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Q: Does sugar or dairy contribute to more loss of life?

Colin EllisOf the many studies that show reduced lifespan due to diary and sugar, had anyone compared the two to see which is worse? I ask because the elimination of one usually results in an increase in the other to keep taste in processed foods.

10 hours later…
He seems to be creating a false choice. Dairy or sugar, why not just eat healthy food 'for health reasons'.
I don't think it is on topic
I don't think sugar is a dairy replacement
No I couldn't think what food he could be talking about that did that.
Low fat options might have more sugar, but that's not the same as low dairy
Q: Does sugar or dairy contribute to more loss of life?
Low fat flavoured yogurt etc
A: Yes
@DavidS hahaha
Yeah, plain or unsweetened alpro yoghurt I bet doesn't have more sugar than plain dairy yoghurt (not that I ever really liked or ate yoghurt before I was vegan)
@DavidS I love Alpro! It used to be unfindable in France so I discovered the brand in Hungary but we have it since '18 and I love it
Yeah I suppose it's easy for us to take it for granted but alpro is kind of the default here..
but I've watched some youtubers who are vegan and they visit the UK for something and are like "alpro !"
1 hour later…
I'm actually not a fan of a alpro yogurt. I prefer the French brand Sojade
Alpro add thickeners and stuff
Oh I've never tried Sojade
Maybe I will.
I think I might have seen it and thought it was dairy
Tesco's plain soya yogurt is similar
I buy that one in my hometown because I can't get sojade
I quite like provamel unsweetened with almond or coconut
My mum's favourite used to be Koko brand, but now she gets alpro vanilla haha she says it's like eating custard for breakfast
The types I like have minimal ingredients. They aren't very nice alone but I feel they are more versatile than others. You can make raita and tzatziki with them.
Of course my favourite yogurt is COYO brand
But I eat a lot of yogurt (in UK) and I would be very in debt and very fat if I ate that quantity of Coyo...
@Malavika you said you are vegan
I don't know any vegans in India except you!
lots of yoghurts to try then :)
im just having a sort of sea soup for lunch, noodles, seaweed, fish sauce, shitakes, gochu jiang and miso.
regret buckwheat noodles though
should have gone rice
fish is in implied quotes I suppose.
@Malavika I have met other vegans in India and from India but I don't really know them. I'm not saying they don't exist or anything
@Malavika would you like to tell the story?
@DavidS sounds good
I only just had my lunch :(
I tried to go for something semi healthy because I will probably have pizza tonight
I was so hungry I forgot to put walnuts in my beetroot mustard walnut salad
oh no.
did you find mustard greens? :)
I think so. I found some greens. Could be mustard
I have got another beetroot so I'll try again tomorrow
It was yummy, but the greens were sort of chewy
I think I will zhuzh them before adding to the pan
Along with the walnuts
Its funny because walnuts are horrendously expensive and I walked about in the filthy weather most unwillingly to get them
Why do I make so many unnecessary mistakes?
perhaps present you making the salad just couldn't conceive of the altruism of previous you that bought walnuts and so didn't think to look for any in the cupboard
altruism is the wrong word.
but near enough
You got me
Obviously it was just a side dish
So I didn't pay enough attention
Sounds like it was a harrowing time buying walnuts, it's no surprise you've suppressed the memory.
welcome back.
3 hours later…
@Malavika is that not incorrect?
Eggs are non-veg in India, right?
So "pure vegetarian" in india means permanent (as in, not just on festivals and specific days of the week) lacto-vegetarian
not ovo-lacto-vegetarian
So the article is... wrong?
I am well aware that many Indians are lacto-vegetarians
But I have met very few who are vegan
Yes I am vegan, although sometimes I eat dairy products outside home here as it is difficult to avoid. I really dislike eating dairy products and I hope I will get better at avoiding them. But veg restaurants are serving many things containing dairy here
For example putting ghee. I don't want to ask about every dish does this contain ghee. So simply I keep quiet and eat
How do you manage?
I mostly eat inside anyway
Are you cooking?
Me too :)
@Malavika no, in general
If you like cooking @Malavika I'm surprised you don't talk about it... I mean, that would be on topic in this room
@Malavika :) hope to hear your concerts

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