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9:00 PM
Yeah, Rubio. :P
29 is dead
5 would be Epsilon
There was no guess made for #29. What exactly are you confirming?
was (mt) Everest
Clue text must be bold (surround it with ** or __). Please try again.
9:00 PM
nope, wasn't epsilon D:
!kill 29
!kill 29
Number three, written poorly (5) -> ETHER*
so it doesn't understand "clue# is dead" I guess?
74 Famous poorly restored portrait of Jesus
9:01 PM
It's supposed to, but it somehow thinks it's a confirmation instead.
it picks up the "is"
it sees "# is ..." and that takes precedence, i'm sure
7: Rung
Yeah, but it's supposed to look for "is dead" before a general "is".
go have a stern talking to it then, cuz it' ain't workin'
9:02 PM
7 ✓
I've tried a few times.
75 Ghost flesh
Anyone else is welcome. The code is on GitHub.
7': Rung?
9:02 PM
75 ✔️
Contact 7'
7' ✔️
There doesn't appear to be an active clue with the number 7', so you can't make a guess.
76 Close relative of a duck-beaver
9:03 PM
ung woulda been better lol
Yeah, yeah.
76 ✔️
I don't think they're that closely related, though.
They just both happen to be egg-laying mammals.
afk for about 2 minutes
77 Country with only two seasons
1: Easter, to Douglas Adams?
9:07 PM
6: Android OS version
78 Basically a glorified shadow
contact 78
contact 78
You expect me to remember an Android version that far back... ?
9:09 PM
2: Panache
No, mr. Bond. I expect you to pass.
pass 78
Clue #78 (Basically a glorified shadow) was contacted by: Deusovi, Rubio. Make your guesses (one each)!
(Multiple guesses will be ignored until the first is confirmed.)
9:10 PM
78 ✔️
You guessed correctly. GentlePurpleRain must give up a letter!
My brain is not working optimally right now.
Defending: E C R
77 dies, Ecuador
1 lives
9:10 PM
74 dies, Ecce Homo
2 dies, ECLAT
6 dies, ECLAIR
1 : Easter, to Douglas Adams? (by Rubio)
(all android OSes are named after desserts)
9:11 PM
There are currently no contacted clues! C'mon, people! Pick it up!
Got me wondering, will Android Q be quiche?
@Deusovi That I knew. Couldn't think of one starting with EC, though.
Quiche is not a dessert.
4: Unbleached, literally
I think we need a starbot
9:14 PM
That's Mithrandir's department.
regarding 1, Damogran had two islands named Easter Island and France. Easter Island's name being a coincidence, in that "easter" in galacticspeak means something like "small, boring, and light brown" ... i forget the exact details.
contact 1
Clue #1 (Easter, to Douglas Adams?) was contacted by: Deusovi. Make your guess!
9:15 PM
My word was ECRU
Game over! John Dvorak wins with the clue Basically a glorified shadow, guessed by Rubio. The solution (and presumably GentlePurpleRain's word) was ECRU.
Remaining clues (for reference):
and we're all shocked I'm sure. ;)
9:15 PM
I assume that's also the answer for 4?
4 : Unbleached, literally (by Deusovi)
1 : Easter, to Douglas Adams? (by Rubio) (contacted by Deusovi)
Stats for game #43:
I’m a bit busy rn, but if you guys are still going in an hour or so I can join in
  Defender:          Deusovi
  Duration:          70h 59m 20s
  Players:           9
  Clues:             38
  % clues solved:    39.5
  Avg. clues/letter: 7.6
(yes, it's what "ecru" literally means in French)
9:16 PM
Lens is very confused.
oh Lens
I think it thought this was all a continuation of the last game, somehow...
Anyway, the actual winner is RUBIO.
yah we just killed the clues, we didn't reset the game
9:18 PM
it also seems to only remember the last "# ✔️" or equivalent - if you don't guess and confirm with a clue number, it thinks the wrong clue (and thus the wrong winner) was the last successful attack
I have about 1/2 hour left before I need to leave.
Rubio, I actually added code to fix that, but apparently it doesn't handle all cases.
ok lightning round rules I guess.
Lens's code really is terrible. It's the second Python program I ever wrote.
Refresh me on lightning round rules? You just are quicker to pass?
What was the first one?
John, I worked on improvements to Shiro in the Codenames room.
9:19 PM
Rubio defending: S A
New game ID is 44 (you can use this to !resume an unfinished game if something goes wrong).
yeah I quick pass
and give more than one letter to start hehe
8: Schmuck in a tree
hi guys
Contact 8
9:20 PM
Contact 8
4: Affliction caused by lack of sunlight
23: Baseball reliever statistic for completing a game
Clue text must be bold (surround it with ** or __). Please try again.
70 M87* atop an evil-looking tower?
9:22 PM
Clue #8 (Schmuck in a tree) was contacted by: Deusovi, Brandon_J. Make your guesses (one each)!
8: SAP
(Multiple guesses will be ignored until the first is confirmed.)
oh good lord.
9:22 PM
You guessed correctly. Rubio must give up a letter!
Rubio defending: S A L
70 dies
9: Online security technique
71 Jumping spiders
23 dies although it was never alive
45: Army with red shields and buckets
9:23 PM
2: Pavlovian response
2: It's not SALIVATE
45: It's not SALVATION (ARMY)
45: correct
9:24 PM
@JohnDvorak, it's been more than 1.5 minutes since Rubio provided a new letter, and you still haven't indicated whether clue #70 is alive or dead.
@GentlePurpleRain, it's been more than 1.5 minutes since Rubio provided a new letter, and you still haven't indicated whether clue #4 is alive or dead.
@GentlePurpleRain, Rubio guessed SALIVATE for clue #2. Please confirm or deny the guess.
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by John Dvorak)
71 : Jumping spiders (by John Dvorak)
9 : Online security technique (by GentlePurpleRain)
70 : M87* atop an evil-looking tower? (by John Dvorak) (status uncertain)
4 : Affliction caused by lack of sunlight (by GentlePurpleRain) (status uncertain)
9:24 PM
2: correct
!kill 70
!kill 4
!kill 2
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by John Dvorak)
71 : Jumping spiders (by John Dvorak)
9 : Online security technique (by GentlePurpleRain)
72 Yard or garage, perhaps
2 is stuck. Just ignore it.
9:25 PM
3: Dangerous bacteria found in eggs and other things.
dang that was too easy
4: Inventor of the polio vaccine
78: greetings and ____________
contact 78
9:25 PM
Contact 4
3: It's not SALMONELLA
contact 3
72: It's not SALE
78: It's not SALUTATIONS, Charlotte
9:26 PM
72 ✔️
3: Correct
78: correct
7: Caesar or a greek
figured since we're on the web
4: It's not SALK
missed that
7: It's not SALAD
9:27 PM
4: ✓
7 : Caesar or a greek (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALAD by Rubio)
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by John Dvorak)
71 : Jumping spiders (by John Dvorak)
9 : Online security technique (by GentlePurpleRain)
73 Guy famous for his unusual clock designs? (8 4)
contact 73
9:27 PM
78: Pale yellow complexction
The following clues are currently contacted:
#2 by John Dvorak
#73 by Deusovi
Contact 73
73: It's not SALVADOR DALI
73 ✔️
9:27 PM
also typo on 78 mb
78: It's not SALLOW
We are currently waiting on Brandon_J to confirm Rubio's guess for clue #78. Please wait until that has been done before making another guess.
Brandon, you can always edit.
9:28 PM
78: correct
9: Dirty
There is already an active clue #9. Please edit or repost with a different number.
oh whoops
10: Dirty
Yeah, just no one starred it.
74 Money liked by vegetarians?
9:28 PM
74 : Money liked by vegetarians? (by John Dvorak)
10 : Dirty (by Deusovi)
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by John Dvorak)
71 : Jumping spiders (by John Dvorak)
9 : Online security technique (by GentlePurpleRain)
10: It's not SALACIOUS maybe
10 ✓
9:29 PM
89: healing topical mixture
is 9 from SAL?
I don't understand the question.
It does start with SAL, yes.
9: It's not SALT maybe
89: It's not SALVE
9:30 PM
90: NOT a lizard
90: It's not SALAMANDER
74: It's (still) not SALAD ?
Actually it's not a lizard
The word being defended starts with SAL. Your guess starts with (ST. Try again.
74 x
9:31 PM
oh hush Lens
90: correct
There was no guess made for #74. What exactly are you saying no to?
@Brandon_J, Rubio guessed SALVE for clue #89. Please confirm or deny the guess.
89 : healing topical mixture (by Brandon_J) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALVE by Rubio)
74 : Money liked by vegetarians? (by John Dvorak)
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by John Dvorak)
71 : Jumping spiders (by John Dvorak)
89: correct
contact 71
9:31 PM
!kill 2
Clue #71 (Jumping spiders) was contacted by: Brandon_J. Make your guess!
71: Salticidae
i should know that too
71 ✔️
You guessed correctly. Rubio must give up a letter!
9:32 PM
Rubio defending: S A L V
sounds like the spiders wanna kill all of the salt
2: Deliverance
74 dies, salary
There is already an active clue #2. Please edit or repost with a different number.
9:33 PM
contact 2
3: Deliverance
i mean I knew it had to start SALTI but would have been outright guessing at the rest
contact 3
9:33 PM
3: It's not SALVATION
7: Recover
77: repurposed wreckage
Contact 7
9:33 PM
7, 77: It's not SALVAGE
The word being defended starts with SALV. Your guess starts with ,77:. Try again.
7: It's not SALVAGE
7: ✓
77: It's not SALVAGE
9:34 PM
@GentlePurpleRain, it's been more than 1.5 minutes since Rubio provided a new letter, and you still haven't indicated whether clue #2 is alive or dead.
77: correct
5: Bombardment
5: It's not SALVO
Contact 5
9:34 PM
5: ✓
87: Mint
87 : Mint (by Brandon_J)
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by Deusovi) (status uncertain)
9:35 PM
!kill 2
87: It's not SALVIA maybe? is that a mint thing?
87 : Mint (by Brandon_J)
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by Deusovi)
2 is stuck. It won't die.
87: correct
9:36 PM
2: it's not SALIVATE
We are currently waiting on GentlePurpleRain to confirm Rubio's guess for clue #2. Please wait until that has been done before making another guess.
try confirming it again?
just did :)
9:37 PM
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by Deusovi)
9: Paint thinner, in the deep south?
What the deuce?
ooh, ooohh ohh!
45: flower term from biology
I don't even remember what it means
That's probably not a good hint.
You would expect flower terms to come from biology, yes :P
Well, there's the flour terms from home ec
9:40 PM
I can't think of anything for either of those clues. hehe
So, question - what's the policy on related words? if salvation is clued, is salvations still a word we could use?
or salvors for salvage
(if I remember correctly)
@Brandon_J Those are considered the same (if you guess one and the defended word is the other, you win).
plurals and tenses are normally granted
9:41 PM
OK, cool
salvors is different from salvage
Is that a word?
I assume it's people who salvage
I'm not familiar with it
But SALVAGERS would be considered the same as SALVAGE, right?
Pretty sure I remember it from a WWII book
So is this a stalemate or a win for Rubio?
9:43 PM
A defender can't really ever win
I can't think of anything not related to the words we've already guessed...
right, it's not a "win"
By the way with the biology thing - I think it had something to do with having a trumpet-like shape
if you choose a word that people don't know, you've failed as a defender
9:44 PM
I know exactly one word not already guessed and I didn't think it was that obscure, so sorry
No prob
Is it obscure, or are we just missing something obvious?
Could be either one!
should he reveal?
9:45 PM
If none of us can come up with anything, he'll have to.
About 2,830,000 results (0.38 seconds)
Does that count as too obscure? It seems like it shouldn't.
That doesn't sound too obscure...
for comparison, "salvo" gives 310m results, and "salvia" gives 37.6m
9:46 PM
so no chance I'm getting it then
yeah same for me. I'm toast.
hehe ok then
I need a salve to be my salvation from this salvo that came through
just found it -- yeah, that's a word I never would've gotten
oh what was it?
9:47 PM
I suspect Gareth would have it immediately, but that isn't exactly the best benchmark. :)
Definitely not the best
6: One who salves
but isn't that related?
9:48 PM
...but clue #6 hasn't been contacted!? Ok, I guess you know what you're doing... (You can !unpass if you made a mistake.)
6: ✓
I would assume that was covered by SALVE.
You guessed correctly. Rubio must give up a letter!
9:48 PM
My word was SALVER
Game over! Deusovi wins with the clue One who salves, guessed by GentlePurpleRain. The solution (and presumably Rubio's word) was SALVER.
and it's also Rubio's word, which does not mean what I clued it to
Yeah I thought that was covered by salve
Remaining clues (for reference):
which is a serving platter
9:48 PM
(or at least, does not solely mean that)
45 : flower term from biology (by Brandon_J)
9 : Paint thinner, in the deep south? (by GentlePurpleRain)
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by Deusovi)
A salver is a flat tray of silver, other metal or glass used for carrying or serving glasses, cups, and dishes at a table, or for the presenting of a letter or card by a servant. In a royal or noble household the fear of poisoning led to the custom of tasting the food or drink before it was served to the master and his guests; this was known as the assay of meat and drink, and in Spanish was called salva. The verb salvar means to preserve from risk, from the Latin salvare, to save. The term salva was also applied to the dish or tray on which the food or drink was presented after the tasting process...
OOOOH the platter
yeah that
9:49 PM
very nice
That makes sense. Never heard of that before.
I feel like an idiot now. At least it isn't a new feeling.
I'd like a second chance at defending if you're alright with it
My terrible 9 clue was SALVENT (or maybe SAHLVENT?)
oh... lol
9:50 PM
I've gotta go. Have fun.
seeya GPR
Do we have time for another?
You all up for another game?
9:51 PM
can do
i'm in
I’m on mobile rn so I’ll have to sit out for a bit until I can get on my iPad
I'd be up for another
@Brandon_J you want to defend?
9:53 PM
I have a decent word
never mind too obscure
@PiIsNot3 ... because iPad isn't mobile? hehe
give me a sec to think
@Rubio Have you seen anyone use an iPad like a phone?
"as" a phone, I have. "like" a phone, no.
See, case closed
9:54 PM
OK I have one. Not too hard, but fun
But the other day I did see some elderly gentleman using one of those intentionally retro designs with the big buttons and no fancy features
do I need to tell the bot to start a new game?
thing was ridiculous looking by modern phone aesthetics. hehe
If you just "... defending X" it will do the right thing
OK I’m ready now
9:55 PM
Brandon defending R
aw snap
ahh and there's gareth
Gareth is in the room
Trying for my redemption here
ok Gareth: the letters are S A L V, and all of these are dead:
what's the word :)
9:56 PM
Is the bot silenced?
Might be
He starred my comment though, I think
45 : flower term from biology (by Brandon_J) (status uncertain)
9 : Paint thinner, in the deep south? (by GentlePurpleRain) (status uncertain)
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by Deusovi) (status uncertain)
1: Canine
Contact 1 lol
I think we need to hard reset Lens
9:57 PM
1: Rubio
@Brandon_J, it's been more than 1.5 minutes since Brandon_J provided a new letter, and you still haven't indicated whether clue #45 is alive or dead.
@GentlePurpleRain, it's been more than 1.5 minutes since Brandon_J provided a new letter, and you still haven't indicated whether clues #2 and #9 are alive or dead.
@Lens XD XD
GPR, fix your bot!
1 ✓
I don't recognize that command, or you don't have sufficient permission. Type !help for a list of valid commands.
9:58 PM
Hello! I'm Lens, a bot to help with the game of Contact.
I will try to keep track of the game state and keep the game moving. If you're on my whitelist, you can use the following commands to communicate with me (some are mod-only):
!clues - list all active clues
!contacts [<clueNum>] - list contacts for a specific clue or all clues
!unpass - undo a "pass" if you made a mistake
!kill - remove a clue from the list of active clues. This will kill anyone's clue, not just your own.
!gameover - ends a game, resetting my data
!uncontact <clueNum> - remove all contacts for clue <clueNum>
!shutup [<minutes>] - silence me completely for the specified amount of time (defaults to 10 min)
Remaining clues (for reference):
45 : flower term from biology (by Brandon_J) (status uncertain)
9 : Paint thinner, in the deep south? (by GentlePurpleRain) (status uncertain)
2 : Pavlovian response (by GentlePurpleRain) (waiting for confirmation of guess SALIVATE by Rubio) (contacted by Deusovi) (status uncertain)
Brandon defending R
9:58 PM
3.14 computer fruit
yah ok the bot is broke
3.14 Raspberry
3.14 ✔️
Nice clue
70 Country meeting again

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