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@Ankoganit new players I think!
should I defend?
Do we have enough people?
k good
D lemon defending A
Still going!
1 (boboquack) &
no, it ended then it started again
@boboquack ampersand
or and
+1 first
neither are my word
1 (boboquack) am a gran
contact @bobo
@boboquack nag a ram anagram
@DestructibleLemon So we give you clues to words that start with A
@HelkaHomba yes
if I don't guess it, and someone else does, I reveal another letter
if it turned out to be my word, that's the goal reached
1 (boboquack) Turn back time
what does the bold 1 mean?
@boboquack dunno. pass
@HelkaHomba its the number of the clue
@DestructibleLemon Don't pass until someone makes contact
when there are a bunch of clues it helps to have the numbers
Hi @Sconibulus!
@boboquack oh right
@DestructibleLemon do we need to solve "Turn back time" before making another clue?
@HelkaHomba no
2 (boboquack) Longest, for some
@boboquack man defending induced puzzle blindness again
(AFK for a bit)
this feels like it should be obvious but I can't think of it
3: Protector
@Sconibulus its not armour
Contact on 2 @boboquack
@Sconibulus go ahead
@Sconibulus contact I think
@Sconibulus its not archon?
you're saying go for 2?
not archon
yep, go for 2
passing on 3
So I can guess it?
@Sconibulus "Angel"?
@HelkaHomba angel is messenger :P
nah, you only get one guess on Contact
@HelkaHomba you only really get one guess if you aren't defender
it was Aegis
I actually know that word
@boboquack contact
was the answer for 2 right?
sconibulous guessed already
I think it probably was, but boboquack isn't back yet
@HelkaHomba you only get to say contact before they pass
he was contacting 1 I think, which hasn't been guessed on yet, right?
10 mins ago, by boboquack
@DestructibleLemon Don't pass until someone makes contact
technically not a rule
I thought no one had guessed 1 yet
wow, this is still going
i mean sometimes noone gets it
they're valid clues until a missed contact, a successful defense or contact, or until a new letter being revealed invalidates them I think
"ago" for 1 is all I can think
not my experience. sometimes just noone gets them
Sorry if I'm not supposed to guess yet :I
@HelkaHomba yeah its fine
3: cocky
@Sconibulus arrogant
2 (Mistah) HNHH
4 2 by 2 on the sea
(This numbering seems messed up...)
/4 its not area
@DestructibleLemon no
star mine
/2 it's not angry
Contact Helka
1 hour ago, by Destructible Lemon
(-1)^-i (D lemon) required
@DestructibleLemon not it
pass on /2 and /4
don't pass until contact!
are those dead now?
@MistahFiggins contact
@HelkaHomba go ahead
any other guesses, or should I reveal?
I was going to guess APPLE for that one but refrained
@Sp3000 go ahead, Lemon passed
ARK for Helka
Ammonia (= NH3)
@Sp3000 Yes! As in noah's ark
@MistahFiggins nice
ok then
D lemon defending A S
So Sp guesses mine and you didn't. Now the word is "AS...", right?
1 (Mistah) rarest naturally ocurring (85)
@MistahFiggins contact
@MistahFiggins contact
@MistahFiggins its not astatine
did the 85 give it away?
don't feel bad
it could have been anything if you didn't have some indication
Cricket Glory
5 (Helka) leader killer
/5 it's not assassin
1 (Mistah) Stoopéd
@HelkaHomba is you 2x2 done?
@MistahFiggins it was ark
ah, gotcha
is there someone here who can do star board magic?
we don't have anyone who can clear stars though
well, Volatility might be able to, but I don't think he's actually around
room owners can I thought
yeah. boboquack is idle too
@MistahFiggins Oh, 1 again since the S restarts, gotcha
you just pick a number that is available
@Sconibulus anybody going to contact this?
2 (Helka) [mafia boss] + [locker]
@Sconibulus ...contact?
@MistahFiggins go ahead
is it... ashes?
is that a cricket series thing?
let me tell you
one time, england got destroyed by australia
and they were like awww, our cricket has died
so they burned a cricket ball and kept the ashes
I'm mostly aware of it because of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
and there is a cricket thing called the ashes which is the game between australia and england, annually I think, where they play to keep the ashes
until the next ashes anyway
sorry, on a different tab. what stars need clearing? (also, I can load up the bot, not at uni any more)
neither of boboquacks have been contacted or anything yet
we are about to get a new letter, so wait a sec
actually the second one was
What's the next letter?
D lemon defending A S S
well then
Aren't those old clues probably invalid unless the happen to start ASS-
#1 is done - it was asinine
@HelkaHomba yes
@DestructibleLemon the word is not "ASS" right? ;)
I think the second one doesn't count anymore
since you contacted with anti..., and that isn't possible anymore
@HelkaHomba no
Ok. My 2 above was
3: P-G=
if I wasn't the defender I would make the clue "falling tower", and then realise that one too many letters is revealed
Longest, for some was ANTIDISESTABLIMENTARIANISM, and Turn back time was ANTICLOCKWISE
yeah ok not as obvious as I thought
do you guys want the bot?
Yeah, if possible
The bot is currently online. Type !!help to see a list of commands.
Type !!start <letter> to begin
To start a game, type `!!start <letter>`.
To reveal a letter, type `!!add <letter>`.
If you make a mistake, type `!!typo <new-letter>`.
All clues should be in bold. The bot will automatically assign a number to the clue.
To edit a clue, type `!!edit <number> <new-clue>`.
To unstar a clue, type `!!unstar <number>`.
To end the game, type `!!reset`.
To disable the bot, type `!!shutdown`.
To see the game rules, type `!!rules`.
Destructible Lemon defending A
Destructible Lemon defending A S
Destructible Lemon defending A S S
this bot is out new ___
1 (Helka Homba): this bot is out new ___
2 (boboquack): Donkeys
Oh, bye bot!
/2 its not asses
!!edit 1 this bot is our new ___
!!edit 1 this bot is our new ___
The bot is currently online. Type !!help to see a list of commands.
The bot broke
Type !!start <letter> to begin
well nvm then
Try again...
contact on "this bot is our new ___"
don't unstar if the clue's not starred yet, I think that was the problem
go ahead for /1
can we star clues though?
(I'll need to fix that)
it'll automatically star
can we add the letters back to the bot?
@DestructibleLemon Start the game again (for the bot)
@HelkaHomba assistant?
!!start A
!!add s
Destructible Lemon defending A
@MistahFiggins correct!
Destructible Lemon defending A S
4 letters this time
Destructible Lemon defending A S S
Destructible Lemon defending A S S U
make certain
When you ______, you make an ? of you and me
@boboquack contact
1 (Mistah Figgins): make certain
@boboquack conatact
2 (boboquack): When you ______, you make an ? of you and me
/2 its not assume
!!unstar 2
@MistahFiggins contact
It's slow
this bot is being really slow today
/1 it's not assure
!!unstar 1
new clues guys!
sausages scrambled
1 (Helka Homba): sausages scrambled
contact 1 maybe
@HelkaHomba contact
@DestructibleLemon If your word is a prefix of one of our words does that count as guessing it?
@HelkaHomba don't think so
mandibulation was not said when someone said mandibles
@DestructibleLemon If it's similar enough, yes (for example plurals, verb tenses). Otherwise, no. Kind of arbitrary.
+ a synasty
@boboquack yup
2 (Mistah Figgins): + a synasty
To start a game, type `!!start <letter>`.
To reveal a letter, type `!!add <letter>`.
If you make a mistake, type `!!typo <new-letter>`.
All clues should be in bold. The bot will automatically assign a number to the clue.
To edit a clue, type `!!edit <number> <new-clue>`.
To unstar a clue, type `!!unstar <number>`.
To end the game, type `!!reset`.
To disable the bot, type `!!shutdown`.
To see the game rules, type `!!rules`.
was that a typo
Perhaps a dynasty?
!!edit 2 + a dynasty
2 (Mistah Figgins): + a dynasty
contact on 2
go ahead
ASSUMING (ming dynasty)
Can people guess my 1 just for fun :3
Destructible Lemon defending A S S U M
scrambled means anagram
was it ASSUAGES?
@DestructibleLemon Not guessed yet?
assume can have lots of variations...
That the sun will rise tomorrow
3 (boboquack): That the sun will rise tomorrow
!!unstar 1
!!unstar 2
4 (Mistah Figgins): inferences
contact 4
Contact 4
why are they pinned?
limited stars?
you can't star your own message
pin-unpin overrides that
where is #3 tho
@MistahFiggins Under 4
any contacts may guess
I was in too many rooms, so the starboard was cut off
(@MistahFiggins correct? ^)
yes, assumptions
next person gets to be defender
@DestructibleLemon That's my word too!
Oh, we got it?
who wants to defend now
DO i get to defend?
not me
@MistahFiggins I've no issue with that

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