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Welcome to chat for: Ukrainian Language
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Welcome Everyone! :) ( Hi @Serg! :) )
Q: How to choose the proper future form of verbs, e.g. “буду писати” vs. “писатиму”?

bytebusterUkrainian has two forms of future tense: буду + Infinitive; using suffix -му. Many people told me that both are equivalent, however I've seen those who would prefer one of these (usually, the second one). What is the rule of thumb for using the future tense in Ukrainian?

Hey! Can we get all those questions we had from the commitment phase imported into Ukrainain.SE? I had one there.
You have to manually ask them.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Very true
The first moderator to come into this room! :)
Q: What is our stance on cross-language duplicate questions?

bytebusterSince our site is supposed to be bilingual, sooner or later we will stuck into this question. Say, two questions appear on our site, differing only by language used for asking: Чому слово "собака" вживається як у жіночому так і в чоловічому роді? Why the word "собака" is being used both as mas...

Congrats: Sasha! :) ( Your proposal made it into the private beta! (Now let's see if will go public!))
Тут ще ні-раз не говорили по-українське? :-)
Браво за цей усьпіх!
I forgot the "it" in "Now let's see if "it goes here" will go public."
Translated: "No one here has yet spoken in Ukrainian? :-)" "Congratulations for this Ukrainian Language success".
I have a Stack Exchange friend who is a Ukrainian :)
He goes by the name: @Serg.
Does ping let you ping people cross-site, even those without an account, just like that?
1 hour later…
@Serg Hi! :)
@IwillnotexistIdonotexist Technically, if person has been in the room before, you can ping them. Otherwise, i don't think so. And yes, it works across the sites, if that user has at least 20 rep , I think. I'm not registered on Ukrainian site, yet I can still come to chatrooms, because 40k on another site.

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