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6:00 PM
he just said "this" instead of "..."
yeah "this" is a lazy clue used when the letters-so-far makes an actual word
^ I agree
Ah, I didn't know that
6:00 PM
"..." is different from "this"
So Pavel defends.
Hamming distance: 4
@Mithrandir technically "..." can be more general
@JohnDvorak hamming distance with different lengths? mmm
6:01 PM
pretty sure you mean Levenshtein distance
I think "this" means "current letters are a word" and "..." means "current letters either are a word or are a common abbreviation starting a word, and perhaps the number is a hint"
I did mean edit distance, though
You can pad with \0s
Like R with "..." could be a lazy clue for "radius" or similar
or \u200Bs... >_>
6:03 PM
I don't recognize that command, or you don't have sufficient permission. Type !help for a list of valid commands.
this is "Con", not "Cod" ;-)
What are you trying to determine?
Pavel is next up to defend.
@Pavel knock knock
I was afk
Oh I can defend
One sec
Pavel defending K
6:09 PM
New game ID is 32 (you can use this to !resume an unfinished game if something goes wrong).
1: Who's there?
1: Knock knock
70: "But isn't it healthy?" "I'm glat that you asked. Lettuce and _ make thyroids too fast"
1: KNOCK KNOCK is correct.
6:11 PM
dang I don't know this one
2: C=O
2: carbon monoxide
6:12 PM
70' Penultimate word of the title of the work 70 comes from
no it starts with k
@Cowsquack are you 100% sure?
I know his word...
6:13 PM
contact 2
71 Prominent member of St. Nicholas' entourage
judging by the other contacts, yes, at least 99% now
pass 70
6:14 PM
35 underwear
56: Evil German Santa
too late folks
yeah but where's lens? >.>
6:15 PM
> seen 6m ago
I think Lens has been shut down
Come on guys we don't need to depend on bots
I agree
3 billion people contacted 70
Someone guess already
70 is Kale
6:17 PM
70: Kale?
70 ✔️
Pavel defending K A
71 dies
2 dies, was ketone
56 dies: KRAMPUS
6:18 PM
70' dies
35 dies: Knickers
@Cowsquack yes, that's a K
57: Broken German
danish /s
20: go-
6:19 PM
1: Au^
20: Kart?
71 Famous abroad, pest in its own country
20 yes
71: Katy Perry, I assume?
Yeah she's a pest here as well /s
6:20 PM
Why are you guessing
oh damn it was a lapse
oh sorry
1: Karat?
6:21 PM
72 Type of caves found in Czechia
1: y
1: @John wins a Codenames game.
3: Comes back to you
3: Karma?
3: KARMA is correct.
4: makes fractals
6:24 PM
73 The philosopher who could?
That clue made me giggle
um, star the unfair 1 please?
58: variant spelling?
6:25 PM
73: Kant
73 ✔️
@JohnDvorak Didn't notice the A
Pass 1
6:26 PM
hm, won't ask you to put a new letter
1: y
Pavel defending K A I
...and you did anyway
71 dies, kangaroo
72 dies, karst
4 dies, Kaleidoscope
oh uh k
6:27 PM
57 dies: Kaputt
never mind
75 Ruby^4 (how {do you}^4) (6 5)
36: palindrome
36: variant spelling?
6:30 PM
5: Wood pins?
@JohnDvorak Not that I know of, let me check
(I'm amazed I remembered this word.....)
No google!
pass 36
Nevermind 36, it's wrong indeed
6:31 PM
Stop Googling stuff
What does kaiak mean
I know of kayaks
@JohnDvorak my bad. It's Kayak, yes.
Like canoe, but the other count of paddles
6:32 PM
Yeah just spelled wrong
alternate spelling of kayak, I thought, so i clued "boat", and then was unsure so retracted
I've seen it spelled Kaiak many times though
Anyway, technically... the attacker's word doesn't have to be a word
that is true
My bad anyways.
6:34 PM
76 Japanese mecha to fight interdimensional evil
Just remember, @J.Sallé - no Googling stuff during a game
@John I think @PAvel has to give us a letter
I don't count kaiak as fair / valid
@Mithrandir sure thing
Yeah me neither
6:35 PM
Well, technically.
"palindrome" was still a guessable clue.
@Mithrandir um... account? :P
Pavel defending K A I R
75 dies, Kaiser Chefs
there goes what should've been 76...
6:35 PM
@Erik for telling people off, this account is better :P
5 dies; KAITS
36 is still starred, was it the bot?
!kill 36
76 Kity on Nile
97 Critical moment
6:37 PM
Anyway, I'm out of words.
Yeah same.
My brain's thesaurus is blank for KAIR
I'll head off then I gues
If anyone knows what 97 is I'll pass
pass it anyway
Do I just say the word
6:38 PM
or just say "Yes, my word is <word>" if you're absolutely sure
(retracting 76)
or that ^^^
wait hold on.. mine might not be a valid word
Yes, my word is Kairos
6:39 PM
well that's awkward
oh wait, ok then
I guess 97 was valid
kairos is a word
No idea what Kairos means.
It's Ancient Greek for Critical or Opportune moment
Well, a critical moment
6:40 PM
I was pretty close with Kairo then :P
in Greek it means "time" or "weather"...
that's why I wasn't sure if it was a valid word.. cos it's greek :P
In English Lit it means moment of opportunity
Yeah I supposed it was Greek in origin at least
6:40 PM
@Skids is up - or, if y'all want, we can transfer to Codenames
I'm busy...
Never played codenames, but I'm down to a last game of whatever before heading home.
Esp. in rheotoric, when you give a speech it has Kairos if it's occuring at a moment that will give it more power due to some recent occurance


For playing the game Codenames. New players, see puzzling.meta...
@Pavel TIL
6:41 PM
I'm down for one last game of contact
if people are gunna stick around
I'm out
Alrighty then
Skidsdev defending: A
1: Morningstar
1': Significant Other
1'': SO's father
6:45 PM
10: appendages
oops, wrong account again
10: Arm?
so those 3 will need manual stars
10: yes (armS)
2: Blue wizard
6:46 PM
11: old collectable
11: Antique
11 yes
2: Archmage?
2: ARCHMAGE is incorrect.
3: The Hobbit:
6:48 PM
12: horns
12: Antlers
12 yes
dammit I haven't seen or read the hobbit D:
4: Selene's replacement
4': the sibling of Selene's replacement
13: inert gas
6:50 PM
13: Argon
4'': the half-sibling of these folks
13 yes
Pass on 1
nobody contacted 1 yet
Was it contacted?
6:50 PM
oh can I not pass until it's contacted? Ok
You can but it's not necessary
You can't unless you think that it's your word.
ah ok
5: their birth gave a new definition to the term "splitting headache"
5: Artemis
6:52 PM
5: ARTEMIS is incorrect.
Oops wrong godess
5: Aphrodite
14: sealed vial
5: APHRODITE is incorrect.
6: The beautiful daughter of a bunch of bloody sea foam.
7: Not the Vanir.
7': Where these folks (including one with famous construction equipment) lived, primarily
6:54 PM
5: Apollo?
5: APOLLO is incorrect.
....oh, the bot hasn't been starring
oh did I screw it up by trying to pass? :P
6:56 PM
ok I think that's all of them starred now
6, 7, and 7' are contacted.
3 is also
Pass on 3
I'm not gunna get that one
3 is An Unexpected Journey
6:58 PM
Ok so now I have to reveal another letter, right?
Skidsdev defending: AR
14 dies, Ampoule
borg is mithrandir wat
6:58 PM
7' dies; ASGARD
7 dies; AESIR
ah, clearly I don't know my norse mythology well enough
5 dies; ATHENA
ah ffs
how was it aphrodite?
I knew it was the greek deity that was birthed from zeus' forehead, I just completely blanked on Athena

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