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@DestructibleLemon Rubio had QUADRILATERAL cluing it.
@Rubio of course your labour pains are TRAVAILS, aren't they?
4 (boboquack) ACE, perhaps
@boboquack sounds like a TRIAD to me
but note that the letters are now TRA
@GarethMcCaughan It hasn't been pinned, I'll go find it
If you have pinning/starring power left, you may be the only one
I have to be AFK for 5 minutes or so, I'm afraid. Back shortly.
who deleted my Pacific?
Not me
1 D lemon that new star but no-one is annoyed about it and it doesn't have the number
(Quick! Let's spam Gareth with clues!)
3 (boboquack) Temporary parsing faze, say
4 (Rubio) Insurance provider
5 (Wesley Situ): Rubbish
@WesleySitu contact
Ooh. stars reset
@WesleySitu your rubbish is TRASH, which is not my word.
@GarethMcCaughan that's mean!
@boboquack your temporary thing seems like it should be TRANSIENT or TRANSITORY or something. Does "parsing faze, say" mean any more than "passing phase"? Could I guess also be TRANSITION or maybe even TRANSIT again. None of those is my word.
4 (Rubio) Hunter
@Rubio your hunter might be a TRACKER or a TRAPPER. Neither of those is my word.
Tracker was intended
@DestructibleLemon Is your new star one, unlike the things that turned out to be imgur links, a reference to that TRAPPIST thing? If so, is your word TRAPPIST? Mine isn't.
@GarethMcCaughan Transient +1
hey I starred something; Rubio was right
5 (Wesley Situ): Actor John, also a confused meme
possible contact 5
@WesleySitu I know nothing of actors or memes but perhaps this is TRAVOLTA?
yep thats it
what's the meme?
@GarethMcCaughan well, the word isn't trappist
placing a gif of him looking confused in images where appropriate
@DestructibleLemon oh I see. So is your word TRAP?
I thought 'confused' in the cryptics sense. hehe
ho ho
there aren't any active contacts, are there?
1 (Rubio) Great injury
3 (D lemon) that thing what boats do that is kind of like but not the thing that annoying people do online
@DestructibleLemon TRAWL
@GarethMcCaughan yes
which is essentially the same word as TROLL in the online sense
3 (D lemon) the kind of jam you won't eat but you encounter a lot if you live in populated areas
@DestructibleLemon Traffic, alas.
yup thats it
(but not alas because it's my word. it is not my word.)
3 (Rubio) Financial interaction
@Rubio contact
@Rubio That must be a TRANSACTION. Also, of course, not my word.
3 (D lemon) across archaic class
@Rubio I don't suppose your injury is either a TRAGEDY or a TRAVESTY? Neither of those seems to me like it actually means "great injury" but both are close enough that I feel I should check.
Neither, no
no more stars?
there we go
I got more stars at 1am local time, which because of summer time = midnight UTC. I don't know whether other people have them too, but Rubio said something that suggested maybe he does.
i'm not starring until the clue's been around a little bit, so we don't burn them up on insta-guesses
makes sense
I happily starred DL's latest because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to insta-guess it :-).
(disappearing for like 2 minutes)
@Rubio Can't you pinunpin anyway?
(back. more like 1m30 I think)
pins are also limited
5 (boboquack) Path-firer
contact 5
6 (Wesley Situ): Cause of death on Black Friday
contact 6
@boboquack perhaps something like TRACER or TRACER BULLET?
contact 5 too
@boboquack ah, probably TRAILBLAZER then.
however, I'm drawing an embarrassing blank on Wesley's one about Black Friday, so I'll give up on that. @Rubio what do you think it is?
ah. What particular Black Friday are we talking about here? Apologies for ignorance.
when everything goes on sale, and massive crowds wait outside of stores
Shopping nonsense in Wal-marts
that would have been easier if I were in the US. We don't really do that here in the (until recently) civilized UK :-).
anyway, I owe you another letter.
Gareth defending: T R A N
4 busted; it was Travelers
4 (boboquack) Opposite type of attire
Is that the name of a particular insurer?
1 busted, it was Trauma
Christmas group
oh, of course. I feel so damn stupid for not getting that
(TRAUMA I mean, not TRAVELERS which I have never heard of)
2 survives
gonna shakily contact on 4
@boboquack perhaps your attire one is TRANSVESTISM or some closely related word?
3 is still good
whats happening with my clue? any contact?
@GarethMcCaughan I was thinking of transvestite
nothing so far on 3, no
what if it turns out to be the correct one...
then you'll win
1 (Wesley Situ): Clear
@WesleySitu that's a truly TRANSPARENT clue
Contact rubio pacific if it hasn't been
@DestructibleLemon I suppose yours could be TRANSGENDER ; I forget whether "gender" ever exactly meant class but similar words have certainly meant similar things
@Rubio I still don't have anything good for your "Pacific" so @n_palum would you care to tell us what you think it is? (No one else has contacted that one.)
bit of a shot in the dark
No. It was Tranquil
oh, of course!
@GarethMcCaughan yeh you did it!
I dodged a bullet again there.
2 (Rubio) Lunar mare
1 (n_palum) Christmas group
@Rubio you may want either TRANQUILITY (English) or TRANQUILITATIS (Latin, to go with your mare).
The first will do. hehe
and let's face it, who wouldn't want TRANQUILITY?
@GarethMcCaughan I don't get it
2 (Rubio) Go to a new school
@Rubio Contact
(Sea of Tranquility is the name of a lunar mare)
@DestructibleLemon The "lower" regions of the moon's surface are called "seas" in English or "maria" (singular "mare") in Latin. The ?biggest? and best known is the Sea of Tranquility, or Mare Tranquilitatis
@Rubio probably just TRANSFER?
Mine stands
any contact?
2 (D lemon) across filterer
@boboquack contact
@Silenus do you mean @n_palum?
Yes, sorry
@n_palum contact
star please
I suspect that when I see this one my reaction will be either "duh, how could I be so stupid?" or "huh, never heard of this". But @n_palum I'm going to give up on your Christmas group; @Silenus what do you think it is?
@GarethMcCaughan Trans-Siberian Orchestra
@DestructibleLemon is your filtererer maybe a TRANSGRESS SIEVE? (-> transgressive)
oh derp
(if so, perhaps "cross" rather than "across"?)
@GarethMcCaughan nope
That would be it
@n_palum Well, that was number two.
So I owe another letter. It will I am sure astonish everyone to see:
may be saved by the letter
Gareth defending: T R A N S
1 (Rubio) Crossing
3 (Wesley Situ): Switch
contact 3
@WesleySitu perhaps yours is TRANSFER (we've had a similar one earlier)?
not transfer
Public ___
contact Public
@n_palum TRANSPORT, also not my word
ok, so in the interest of keeping things moving I'm not going to stare at 3 any longer. @Rubio what do you think it is?
1 (Rubio) Relocate
@Rubio sounds like either TRANSFER again or TRANSPORT.
I thought it was transfer again. But I'll guess TRANSLATE now
nope, not translate
not transfer or transport for 1
2 is still good by the way
contact wesley
yep Transpose is correct
ok. New letter:
Gareth defending: T R A N S V
You have to contact before attacker passes, btw
never mind
2 is gone
what was 2 then?
it was transceiver
trans siever
2 (Rubio) Crosswise
relocate is dead, it was transplant
what happened to Rubio's "Crossing"?
@Rubio possible contact
@DestructibleLemon go ahead
crossing is also dead, it was transit
@Rubio oh of course
is it translational
@DestructibleLemon letters don't match; try again?
letters are TRANSV
@Rubio Contact
transverse, yes..
And TRANSVERSE is in fact (probably to no one's surprise by now) my word. Well done, @Rubio!
that was long. You defend good. :)
does anyone mind me defending
I actually thought you probably had it when you posted "Crossing".
@Rubio I do my best :-).
I'm gonna take a break for a bit
@GarethMcCaughan Woohoo!
so I'll yield to the lemon
I'm going to be going to bed soon.
someone give me a 1 or a 2 to decide for me?
3 mod 2 is 1
D lemon defending N
1 (Wesley Situ): Feelings from childhood memories
@Alt-F4 wanna play
@WesleySitu nostalgia
@DestructibleLemon not rn
playing hypixel bedwars
it's insanely fun
you have fun with that
I pinged you because you were already in this room
i just never left
@n_palum contact
@n_palum numbskull seems like a long shot but is it maybe that?
n_palum isn't my word either
This is a list of burn centers in the United States. A burn center and/or burn care facility is typically a hospital ward which specializes in the treatment of severe burn injuries. As of 2011, there are 123 self-designated burn care facilities in the United States. The American Burn Association (ABA) and the American College of Surgeons (ACS) developed a joint review program to verify burn centers that meet the criteria for optimal care to burn patients. The following list includes burn centers that are known to ABA as of May 2010. The 65 burn centers that are designated as verified by ABA and...

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