This is a general discussion room, but please feel free to create more subject-specific rooms (a single room with every possible discussion isn't very helpful)
Ukrainian has two forms of future tense:
буду + Infinitive;
using suffix -му.
Many people told me that both are equivalent, however I've seen those who would prefer one of these (usually, the second one).
What is the rule of thumb for using the future tense in Ukrainian?
Since our site is supposed to be bilingual, sooner or later we will stuck into this question.
Say, two questions appear on our site, differing only by language used for asking:
Чому слово "собака" вживається як у жіночому так і в чоловічому роді?
Why the word "собака" is being used both as mas...
@IwillnotexistIdonotexist Technically, if person has been in the room before, you can ping them. Otherwise, i don't think so. And yes, it works across the sites, if that user has at least 20 rep , I think. I'm not registered on Ukrainian site, yet I can still come to chatrooms, because 40k on another site.