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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Oh, I guess that kind of works, but there's a much simpler answer: ⋄ 1÷1 2 3 4
@Adám 1 0.5 0.3333333333 0.25
How would you use APL to compute 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10? Can you make the chat bot do it?
(This is not a trick question, the answer is pretty obvious.)
⋄ 10+45
@Elise Did you forget to add backticks around your code (`⋄ code`)? You can edit your message and I will edit my reply.
@Elise Haha, you're cheating by knowing the answer. What I had in mind was just taking my long formula and feeding it to the bot. Btw, press UpArrow and edit your message by inserting backticks to make the bot react.
⋄ 10+45
@Elise 55
Anyway, my point was that it is tedious to insert + symbols in all the spaces between the numbers. Let's make APL do that for us!
⋄ +/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
@Adám 55
That slash with a plus on its left means "insert plus between all the numbers".
Have you heard about the "factorial"?
Nope I haven't
OK, no worries. The "factorial of n" is simply a fancy name for the product of all numbers from 1 until n, that is 1×2×3×…×n. Now use APL to compute the factorial of 10.
⋄ !10
@Elise 3628800
Hey, how did you figure that out?
Do you think you can do it using the same pattern as I used above for the sum of all the numbers?
It works the same in a graphic calculator
More or less, but I thought you'd never heard of the factorial.
I knew what it was after you explained it, I just hadn't heard that term before
OK, let me teach you one more function. Like - and ! it can be used with a single argument. It's symbol is which is the Greek letter iota. Iota corresponds to our letter i, and you can take it as standing for "indices" or "integers". It takes a number and generates all the numbers from 1 to that number: ⋄ ⍳10
@Adám 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Now can you use this to compute the sum of all numbers from 1 to 100?
⋄ !⍳100
1 2 6 24 120 720 5040 40320 362880 3628800 39916800 479001600 6227020800 8.71782912E10 1.307674368E12 2.092278989E13 3.556874281E14 6.402373706E15 1.216451004E17 2.432902008E18 5.109094217E19 1.124000728E21 2.585201674E22 6.204484017E23 1.551121004E25 4.032914611E26 1.088886945E28 3.048883446E29 8.841761994E30 2.652528598E32 8.222838654E33 2.631308369E35 8.683317619E36 2.95232799E38 1.033314797E40 3.719933268E41 1.376375309E43 5.230226175E44 2.039788208E46 8.159152832E47 3.345252661E49 1.405006118E51 6.041526306E52 2.658271575E54 1.196222209E56 5.50262216E57 2.586232415E59 1.24139155
Whoa, that's the factorial of all the numbers from 1 to 100. Some of those are rather large.
@Elise 5050
Very good.
I will be going to sleep now, thank you very much for teaching me!
No problem at all. You'll find me around here on most days and at most times. If you enjoyed this, then feel free to come back for more. If not, then that's perfectly fine. Sleep well!
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