@mitchelljohnstone probably missing something, but not seeing a way to trim the two args down to equal size without them being being "enclosed" at the end, unless I use mix. eg, this works for the basic calculation, but only with the mix, otherwise it returns the answer enclosed: ↑⍤(≤⌿⌊⍥≢↑¨,⍥⊂)
does apl have non-overlapping n-wise reduce. ie, the equivalent of _2]\] in J? Link
I noticed the specifying a negative reverse the results in apl, rather making the window non-overlapping, but thought there might be another way to achieve it.
@mitchelljohnstone Nice, I was wondering if there was a shortcut for the (⍪2 2) part, since there is in J. Neither language afaik allows a wildcard for one position in shape, which I think would be a nice feature.