Of the many studies that show reduced lifespan due to diary and sugar, had anyone compared the two to see which is worse? I ask because the elimination of one usually results in an increase in the other to keep taste in processed foods.
Yeah, plain or unsweetened alpro yoghurt I bet doesn't have more sugar than plain dairy yoghurt (not that I ever really liked or ate yoghurt before I was vegan)
I buy that one in my hometown because I can't get sojade
I quite like provamel unsweetened with almond or coconut
My mum's favourite used to be Koko brand, but now she gets alpro vanilla haha she says it's like eating custard for breakfast
The types I like have minimal ingredients. They aren't very nice alone but I feel they are more versatile than others. You can make raita and tzatziki with them.
Of course my favourite yogurt is COYO brand
But I eat a lot of yogurt (in UK) and I would be very in debt and very fat if I ate that quantity of Coyo...
perhaps present you making the salad just couldn't conceive of the altruism of previous you that bought walnuts and so didn't think to look for any in the cupboard
So "pure vegetarian" in india means permanent (as in, not just on festivals and specific days of the week) lacto-vegetarian
not ovo-lacto-vegetarian
So the article is... wrong?
I am well aware that many Indians are lacto-vegetarians
But I have met very few who are vegan
Yes I am vegan, although sometimes I eat dairy products outside home here as it is difficult to avoid. I really dislike eating dairy products and I hope I will get better at avoiding them. But veg restaurants are serving many things containing dairy here
For example putting ghee. I don't want to ask about every dish does this contain ghee. So simply I keep quiet and eat