CMC: Given a Boolean list and a count, return the index (0 or 1-based) of the first occurrence of a run of the given count of falses. If no run of that length is found, return a recognisable value e.g. -1 or the list length or for 1-based indexing: 0 or 1+length, or null etc.
@Adám, I am looking for this Vector article by Dan Baronet "Introduction to tree-searching in APL: Using the TicTacToe game in 3D, Dan Baronet, 17:1, p.55". I wrote to the Vector archivist email one week ago and have not yet received a reply. Do you know any one who could provide this article ? Thanks.
@brgal Hi @brgal .. your timing was most fortuitous .. I was just about to pop into the office to swap the backup disk when Adam's request came through. If you send me ([email protected]) an email, I'll reply with the article attached as a pdf ..
We've decided to revive the Language of the Month event. We've also decided to start a new post for nominations. (You can see the old nominations post here.) So let's get to nominating!
A language can be nominated for Language of the Month by posting an answer to this thread. We all vot...
> No proceedings were published for the 2007 conference.
Hm, they planned to publish with the December issue of APL Quote Quad, but that was also the last issue ever, so maybe by then they didn't have the means…
as usual, guy steele nailed it: "the APL community [..] has been rather insular; it's been hard to make new ideas flow either out or in. The key to the survival of APL and its ideas may be increased interaction and involvement with the rest of the computer science and computing community." (from the abstract of his keynote)
which i interpret as: fix your broken terminology, make ⎕io always 0, abandon dynamic scoping, use plain text and standard editors, ..
I don't agree. K and J had already made those changes, but didn't sport increased interaction and involvement with the rest of the computer science and computing community.
<moon-child> @RGS foldright on a linked list (linked lists are common in functional languages) uses a bunch of stack space. foldl doesn't, and fold on arrays doesn't since they have random access. I guess that's what they're referring to
Just like the English language, "words" in APL apply to everything that come after them, so the comparison is done first, and then the summation.
Note that there's no regular precedence order like other programming languages tend to have. Every symbol takes as right argument everything on its right.
So ⍳ sees 8 + 10 as its right (and only) argument.