pass on 2, go for it
2: World eater
not in it, it has to start with it
actually, lets call that unfair
contact 63
contact 63
63: It's not WORLD WIDE WEB
@FarhadRouhbakhsh It has to start with that yes, and your clue should give that word, you don't just guess words. Fellow attackers who contact guess on your clue if the defender cannot get it
@Rubio Very close, but not it
5 mins ago, by Rubio
33: It's not WORLDWIDE
@FarhadRouhbakhsh, Please read the rules pinned at the right if you want to play.
I missed that...
47: How you see the ___
contact 47
You can reclue things, but it's usually better if you don't
28: top-notch
47: It's (still) not WORLD
3: Wise
@Rubio Nope.
then pass on 47
Sorry, that's what I was thinking.
that was my word.
You're up @Mendeleev, good luck! :)
3: was worldly, i guess?
28 world-class perhaps?
Right on 28
@Rubio yep
world is such a weird word
Mendeleev defending: C
And hi @GentlePurpleRain - missed your entrance and then was too busy to say hi :)
1: Taxonomy
I'm not here that long.
@Rubio Pass 1
contact 1
lol wtf
@Rubio Good effort..
1: Class
Oh no, you're very very close
that wasn't my word
nope, not that either
My word is CLASSIFICATION and I'm guessing that's the word?
Was probably CLASSIFICATION if I had to guess
Yes. WTF
How the hell does this happen
want to go again?
That was quick!
rubio too OP
I think that's a new world record
@MistahFiggins Yes
First clue!
I'm not even going to take a turn, man - you can go again hehee
I'm just wondering... how?
I have no idea
@Rubio was this game invented here in Puzzling?
that was hilariously awesome
Not really that unique of a word
dumb, dumb, luck
See the italics? He can peek into your mind... ;)
@KritixiLithos nope.
Mendeleev defending: P
@KritixiLithos No
1: Sea window
inb4 it's an incredibly obscure word now
contact 1
2: Keeping alive
contact 1
contact 2?
3: 1% inspiration
puzzle blindness ftw
contact 3
@KritixiLithos 3: Not PERSPIRATION
4: scene preservation
6: Persephone's bane
Can someone star #2
@GentlePurpleRain Not PRESERVATION
5: It might be a middle name
@Mendeleev That's not it.
contact 3
(although it fits)
7: cousin to assault
5: Not what I had in mind
@Mendeleev Give the number when you're responding, to make it easier to know what you're responding to.
^ that's the point of them
7: tentative contact
Also @KritixiLithos you need to confirm or deny if guesses are correct when defender attempts your clue
8: Foundation
1: not PERISCOPE, no
@GentlePurpleRain I'm using the reply feature, but I can do that too
@Mendeleev yup
@n_palum forgot that for a moment
@Mendeleev it helps for mobile users
yeah it's faster for you and easier for us if you just use the numbers. that is why it's annoying when they're not simple integers. :)
Just tryna keep things going along
Give defender a chance to clear some clues now - at 7 starred
tentative contact on 8
@BusinessCat Painting?
How many contacted?
@Mendeleev NUMBER! :)
@Mendeleev 4: nope
1 has been
i've contacted 7 and 8
contact 4
2 has been
I have 1 contacted
I contacted 1 first
Pass on 1
also, PORThole
Not porthole.
Mendeleev defending: P R
what's dead?
6 is dead, it was Pomegranate
#7 is gone - anyone want to guess?
8 is dead, it was pillar
4 is dead, was PHOTOGRAPHY
7 i think was pepper?
terribad. ;)
@BusinessCat I guessed photograph, so close
5 is dead
@gpr wanna guess 5?
dual meaning there - to pepper is to assault, and pepper goes with salt
photograph to photography would be close enough
1: Ridiculous
contact 1
2: Attempting to impress
contact 2
I have to go, #1 is PREPOSTEROUS.
3: Trophy
11: start of a book
contact 11?
contact 11
me too, cya later!
was fun
@GentlePurpleRain cya
@MistahFiggins cya

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