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good morning !
@milia Here as well.
@Adám I've been reading Roger's posts on Dyalog's forum. Lots of interesting stuff he left behind for all of the newcomers. So much stuff :D
Very true.
@Adám the ]box on expression seems not to be available on tryapl.org. This is known right ?
"]box on"
@milia Yes, because it is always "on".
oh great, that makes sense
becasue when I did 1 (1 2 3) some_matrix, it returned them boxed
today I understood that J and Dyalog APL are complementary, so I'm glad that I've set as a goal to master them both. I'm reading the 'APL since 1978' paper, and reached the point where the 'split' in the APL community is explained (floating vs grounded arrays).
complementary as in the Yin/Yang
as in the position/momentum in quantum mech
glad to read after that that the APL/J community managed to heal the wounds.
-or worked towards that direction
I've seen some communities becoming toxic (eg. currently the Scala community is amidst a civil war), and it's not nice...
2 hours later…
@Adám I vaguely remember reading on a website (I think it was a tips page written by yourself for newbies?) something about ]rows, and being able to configure the session to not wrap your long output. I'm running on a new session and I've lost the behavior and it's super annoying. Any idea what resource I might be referencing?
@JamesHeslip ⎕PW←10000
(idk if that's what it was - but that's what I use)
@JamesHeslip My tips page was adopted by Dyalog: dyalog.com/getting-started/tips.htm
@rak1507 Yeah, that would probably work, but I guess I was being stubborn and trying to understand the set-up I had/lost.
@Adám Ah, thank you!
"]Rows on -fold=3 will let you scroll horizontally and trim large outputs so that they don't flood your screen vertically."
Well, bookmarking that for future use.
I'm planning on making such configuration much easier in the future.
2 hours later…
@Adám - I was reading some fiction that mentioned the rule, and my warped mind made the connection, and I started wondering which calculation was "correct". I note that in the following discussion, nobody even expressed an opinion on the question I asked ... :)
@JeffZeitlin I don't know which interpretation is correct, but I'm being creepy either way so ¯\_(⍨)_/¯
@Adám - That depends on how you choose to interpret your age. There's always "You're only as old as you feel", and a frequent "perv" modifcation, "You're only as old as who you feel"... }:)
@Adám how do you define 'has no effect', does #!{⍺⍺⍵}⍬ count?
@rak1507 There are two definitions: One is that it has to give no result whatsoever. The other allows giving a result that takes 0 lines to display (when boxing is not on max).
@Adám so #!{{}⍺⍺⍵}⍬ definitely counts right
oh as does #!{_←⍺⍺}⍬
best I can do I think, what was the 7?
@rak1507 #!⍣0⊤⍨⍬
ah, nice
6 hours later…
It seems to me you can not load Emacs/Vim XML or JSON file for keybinding file to RIDE?
@elliptic00 Correct. You have to manually set up your keybindings using the interface or by editing your configuration file. However, feel free to log an issue on GitHub for a more automated feature.
2 hours later…
↓1 2 3│
│4 5 6│
│7 8 9│
      take ←{1↑⍵}
      drop ←{1↓⍵}
      f ← {(≢⍵) > 0 : (∇ drop ⍵),(take ⍵) ⋄ ⍬}
      f m
f[0] f←{(≢⍵)>0:(∇ drop ⍵),(take ⍵) ⋄ ⍬}
any idea why I got LENGTH ERROR ?
@elliptic00 Because ∇ drop ⍵ recurses and eventually returns which is then concatenated to take ⍵. But take ⍵ is a 1-row matrix, and you can't concatenate a 0-element vector to a 1-row matrix.
m1 ← 1 3 ⍴ ⍳ 3
↓1 2 3│
nice.. thx
⍝ how do I make ⍬ to matrix 1 0?
@elliptic00 Why not write 1 0⍴0?
@Adám, thx.. :)
it works.. thx..:)
Hello! I'm in the happy position to announce that the first (online) meet of the newly created "APL ∊ BCN" meetup.com group will take place on Saturday 2021-12-18 at 19:00 CET. meetup.com/apl-bcn/events/282411026
@Adám :)
@Fmbalbuena It takes practise, as with most skills.
ok so how to "compile" APL?
Not sure what you mean by "compile" (in quotes) but you definitely don't need to compile APL to become good at it.
@Adám But i don't need REPL or Interpreter, i need a text file and convert to apl.
but how to compile?
@Fmbalbuena "Convert to APL"?
@Adám *.apl*
In my opinion, part of the beauty of APL is the interactive programming.
@Fmbalbuena put your APL code in a file named "my_code.dyalog" (assuming you're using Dyalog APL. Then if you're on Linux:
$ dyalog < my_code.dyalog
and the interpreter will run the script
@Adám ok so but... i need to compile APL to run by clicking without command line arguments.
@milia interpreter? no not interpreter thats compiler.
ooff @Adám, @Fmbalbuena seems to need a compiler instead of an interpreter.
I need ".exe".
@Fmbalbuena Which OS are you on?
@Adám ??? i already said Windows 10.
Sorry, I forgot.
@Fmbalbuena From the IDE: File>Export…>Save as type: Standalone Executable
@Adám ok so then...
@TryAPL No, not thats not apl code.
remove message!
@ViníciusMello Hi there. Interested in APL?
@Fmbalbuena Why are you typing that then?
@Adám there is a carriage return in the start
@Fmbalbuena Sure, but what are you trying to do/say with that?
for copy and paste
Still not so clear to me what you're doing, but OK then.
@Adám Error: A latent expression is required to bulid a .exe file
Yes. Did you write your application already?
You have to set ⎕LX to the bootstrap expression.
I assume you want your .exe to actually do something.
⎕LX? in the code?
In the workspace.
@Adám error when i save as exe file
@Fmbalbuena Yes, because the system detects that your exe won't do anything, because you've not set ⎕LX to the expression you want to kick-start the code.
@Adám where i do put ⎕LX?
Just in the root of the workspace, e.g. just enter ⎕LX←'go' and define a niladic function go
oh i forgot to say: DOMAIN ERROR: The type of code in "C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\D.dyalog" could not be inferred
@Fmbalbuena Well, I can't really help you if you don't tell me what you're doing and what the file contains.
@Adám ok so... i can't
[Exit Fmbalbuena]
@Fmbalbuena Well, how about you look at what I showed you, then modify that to your needs?
[Enter Fmbalbuena]
@Adám But i talk later. you have no time to talk me.
[Exit Fmbalbuena]
@Fmbalbuena Huh? I suppose you mean that you don't have time to talk to me right now, as you keep leaving, but I certainly was doing everything I could to help you. Feel free to ping me when convenient.
[Enter Fmbalbuena Again]
@Fmbalbuena You don't need to announce your comings and goings. There's a status panel on the right that shows if you are here or not.
@Adám SPL.
@Fmbalbuena Sorry, I don't know that abbreviation.
@Adám Warning: off-topic for APL Ochard Shakespeare programming language.
OK, so why are you mentioning SPL?
@Adám because valid SPL syntax except this
ok so don't talk about SPL.
Ah, I see. Well yes, those messages do read a like a theatre script.
ok so... i have a question: is there APL Job?
> Finding an APL job or finding an APLer for hire, can be a difficult task.
It literally says the reasons in the next sentence.
what reason?
(I know the word reason)
read the next sentence in the wiki page.
> This is both because of the limited numbers involved, but also because there is no obvious place for potential employees and employers to find each other.
@dzaima is that a reason?
@Fmbalbuena yeah?
@dzaima ok
why would a limited number of positions not be a reason for it being hard to find a job??
reading the next sentence in the wiki page makes APL jobs difficult to find.
v1 ← ⌽ ⍉ ⊖
↓1 2 3│
│4 5 6│
│7 8 9│
is possible to apply each function inside v1 to m ?
@Adám do you joined May 2015?
@elliptic00 Not directly, as you've already made v1 a 3-train.
@Fmbalbuena Joined what?
@Adám APL
If you mean to ask when I began using APL, then no, I began long before that.
@Adám when I began using APL
It is a bit hard to to say exactly. As you can see, I attended my first APL conference in July 1986.
so v1 is be considered one function?
@Adám July 1986?
@elliptic00 Yes, though you could pick it apart and recreate it.
@Fmbalbuena Yes.
Q: Vector of functions in APL

ᅙᄉᅙWhat is the syntax for a vector (array) of functions in APL? I have tried the following but these are interpreted as a 3-train and a 2-train, respectively: {1},{2} {1} {2} PS. I am looking to do this with more complex (and possibly named) functions by the way, the {1} above is just so the examp...

@elliptic00 Does ⎕←(⊂⍤⌽,⊂⍤⍉,⊂⍤⍉) 3 3⍴⍳9 help?
│3 2 1│1 4 7│1 4 7│
│6 5 4│2 5 8│2 5 8│
│9 8 7│3 6 9│3 6 9│
(It can be golfed a little too, if desired.)
@Adám i forgot the syntax of goto.
@Fmbalbuena Do you know about APLcart?
v1 ← (⊂⍤⍉, ⊂⍤⌽, ⊂⍤⊖)
      v1 3 3 ⍴⍳9
│ ┌→────┐ ┌→────┐ ┌→────┐ │
│ ↓1 4 7│ ↓3 2 1│ ↓7 8 9│ │
│ │2 5 8│ │6 5 4│ │4 5 6│ │
│ │3 6 9│ │9 8 7│ │1 2 3│ │
│ └~────┘ └~────┘ └~────┘ │
nice, it works.
@Adám print without newline?
v1 ← (⊂⍤⍉, ⊂⍤⌽, ⊂⍤⊖, ⊂⍤⍬)
      v1 3 3 ⍴ ⍳ 9
how can I get the identity function
@Adám stderr?
⊂⍤⍬ does not work
v1 ← (⊂⍤⍉, ⊂⍤⌽, ⊂⍤⊖, ⊂⍤⊢)
      v1 m
│ ┌→────┐ ┌→────┐ ┌→────┐ ┌→────┐ │
│ ↓1 4 7│ ↓3 2 1│ ↓7 8 9│ ↓1 2 3│ │
│ │2 5 8│ │6 5 4│ │4 5 6│ │4 5 6│ │
│ │3 6 9│ │9 8 7│ │1 2 3│ │7 8 9│ │
│ └~────┘ └~────┘ └~────┘ └~────┘ │
awesome it work,
@elliptic00 Btw, f⍤g applies f on the result of g but if g is the identity function, you can simply write
:).. nice.. v1 ← (⊂⍤⍉, ⊂⍤⌽, ⊂⍤⊖, ⊂⍤⊢)
v1 ← (⊂⍤⍉, ⊂⍤⌽, ⊂⍤⊖, ⊂)
save two chars,
@Fmbalbuena Because it only works inside a (traditional) function: Try it online!
@Adám Woo i made my first X interpreter written in APL
Where X is ℒight
@Adám newlines in APL?
@Fmbalbuena ⎕UCS 10 returns a LF.
@Adám ??? what i do
ok sorry i have to gtg
[Exit Fmbalbuena]
@Fmbalbuena E.g. 'ab',(⎕UCS 10),'def'
v1 ← (⊂⍤⍉, ⊂⍤⌽, ⊂⍤⊖, ⊂)
      ⍝ My next challenging is to do outer product on v1, and apply a matrix m, here is my first try
      v1 ∘.∘ v1
apply each compositions function inside v1 to matrix m
is that possible?
You mean you want to pair up every transformation in v1 with every transformation in v1 to get 16 two-step transformations?
v1¨v1 m gives a vector of vectors of matrices. Add on the far left to get a matrix of matrices instead.

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