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anyone still here and interested in a game?
I am interested in sporadically contributing.
reporting for duty
1: the word that the defender is thinking of
I think that might be difficult to get contacts on.
It's not obvious that we have a quorum so far.
We have at least 3.
But it's probably best to wait for more.
let's see, who else was here recently? @Sconibulus @xnor @ffao @JonathanAllan @boboquack @WesleySitu any interest in a game of Contact?
I'm here-ish :p
also here-ish, mostly -ish
this is beginning to sound somewhat quorate. Who's going to defend?
"Quorate"? That's a new one to me.
quorate, adj., sufficient in number to constitute a quorum.
sounds like a useful word
seems like deus and gareth are the only two 100% here, so one of you guys should defend
I'm not more than 75% here :-) but happy either to defend or to attack
Nor am I.
well, I guess I won the last one. So I'll defend.
Gareth defending: T
(currently thinking of a clue)
1: Type of missile recently launched.
3: Desirable quality in a girl, for an otaku
@ffao ...Should I be ashamed to contact this?
4: chasing the moon
I'm not ashamed to post it! :P
contact 2
ok, this is going to be a short game. I don't think I have any idea about any of these. I should probably know #1, I'm not sufficiently into SE inside baseball to have a clue about #2, know nothing to speak of about Japanese culture, and am currently entirely baffled by 4.
contacting 1
...Inside baseball?
aargh I have no brain. OK, I'll pass on 1.
1: tomahawk
ah yes
Gareth defending: T A
If I'm correct, 3 dies
3 dies, was two-dimensionality
oh, I was gonna say TSUNDERE
I suppose I could in principle have guessed that
4 is dead => TIDE
I wondered about TSUNDERE but it doesn't quite fit the clue
6: Gluten Free Starch
Also Hi for the short time I pop in xD
but @Alconja the tides don't chase the moon, they chase the gradient of its gravitational field. That's why you get both spring and neap tides.
hi @n_palum
7: Weird salt gets one guy an amulet
10: Grader crossing
@GarethMcCaughan :P
@Silenus Contact
6 contact
@Deusovi Hesitant contact
@n_palum your starch is probably TAPIOCA
what I had too
@Deusovi I don't suppose your #10 is TALLY?
well, let's see what @Silenus thinks. Pass on 10.
I saw "grader" and thought TEACHING ASSISTANT. Not sure how "crossing" fits in.
gah, no
you were on the right track
aha, my strategic move worked :-)
Almost haha
1: Palpable
That's the word
@n_palum your 1 is probably TANGIBLE
11: Adulterate a perineum
would be a sneaky method to choose TA and have everyone trying to get that 3rd letter without choosing the word Ta itself :p
@Silenus 11 is TAINT, you naughty person you
@JonathanAllan We have had very similar things in the past.
2: Classifications
@n_palum contact
@JonathanAllan But then he'd only have room for two mistakes.
two mistakes?
when two clues were successfully contacted, it'd be game over
more rules?
because he can't reveal another letter
*one mistake, actually
true that
@Deusovi surely two is right
room for one mistake
two total
two mistakes would mean game over
4: Sticky strips attempt being fabric (8)
@n_palum TAPESTRY
Is that legitimate (albeit easy)
I don't think any cryptics are gonna get past Gareth.
Eh may as well practice anyway when I think of them
(although that is a nice clue, and "being" is a perfect connector there)
Plenty of CCCCs have stood for days despite my presence in TSL.
2 contact
12: They take the brunt of it in MMORPGs.
Night = made
Contact 12
I wonder whether "attempt to be" would be a tiny bit better than "attempt being"
^ ditto
Wasn't sure if that counted for having two words
Hm, maybe. Still though, it's pretty good, especially for an on-the-spot clue
uh-oh. I have never played any MMORPGs. I have a hazy recollection that some characters are described as TANKS, though; might that be it?
@Deusovi oh yes, I agree. It's a nice one.
TANKS is correct.
yep, "tank" means "the guy in the team who sits in front and takes a ton of damage to protect the other people"
Well I had to Google MMORPG so...
@JonathanAllan yeah, but I'm not allowed to look things up.
neither are we
I'm just saying - this is after your comment
but I was too polite to say :-)
4: "Don't ___ me" meme
contact 4
uh-oh again. I don't really knowmymeme.com very well. There was a "don't tase me, bro" thing once, wasn't there? Is it TASE?
yep, that's it
<face-with-drop-of-sweat emoji>
Gareth - you're doing far better than I would :p

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