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never heard of it :)
5: It's under people's graves
@GarethMcCaughan :) Oh you guys lol
6: Backwards feline finds it silent
@Silenus TACIT
6: Mythological pit
@n_palum contact
@n_palum TARTARUS
how long do contacts stand?
@JonathanAllan For ever.
Until the sun cools.
Or until the clue is guessed or busted.
Whichever comes first.
Or the game ends.
I consider that to bust all clues.
(Because the prefix they have to have is now [actual solution] [end-of-word marker]
ah, fair enough
4: 1729, after Ramanujan
contact 4
FYI still got open contact on 2
nobody has my clue? it's not THAT hard
yow, what was 2?
what is 2? I can't see the starboard
2 was "classifications"
That's been guessed
if it was classifications
that was solved
oh :/
seriously, I have issues following this game!!
we all do. It gets better with time
I unfortunately have no clue on 5
1: Fib
oh it was guessed too quickly for me to notice then :/
That's why we use stars
@n_palum contact
contact 1
I don't think it even hit the board - I thought it wasn't being used :)
2: Mos Eisley world
@Silenus TATOOINE or maybe there's a double T
that is for 2?
@n_palum I don't suppose your fib is a TALL TALE or merely a TALE?
I was going for TALL TALE yes
I had tale ok
3: mensa
@Deusovi d'oh, it's another home isn't it? TAB.
@Silenus TABLE
gah, yep
4: Tinker __ Solider Spy
@Silenus TAILOR
contact 4
(I was thinking of using that earlier when we were at TIN but wanted to find a way to make it harder and didn't think of anything good)
Translation of a French curse
(I suppose I could have gone for "first of Le Carre title" or something)
no open clues?
@Deusovi maybe TABERNACLE (that would be specifically Canadian French)?
oh Deu's unnumbered one only?
yep! and I thought it was regional but wasn't sure
@JonathanAllan yup, that's the only open one
5: A ∨ ~A, for example
6: coccyx
7: Hey, Mr. _________ ___, play a song for me / I'm not sleepy and there ain't no place I'm going to
@Silenus TAMBOURINE MAN (er, I'm not sure whether it's spelt without the U in American English)
3: Odd part collects water (4)
@n_palum TARP short for TARPAULIN.
("collects water" does not mean TARP)
though if we had only T not TA I'd have thought TRAP a more likely anagram with the same def.
8: Totem and _____
@Silenus TABOO, I think. (Freud?)
8: The Bayeux ________, strictly speaking is not one.
@JonathanAllan TAPESTRY.
8: Team dedicated to single job
9: What a person is born as, according to empiricists
(curiously also the title of a piece by a composer I named in the last game of Contact)
contacting 8
13: Holiday two days before the end of June
8 was solved
8 was not solved
9: Product being resold on occasion of its 20th anniversary
9 was solved
ohh, new 8
you may have missed it because it wasn't boldfaced
I think contact on 9
@JonathanAllan perhaps your team is a TASK FORCE with or without the space.
with I think
10: Travels faster than the speed of light, according to some
@Silenus TACHYON
10 contact
I had tacheyon
oh T.A.R.D.I.S. nice too
I suspect 9 is something I've heard about and will feel stupid for not getting, but: pass. @n_palum what is your guess?
TAMAGACHI? (spelling may be off)
TAMAGOTCHI is the spelling
tamagotchi was the word, yes
Ohh well yeah that's what I mean
I'm pretty sure I hadn't in fact heard about that. Not so annoying.
Gareth defending: T A N
Toy from 90s
really? it was all the craze when I was a kid
Gareth's old/from UK
mine was TAU DAY (6/28, hoping to get you with an American date format)
1. Someone thirsty
ah, nice. I'm aware of it but didn't think of it. It's ... not exactly a holiday, though.
Maybe not to you. :P
(Yeah, not really. Only in the sense that Talk Like a Pirate day is.)
@n_palum For the avoidance of doubt, it's not that I hadn't heard of tamagotchi but that I hadn't heard it was being re-released.
I am, however, old. And in the UK.
Ohh fair enough - I didn't either just kinda guessing TA - 90s toy
2: A well-sunned man's digression
It's okay Gareth you're still a wizard of some kind
@Silenus contact
@Silenus TANGRAM, perhaps?
yeah, I was thinking diversion rather than digression, and anyway it doesn't explain the "man's" part.
20: E█e█e██ (some parts of this clue have been censored, because why not?)
4: Torment
@Deusovi perhaps TANTALUM
@n_palum TANTALIZE
@n_palum contact
Contact 2
3: Astronauts drank it
I have a vague notion that TANGUY is a word; I don't suppose it happens to be the answer to @Silenus's 2?
@Silenus contact
@Silenus TANGO
or maybe TANG
one of those soft drinks with that sort of name
Not TANGUY (nice artist, though).
5: East African country
TANG is correct.
Contact 5
@n_palum TANZANIA, perhaps.
d'oh, obv 2 is TANGENT; sorry @Silenus for taking so long.
3: Help color yourself
@n_palum contact
incidentally @Deusovi was there any particular purpose to the censorship other than making the clue a little trickier?
@n_palum could be just TAN
I was just hoping that "element" wouldn't spring immediately to mind if I removed all the consonants :P
i was guessing tan, i'm out
It's hard tbh
I only know because my girlfriend just bought them
Using Pokémon would be unfair, right?
and I thought it was a cool name
Potentially - I think that's Gareth's call
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Gareth's not familiar with them
@Deusovi using Pokemon would be a very effective way to win since I don't know anything about 'em. Other than that, so I understand, it is obligatory to catch them all.
@Deusovi FWIW "element" was my instant thought on seeing just the vowels. Whether luck or judgement, I don't know.
Actually, it's not obligatory! The main character of the anime has only caught 42, out of the ~700 species in the games
@Deusovi Thanks for that. I was just being ploddingly pedantic about the slogan (of course).
7: Japanese Dagger
Also star 3?
it must be said that the main character of the anime is a fairly sloppy trainer
4: A Police man's lovemaking style
(I understood that - was just making a followup joke / amusing observation)
@Deusovi yup, understood
Oh dear Sil
@Silenus contact??
13: Raccoon
Today we explore the ribald.
@Silenus "lovemaking style" suggests TANTRIC though if that's the answer I don't understand the clue. (I have a guess at the outline of how it works but lack the necessary knowledge.)
@xnor if you guessed the same as I would I would aslo say "??"
i was thinking TANTRIC
yes tantric too, but only got half of it
TANTRIC SEX then, perhaps?
but wait, @JonathanAllan, it's Silenus's clue, not yours
yes that was my guess
not saying it's right ofc.
contacting 13
TANTRIC is correct. Sting, a member of the band the Police, is rumored to practice it.
contact 13
@Silenus oh right
@Silenus That was my guess at the outline of how it worked, but curiously enough I am not familiar with the details of Sting's love life.
(my actual guess was that maybe it was the title of one of his songs or something like that)
we have found a gap in Gareth's knowledge! we should make more clues about celebrities' love lives
anyway, everyone other than me has figured out 13 so I need to think about that a bit.
meh, nope. Passing on 13. @xnor @ffao please expose my ignorance.
I gave up on 13 straight away
a what now?
someone want to explain? is it a kind of raccoon or a character in some anime or what?
Is it reeeally a raccoon though
Gareth defending: T A N T
an animal similar to a raccoon
Tanuki are Japanese raccoon dogs
oh it's a species?
it's a japanese raccoon spirit thing with magic balls
...I mean, they're actual animals that exist
^^ Scon lmao
there's a lot of mythology about them being tricksters
you can become one in Super Mario Bros 3 :)
that too
And then in Mario there is the Tanooki suit where you get the ability to fly
Dunno why they spelled it differently though
Dagger stands
lol such bizarre knowledge, it's great!
43: Equivalent
fair enough. Not to be confused with tenuki, which if I remember correctly is the equivalent in go of what chessplayers call a Zwischenzug.
@Deusovi contact
@Deusovi contact
contact on 7
@Deusovi pass 43
3 Busts
woo, got his word
@GarethMcCaughan i thought it was a play not in the current area of action
go for it, you two
also contact on 43
@n_palum TANCEUTICALS? Is that a word?
I mean I guess it's a combination of TAN and PHARMACEUTICALS but really?
@xnor, you're first to guess.
It's gross I know
Told you it was hard/not fair
They're self tanners
anyway, obscurity doesn't make things unfair. Not as such.
Anyone know my Dagger one?
Also people have to actual say Gareth's word
@xnor @Silenus @Alconja come on and put me out of my misery with 43
and TANTAMOUNT is in fact my word. Well done @Deusovi
and no I don't know @n_palum's dagger one, at least so far as I can currently think.
I'd best never make a clue :D
@n_palum Fair enough. Not something I'd come across. So today I learned TANTO and TANUKI and some other ridiculous things from earlier that I've already forgotten. I suppose this is a slightly generalized use of the word "learned".
You've "encountered" new words
@n_palum tanto is what
Oddly enough those were both Japanese things, best brush up ;)
a dagger
@JonathanAllan my older clue for Japanese dagger
ah the dagger thanks
@n_palum Yeah, whole dictionaries could be filled with Japanese words I don't know. In fact, they have.
I know that because of Nethack :)
I think they're called Japanese dictionaries.
It's quite a common term in a lot of games with blade weapons to be fair
I have never encountered a tanto in nethack.
seems like we could only beat gareth with Japanese words
I guess it depends on what you play as.
Not just Japanese words!
if your class is Samurai, certain weapons are renamed
Japanese words and celebrities' sex lives!
Don't forget Pokemon
Please note that I got the celebrity's-sex-life one.
You guessed it
By outsmarting the clue
well, we didn't beat Gareth with Pokemon because we didn't try
It counts just as much if you guess it.
It was deemed unfair :P
Not sure he would have guessed "tangela" though
I know what a tangelo is. I don't know what a tangela is.
I was actually gonna do "tangrowth", because that's easier to clue
It's a Pokemon.
well, of course it is.
Pretty much any shortish more or less pronounceable string of letters is the name of at least one Pokemon, right?
Tangelo != Tangela in the slightest
Yeah, probably.
that's their goal at least
Computer programmers will recognize this as the design process of the C++ committee: feed a random stream of tokens into the parser, and as soon as you find something that doesn't parse, give it a meaning in the next iteration of the C++ standard.
Anyways, Night all!
I am also off -- it's well past my bedtime. By which I mean "about an hour before I usually actually get to bed".
also going out for dinner
is there a game going?
@MistahFiggins Nope, you missed one about an hour ago
@GarethMcCaughan Wow! You deserve to be called as a Guru of tag
Just saw you cluing for UPANISHADS. Impressive.
6 hours later…
Bit late, but I sure missed out on a lot of JP fun :P (or maybe I should just sneak some in for the future...)
@Techidiot Thanks. But my knowledge is supersuperficial in lots of cases and this is one. I can tell you that the Upanishads are Hindu scriptures, but I couldn't tell you how many pages they take up, or whether they are actually divided into individual things each of which is one Upanishad and how many if so, or whether they're poetry or prose, or whether they're mostly narrative or theoretical treatise or hymns of praise or what, or whether they were written before or after [...continues]
... the Bhagavad-Gita (say), or anything about what's in them. I have the vague notion that Oppenheimer's quotation "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" (which he said after the first nuclear weapon test) was from the Upanishads. I had the even vaguer notion that T S Eliot quotes them in "The Waste Land", but actually it seems more likely it's Buddhist texts he quotes. I think an actual guru would know more of those things than I do.
incidentally @Techidiot: speaking of Hindu theology, I discovered to my delight a little while ago that there's a guy called RAHMAN who wrote some music for the BATMAN movies. I never thought of anything actually clever to do with the spoonerism, though.
How to play contact?
Mar 31 at 16:35, by Deusovi

The defender is thinking of a secret word. They reveal the first letter of it (and will later be forced to reveal more).
Their goal is to last as long as they can by "defending" against people guessing the word.

Everyone else in the game is an "attacker".
They give clues to words starting with the revealed parts of the word. For instance, if the defender has given up COM so far, clues may be for COMPUTER or COMA.
(Clues can be *anything*, not just crossword-style clues. For instance, I once used "This" for CONTACT, then followed it up with "Thris" for CONTRACT.)
Please be the defender first.
I'll attack
@GarethMcCaughan @Sp3000 One contact game ?
@GarethMcCaughan Oh, he is a magician.
He can do wonders with music.
He has worked on another upcoming movie "Sachin:A Billion Dreams" which might be his another masterpiece. (The movie is based on Sachin Tendulkar, I assume you know him)
I saw that trailer.
Nice. I am waiting for the movie :)
Great it was.
Might be kind of documentary though. Not sure
Yeah, Sachin never acts though. So can't really say anything about his acting
@Techidiot A contact ?
I am in if we have players here
@Techidiot, @manshu and @Well yeah, total three is here. Let's start
(thumbs up)
@manshu Are you familiar with the game?
never played it...Just read the rules
I think it will be better if we wait for a couple of more players. That will help you out without knowing how it works.
I will be right back in some time
I have played it before (offlne), so @Techidiot defend ?
(I'll be back in a while) Coffee.
@Techidiot Interesting. I don't know anything about his music -- I just liked the brahman/atman -> rahman/batman thing :-).
@Techidiot I had heard of Tendulkar and had the vague idea he might be a great cricketer. It turns out he is. Beyond that, I know as much about him as I do about the Upanishads :-).
(I'm not up for a game of Contact right now, I'm afraid. Just passing through.)
@Techidiot 1000% agree
@n_palum 1000% about? Rahman ?
haha no about the Gareth being a guru of knowledge
Oh yes.
@GarethMcCaughan I assumed you know about cricket as you have caught a few of my clues about it. Anyways, doesn't removes the tag from your list of expertise ;)
Hmm.. The people that asked about a game disappeared..
I was/am a little skeptical of Well Yeah.
/am for the record. :D
Haha they were very quick to jump in again having been a user for one day
And hence.. I went to have a coffee break ..
Didn't wanted to repeat history
Apr 5 at 15:32, by Techidiot
@Rubio @dcfyj As I said, that was on purpose. I am out now.
Ahh clever
Yeah, I was thinking it was him since he found chat on day 1 and conveniently had "played contact offline". It was rather suspicious
Well we didn't start a game with him this time
Used mathjax on day one :D
Did he?
Ah didn't notice it had mathjax in it
Just flagged his post (since his profile was still viable) so the overseers can have a look see
@Techidiot Um well...the coffee break is o'er, eh ? (And what is the history ? I dunno anythong)
@Wellyeah Its just that, I am bad with helping new players in contact. So, was waiting for people to join in.
Well the new guy left anyway
@n_palum Well, yeah.
@Wellyeah It's unlikely a game starts up through you asking - considering you've abandoned games in the past or broken rules.
@n_palum Why ? I am a brand new user, of course.
Oh of course, my bad.

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