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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 18:00

@MartinJaniczek multiline dfns seem to work fine, but you still have to not ever access any variables defined outside of it
That's expected, that's why I have the left side argument
are name lists allowed on left side of function name in tradfn header?
r←(lines_file allfields wave namespace) Process (length padding readstart)
It tells me it can't fix the file but doesn't tell me why
@MartinJaniczek it appears not
r←x Process (length padding readstart)
lines_file allfields wave namespace←x
indeed helps
⍝ but then
x←{leftargs {
} ⍵} IÏ 1 2 3 4 5 ⍝ gives FUTURE ERROR: 6: VALUE ERROR, where ¨ would work
@MartinJaniczek leftargs isn't defined in the operand of , is it?
it's a variable from outside scope
@MartinJaniczek isolate doesn't handle scope at all. e.g. x←1 ⋄ {x} IÏ 1 2 doesn't work
So do I have to create isolates myself and is1.data ←5 6 7 8 or something?
@MartinJaniczek or pass leftargs through an argument to
(e.g. {leftargs id←⍵ ⋄ … } IÏ (⊂leftargs),¨1 2 3 4 5)
That .... seeeems to work! {scope w←⍵ ⋄ ⍴scope} IÏ (⊂⊂leftargs),¨1 2 3 4 5
It works with the full-fledged dfn \o/
Sounds like limitations in the models. Obviously, the idea here is to have ∥¨ just like we have
@Adám as far as i understand, without making the entire Dyalog interpreter thread-safe, that'd require something like copying the entire workspace to each thread though
@dzaima The interpreter is thread safe, I think. & works fine, and from a computational standpoint, there should be no difference.
@Adám The dyalog interpreter definitely cannot handle multiple operations working from different threads on the same object.
@dzaima Like ^?
@Adám they're not happening at the same time, which is extremely important (i.e. you don't have to worry about cache, refcount changes on an object at the same time from multiple threads, etc)
this is writing "random" data inside immutable arrays. That absolutely doesn't work if another thread could, at the same time, be reading that.
@Adám (and with & there, the result could technically be any number from 1 to 1000, assuming a+←1 is equivalent enough to a←a+1)
@MartinJaniczek So, it is working? Otherwise, I have another idea for you to try.
@Adám I have just made the chunked parallelized approach to work too.
Needed to do

because process¨¨ by itself didn't work
And passing in the arguments?
all on the right side. (⊂leftargs),¨data
then destructure inside the process dfn
I'll try to run it on something big now
Another approach I just tried was to package all the constants into a namespace, and then pass that scalar namespace as left argument.
Does that prevent copying of the args, or does that happen anyways?
It'll have to copy the namespace to the other processes, but it might make your syntax nicer instead of having to build pairs on the right.
@Adám Right, makes sense.
On 3682 x 4172 items: serial 12s, chunked serial 12s, parallel errors out (all processes in use), chunked parallel 18s. So the threshold is apparently somewhere higher. Will try 47622 x 8739 items now (that took around 20min serial last time I checked). Don't have anything in between :)
47622 x 8739 indicates what?
array size.
47622 rows to process, 8739 is just "size" of one row
so I'm parallelizing over the 47622.
Serial: 4m 40s, must have remembered wrong. Chunked parallel still running (started it a minute ago), but in htop I only see one core pinned to 100%, which is suspicious
Ah, two cores now. Weird
Three cores and then "Interpreter exited with code 137" or something like that :D
@MartinJaniczek might be that they were waiting on files and so not using much cpu
(how big are leftargs and data?)
I'll try NGET instead of MAP, but other than that I dunno. If going down the chunking rabbit hole, I might as well read multiple lines instead of just one ... move more and more stuff from the "inner" process fn to the process_chunk one...
data is a 47622 x 3 matrix of integers (line length, line start offset, line padding to 8byte boundary)
leftargs: string, 8379 (the other dimension) strings, string, string
so the copying of data to each thread couldn't be much of a problem
can I get anything interesting from a core dump that APL wrote to my CWD?
you can )load it as a workspace i think and look around
` is not a ws.`
$ file 7059
7059: Dyalog APL aplcore version 18.4
ah, )copy instead of )load
That did it, thanks!
though i don't think you'll get much out of it
it doesn't seem to even remember variables
alright back to tweaking the process fn
@MartinJaniczek might be the isolate process, which wouldn't have your variables, other than f
Can't seem to get anything out of it. Also, NGET is a no-go - it only reads a whole file.
I saw the memory consumption rise quite a lot in htop, might be just that it got OOM-killed
I've tried MAXWS=14G and now it's kinda hovering around 3-4 cores and eats all of that memory. Didn't crash so far.
Makes me wonder whether Dyalog APL somehow reacts to malloc errors and goes to do some memory-reducing CPU work for a while instead of whatever just failed, or what :)
how big is that file, and what kind of things are you doing on it? (just indexing some small locations, or applying things to the whole file?)
I'm reading a line at a time (each line is a JSON object). The whole file is 4.3 GB, there are 47622 lines, and the lenghts vary around 95k characters
so for each line I do
@MartinJaniczek Dyalog does have garbage collection, but unless you're using namespaces, it should never really do anything. More likely would be unmapping mapped parts of the file or something
padding↓0⌷80 1 (length+padding) ⎕MAP lines_file 'R' readstart
I suppose I could attach strace to the process to see the mapping and unmapping, hmm
welp, I'm getting FUTURE ERROR when processing the results of the llEach call
it took way too long anyways (more than the serial function)
is 0⌷80 1 (length+padding) ⎕MAP … somehow different from 80 (length+padding) ⎕MAP …?
probably not (must have been a leftover from figuring stuff out)
Oh there is a difference in the axis or something
0⌷ leaves shape <N>,without it it's 1 <N>
@MartinJaniczek I also removed the 1 from 80 1 (…)
Ah I didn't notice that. Will try
(not that this will somehow fix the performance issue, just a random note)
That looks like it's doing the equivalent work, thanks
2 hours later…
This got posted to r/adventofcode, sounds like a nice challenge csokavar.hu/projects/casette
Sounds fairly easy in APL.
yes, although I'm not old enough to know what ' According to the old Datasette manual the casette stores a sequence of 1000, 2000 and 3000Hz audio samples to encode the digits 0, 1 and 2 respectively. ' means
The Commodore 1530 (C2N) Datasette, later also Datassette (a portmanteau of data and cassette), is Commodore's dedicated magnetic tape data storage device. Using compact cassettes as the storage medium, it provides inexpensive storage to Commodore's 8-bit home/personal computers, notably the PET, VIC-20, and C64. A physically similar model, Commodore 1531, was made for the Commodore 16 and Plus/4 series computers. == Features == Typical compact cassette interfaces of the late 1970s use a small controller in the computer to convert digital data to and from analog tones. The interface is t...
Ah, but how do you tell what Hz an audio sample is?
@rak1507 The numbers plot a sine wave + each row = 4ms
Oh right cool
I do not know how to count number of peaks in an array (the peak is not always the same number), but perhaps some histogram thingy could work
@MartinJaniczek Just look at the sign of the pairwise difference, where adjacent signs differ, there's a peek.
(With slight adjustments if there are plateaux.)
as luck would have it, there are
Needs golfing first ;)
@rak1507 ⍎'-'⎕R'¯'⊢⍵}¨⍎¨'-'⎕R'¯'¨
@rak1507 {⍵⊂⍨(≢⍵)⍴8↑1}(⊢⊂⍨≢⍴8↑1⍨)
@rak1507 {3⊥1↓¯2↓⍵}¨¯2(3⊥1↓↓)¨
Remove the space.
In dzaima ⍬8⍴whatever would work
¯2↓1↓ can be 5↑1⊖
@rak1507 What happened to the negative sign transform?
0.5 vs .5?
Ah, you're looking for peeks, right.
Oh yeah
⊃¨? Oh.
To get the difference between the first two values
This is nice (=no parentheses) except for that missing extension to .
Further progress ⎕UCS 3⊥5↑1⊖⍉(8÷⍨≢d)8⍴d←⌊.5-⍨40÷⍨|-⌿2↑⍉↑⍎¨⊃⎕NGET'thing.txt'1
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 18:00

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