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@Adám no, i did not.
i could make one, if that's a thing people want.
3 hours later…
@Razetime Right, sorry; bad memory. It was AviFS and for RIDE schemes. I made a plugin for the Windows IDE such that the schemes are kept in text files, making them easy to share, but I'm not sure how much value there is in rendering/editing them outside the IDE.
9 hours later…
Welcome to APL Quest 2019-8! Today's quest is Going the Distance:
> Given a vector of (X Y) points, or a single X Y point, determine the total distance covered when travelling in a straight line from the first point to the next one, and so on until the last point, then returning directly back to the start. For example, given the points (A B C) ← (¯1.5 ¯1.5)(1.5 2.5)(1.5 ¯1.5), the distance A to B is 5, B to C is 4 and C back to A is 3, for a total of 12.
That looks quite involved.
yes it does
but the main part is squaring and root
> (2*⍨⊃⍵)+2*⍨⊃⌽⍵
isn't that +⌿2*⍨⍵ ?
{((2*⍨⊃⍵)+2*⍨⊃⌽⍵)*0.5}¨ is basically {((2*⍨⍺)+2*⍨⍵)*0.5} inserted into each pair.
@Silas Yes it is, which is what I was getting at.
{((2*⍨⍺)+2*⍨⍵)*0.5} is {(+/2*⍨⍺ ⍵)*0.5}
But since we want to take both on the right, it is simply {(+/2*⍨⍵)*0.5}
so +/⍢2*⍨ ?
It'd be +/⍢(*∘2) or +/⍢(×⍨)
yeah, no hyper-operators
How would that work?
@Richard Less awkward than 2-/⍵,⊂⊃⍵ is ⍵-1⌽⍵
ah, was thinking the under would take the 2*⍨ as ⍵⍵ but you can't do that as operators can't take operators. Or would that be a derived function?
2*⍨ isn't anything.
So, now Richard's solution is down to {+/{(+/2*⍨⍵)*0.5}¨⍵-1⌽⍵}
We can straighten out the inner dfn to {+/{0.5*⍨+/⍵*2}¨⍵-1⌽⍵}
+/⍵*2 is the same as +.×⍨⍵ giving us {+/{0.5*⍨+.×⍨⍵}¨⍵-1⌽⍵}
Now it should be trivial to make the inner dfn tacit: {+/(0.5*⍨+.×⍨)¨⍵-1⌽⍵}
But note that this is an atop where the post-processing function 0.5*⍨ is a scalar function; no need to include that in the Each: {+/0.5*⍨+.×⍨¨⍵-1⌽⍵}
@Adám why don't you need to bind the 0.5 here?
It is an Agh fork: 0.5 *⍨ +.×⍨
right - thought so, but all the ⍨'s looked like you'd need one
We can combine +.×⍨¨ with - as an explicit atop: {+/0.5*⍨⍵+.×⍨¨⍤-1⌽⍵}
This is a preparation step for going all tacit: +/0.5*⍨⊢+.×⍨¨⍤-1∘⌽
For show-off, we can combine +/0.5*⍨ into yet another inner product: 0.5+.*⍨⊢+.×⍨¨⍤-1∘⌽
I don't like non-integers: 2+.*∘÷⍨⊢+.×⍨¨⍤-1∘⌽
Nice solution, @Richard!
@Adám If you rewrite it like you did :)
I had a very similar one: 2+.*∘÷⍨2+.*¨⍨⊢-1∘⌽
This one is interesting in that we see the symmetry between 2+.*∘÷⍨ and 2+.*¨⍨
Because of the ¨ we couldn't just write this as an under.
Could you mix the vector at the start to help with that?
I was just about to try that.
Beautiful: 2+.*∘÷⍨2+.*⍨↑-1⊖↑
It does mix twice, but looks better for it.
Are you going to do this step by step in the video?
Ah, I'd gotten to {+⌿.5*⍨+/2*⍨(⊢-1∘⊖)↑⍵}
@Richard I probably should, shouldn't I?
@Silas That's the same, just more readable :-)
so it is - thought your double mix was slightly different but just slight manipulation
@Adám I would appreciate that because it has some nice steps in it
Beautiful! Test data for this just random points right? Thinking of seeing just how much the inner products speed things up
Alternative: +/1⊥⍤1⍢(×⍨)↑-1⊖↑ or even 1⊥1⊥⍤1⍢(×⍨)↑-1⊖↑ for lots of 1s :-)
1⊥⍣2 on the front?
No, the ⊥⍤1 is the operand to
Hey, remember this idea I had that if we add where monadic is 2√ then we should also add a power function ↖←*⍨ where monadic is 2↖?
Didn't know you had an idea for a glyph but yeah?
Nah, the glyph isn't set in stone. Just had to find something fitting now.
And this one also works for 3D!
Doesn't the previous? Thought you're reversing the inital list then doing the pythagoras
Sure, but Richard's original doesn't work in 3D because of and ⊃⌽
@Adám exactly
ah! Thought that was a comment on the ⌽ vs ⊖ approach
I like this mixed version. Shows how much better it is to stay flat.
Roger Hui supported adding ⊕←{⍺+¯11○⍵} or ⊕←{⍺+0J1×⍵} if you want.
Then (10+.○⊢-1⌽⊢)⊕/¨ solves the problem.
10○ is monadic | so alternatively: (+/⊢|⍤-1⌽⊢)⊕/¨
Ooh: +/1(|⊢-⌽)⊕/¨
+/1(|⊢-⌽)⊃¨+¯11○⊃⍤⌽¨) isn't nearly as nice, but +/1(|⊢-⌽){⍺+¯11○⍵}/¨ does work.
Of course, these are strictly 2D.
with quaternians for the 3D and 4D cases? :D
And octonions, then sedenion, but what will you do in 17D space‽
well 15= ∞ so nothing...
Nope, that's dimensionality of arrays/tensors. Here, we're just talking vectors of length≥17.
it is dead, isn't it?
with some useful things this week - your (⊢f⌽) looks like good starting point
3 hours later…
@Adám couldn't make it (as guessed), here was mine: +/*∘.5⍤+.×⍨⍤-/⍨∘2⍤(⊢,1∘⌷)

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