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@FawnLocke Your vocabulary site still has some ids and queries.
Thanks, I forgot about that. I'll fix it asap
4 hours later…
@Adám Hey, sorry, was away for some time. There's no need for my name in the credits, but thanks for asking
I'd love, however, to see it when it's ready
Live at dyalog.tv tomorrow at 16:00 UTC and available for viewing thereafter.
Which is in exactly 24 hours?
Great, will do
I happened to read a bit more about ⍣ after we discussed that code. While I did ⍣2 so it would do the left-hand function twice, I could have done something like ⍣(>∘9≢), right?
So it'd stop evaluating once the size of the right-hand argument is greater than 9, twice
Is that it?
Almost. You'd need ⍣{9<≢⍺}
Would ⍺ in this case refer to the result of the left-hand function?
Yes. And would be the previous value.
So you could also write ⍣{9=≢⍵}
So I'm right about ⍣ stopping after the result of the right operand being non-zero twice?
No, it stops as soon as the right operand returns 1.
Hmmm, ok, so I still need to understand it better
It is basically "until".
I see, that makes some more sense
And in this case, it'd be 10, not 9
I thought it was 9 due to the "twice" idea
(CPFs are always length 11)
I think the "clearest" way would be ⍣{11≤≢⍺} then?
Ah, yes, of course. But in this case ⍣2 makes more sense.
It does, since the algorithm always expects 9 digits as input
Any other number of digits should not silently work, it should be an error
Still, I believe in most applications, data would be sanitized before being passed to such a function
5 hours later…
@Adám it seems like the contents are broken on the rank page aplwiki.com/wiki/Rank_(operator)
@FawnLocke What's broken?
The contents don't show for me
Oh, it's bugged on other pages too
It's fine to me
Fine to me too.
Perhaps it's an issue with your browser?
or some userscript/style?
No, wait, you're just on mobile view!
Does look borked on mobile view. I can't seem to be able to expand the Contents.
I'm using firefox on my laptop, no userscripts. I did recently clear my cache, cookies, etc

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