ive got two bqn functions:
MedianOfSortedLists ← ({𝕩{2|≠𝕨 ? ⊑𝕩⊏𝕨 ; ÷⟜2+´𝕨⊏˜𝕩-1‿0}⌊2÷˜≠𝕩}∘∧∘∾)
FirstMissingPositiveInteger ← {⌊´1+/¬𝕩∊˜1+↕≠𝕩}
both as solutions to these leetcode challenges respectively:
im new to bqn, coming from apl and im wondering about some ways to refactor these expressions.
first off, im not proud of the algorithm in and of itself. its quite imperative by nature and requires the ? if-like statement (which i love as bqns response t…