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<klg> ⋄1 '̇−̣̇' 2
(no output)
<klg> ⋄1 '−̣̇' 2
│   ┌→──┐   │
│ 1 │−̣̇│ 2 │
│   └───┘   │
klg: Welcome to the party.
<klg> sorry for the noise, it wasn't fully intelligible what the problem is from this side ;)
It is all but clear from this side either.
But try putting a 248 and a 775 in a string for the bot.
<klg> ⋄⍴'ø̇'
<klg> ⋄'ø̇'
OK, so it is definitely when scraping the SE side that things go funky.
@Adám ah, devious! The logs from my end show the bot gets <code>⎕UCS⎕UCS&#39;&#248;̇&#39;</code>; note the squiggle atop the ;. Raku does normalization before the html entity decoder is able to get at the text, so it's unable to decode that. I can probably fix that by decoding the entities in the python wrapper
Python wrapper? How many languages are involved here?
there was a pre-made SE api for python, and it seemed easier to just use that than to reimplement the API in raku
HTML→Python→Raku→APL→Raku→Python→HTML :-D
Aha, you fixed it?
@Adám haha, pretty much
@Adám this is because it's trying to get term with, can probably be fixed with some stty magic
I wouldn't be surprised if that Python code used some JavaScript…
oh, no, not term width, it's just hard capping at 80 chars. Is there a way to make it not do that?
@Moonchild I suspect that's APL's fault. Try injecting ⎕pw←32767
⋄ '¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ'
<moon-child> are there any other oddities I missed? Tables not lining up I think apl can be blamed for, as it doesn't seem to recognize combining characters
It isn't that it doesn't recognise them, but rather that it stands no chance. How should it present
as a matrix if that accent was combining?
<moon-child> it could deal in units of extended grapheme cluster
<moon-child> as raku .comb, .chars, .substr, etc. do
<klg> I'm not convinced it's a good idea but it's imaginable that boxed output could turn combining characters into spacing ones (exactly like you just did by hand using a´), e.g. GNU APL uses ␀ for ⎕UCS 0 when boxing
If it did, then what should ≢'a','´b' give if that accent was combining?
klg: Do all combining characters have a spacing equivalent?
And what about zero-width characters and double-width characters?
<klg> not all have a single precombined character equivalent, but those that don't can always be encoded as space+combining
Ah, but that wouldn't print right on platforms that don't combine. Then it'd have to know about the frontend, which it really cannot.
The Windows IDE, e.g. outputs in a grid, rather than as running text.
<klg> well, you have to assume some level of Unicode support
<klg> but yeah, zero-width and fullwidth ones are problematic, and there's no generally good solution for all
I guess it could try to patch things up if connected to a RIDE client.
@ngn how do I get the result of ⎕← in ngn/apl without an alert box showing up?
<moon-child> now I'm curious how (if at all) those are handled
<moon-child> ⋄,'字'
From the Windows IDE:
<klg> that's not that bad, actually
<moon-child> (i.imgur.com/QwWs0r8.png)
It is hard to read multiple double-width characters in a row, because they are forced to fit into the narrow grid:
However, the IDE let's you choose font, and if you select one that had wide chars:
<klg> but can you mix them? ⋄'全角とハンカク'
<moon-child> klg: inline evaluated code isn't supported from irc side, since it wouldn't be clear where it ended
Can you not allow backticks?
Another issue is directionality. RtL characters can make for very confusing output.
(for anyone participating in AoC: day18 starts in a few minutes)
Like if you have a matrix with RtL characters in the top row and LtR in the bottom row. Then the first character of the first row would be above the last char of the bottom row!
Not to mention that if you write 'string1'⊣'string2' but the strings consist of RtL characters, then the entire expression is reversed, including that the will be rendered as
<moon-child> if the ⊣ is rendered as ⊢, then it'll still point at the right argument :)
<klg> not if you change the direction in the middle of a string :>
"Proper" Unicode rendering in RIDE:
<moon-child> (i.imgur.com/N6fVgw7.png)
The exact same in the Windows IDE:
<moon-child> wow...does it still happen if the numbers are characters?
Sometimes, "proper" rendering is bad.
.daer ot drah si EDI swodniW eht ni txet werbeH gninnur a taht si edisnwod eht ,esruoc fO
<klg> ⋄'سلام'
<moon-child> at the end of the presentation earlier, somebody in the chat mentioned a ‘lean project’. Anyone know what they were talking about? Possibly leanprover.github.io or leanin.org/circles-network/lean-in-apl?
│1 2 3 4 5│
I came up with a userscript which executes ngn/apl code
anyone wanna test it out?
@Razetime Where do I find it, and how is it used?
should work on greasemonkey
same as the bot
prefix the code with
@Razetime (no output)
and the output should appear in red below it
I should disable usage of cause it makes alert popups
@Razetime I got a popup when I entered the sandbox room.
that means it's working
Gave me that one popup, and answered me once, but now it is silent.
It seems that reloading the page makes it work once.
@user4069 Welcome. Interested in APL?
2 hours later…
Warning: Regex
1 hour later…
@Razetime only 3 ≠⊆⊢s today :)
btw do you have experience with userscripts?
@ngn needs more I suppose lol
@Razetime me? very little
@Razetime cool :) i've just installed greasemonkey and created a new user script. test: ⋄ 1+2 3
│3 4│
Maybe you should temporarily use a different prefix character?
@DyalogAPL Ah, nice to see the good old APL logo reappearing after all these years
A question: How does Dyalog handle bitwise logical operations?
@EliasMårtenson only through bool arrays
@ngn I see. So you have to use ⊥ and ⊤ to split it into an array and recombine it again?
@EliasMårtenson or 11⎕DR (or equivalent)
GNU APL has bitwise operations like so: gnu.org/software/apl/apl.html#Section-3_002e16
But I don't like its syntax, it requires very particular parsing rules.
@EliasMårtenson and doesn't allow for monadic ∨∧⍱⍲
@ngn is it working?
@Razetime i don't see any red text on the page, but there are no errors in the js console either
⋄ test,1 2
hmm is it not loading
it worked in the sandbox
yep it isn't loading
@EliasMårtenson It'll help if you define monadic and as 2∘⊥ and 2∘⊥⍣¯1
@Adám given that dyalog stores signed ints, those will rarely be optimal as they only work with unsigned ones
@Adám I was thinking of having a bitwise operator, let's call it B. So bitwise AND would be ∧B or ×B.
Xor would be ≠B or +B
@EliasMårtenson That's a much better solution than GNU APL's strange syntax.
@EliasMårtenson so, B←under (11∘⎕dr)
@ngn What if the arguments have different internal representation?
@ngn that's assuming 11⎕DR works the same on both args
@dzaima (which is an incredibly stupid thing that ⎕DR allows that to not be the case)
right, i didn't think of that
I have not heard of ⎕DR. I'm reading the docs now to understand it.
@EliasMårtenson Did you look at aplcart.info?q=bitwise ?
@Adám should i bother testing how many orders of magnitude those are slower than proper binary operations?
(ignoring that you'd never ever use those inline, at which point ⎕NAing in a library is much better)
@dzaima Sure, go ahead.
@dzaima i thought a 2-arg was supposed to solve that, but it doesn't seem to work for converting to bits‽
@dzaima How would two separate calls to ⎕DR know about each other?
@Adám they don't need to know about each other, but there should be a way to tell it what type the args are supposed to be used as
@dzaima (at which point it's not really "data representation" but it's at least usable)
like, if my 16-bit integer array happens to be all <128, ⎕DR will just quietly create a half as long array which is just stupid
@Adám {⍉2⊥(-≠/0>b)⍪≠/2⊥⍣¯1⊢b←⍉⍺,[0.5]⍵} on signed 8-bit args gives an array of 32-bit ints :|
@dzaima You need ⎕DR twice. ⊃0 type ⎕DR data will upgrade data to type, and then you can get the bits with 11⎕DR
@dzaima Uh oh. Can you fix?
@Adám oh wow, that makes it keep the type through monadic ⎕DR calls o.O
@Adám seems 2⊥ on non-boolean args always makes 32-bit ints
@dzaima Ah, it may not squeeze immediately.
only 50x:
That's not so bad.
@dzaima oh right, i can test the performance of xor. so 40x
@dzaima 40x slower than what?
@Adám i'm sure you wouldn't say that if + was 40x slower than what it could be
@EliasMårtenson APLCarts binary xor of 8-bit ints than an actual binary xor
How often do you actually need bitwise operations on integers in APL code? And how often is that operation a significant part (computation-wise) of the overall work being done?
@Adám It's a good point, and I'd argue that bitwise operations are a fundamental feature of the CPU on which the code runs, so it shouldn't at least be terribly slow.
@Adám depends on what's being made. Many projects won't need them, but those that do, will definitely care about their performance
In all my APL years, I can't recall ever needing bitwise anything of anything but already Boolean arrays.
@Adám i've definitely used bitwise stuff many times in APL (most recently, working through bitwise multiplication)
(20x slower for 16-bit, 40x for 32-bit:)
@EliasMårtenson FYI.
@dzaima (but i'm biased, i've been working a lot around binary-level stuff)
@Adám so that means that the only general (i.e. doesn't care about the argument's representation because it could be anything) useful ⎕DR construct is A⎕DR 0 B⎕DR X? ._.
@Adám Thanks. Those are indeed the operations I'm implementing. It's trivial so why not do it. However, I'm not entirely settled on the syntax yet. The bitwise operator is nice, I think, but while bitwise rotation is naturally nshifts⌽B, bitwise shifting isn't as natural.
Then I have to pick a name for B :-)
@EliasMårtenson That's probably why J uses a numeric code. You could do a hybrid approach, and allow both functions and arrays, so n B would be a shift and n⌽B would be a rotation.
@EliasMårtenson or ฿ ;-) More seriously, maybe &? How about ?
<klg> A+ had ∵ for a bitwise operator
@dzaima (though it is called "data representation", not "data converting" i guess)
@dzaima Maybe there's a way to do a single call, that I don't know about. I can ask. I never use that though. I only use ⎕DR to analyse what my argument already is.
@Adám Then I'd rather use ⍉ or ⊖ for shift.
klg, really?
So the idea of a bitwise operator isn't new then.
I fell that validates my idea.
@Adám ₂ is really clever.
@EliasMårtenson Hold on, then your operator won't be a true operator, but rather a mode-switch à la NARS2000's multi-set operator or J's :s and .`s
@Adám It will be implemented as a true operator (i.e. from a programmer's point of view, it's parsed as an operator, its evaluation rules are the same, and in the implementation it's implemented an APLOperator instance. However, it will not call the operated-on function directly, but rather derive it using a special "bitwiseFunctionOf" derivation function.
So yes, that would allow a programmer to implement their own bitwise-derivation function for their own functions to allow the bitwise operator to work on them.
I'd have to decide on a syntax to allow that though.
@EliasMårtenson Sure, but there's no consistent system where is bitwise rotation and or is bitwise shift.
@Adám True. Calling "bitwiseFunctionOf" on ⍉ would simply return the shift function.
dinner time
Maybe n↓ can be shift.
If you drop 1, we pad on the right. If you drop ¯1, we pad on the left.
@EliasMårtenson how about '<<'B/'>>'B?
Please no!
@Adám That's not terrible.
<klg> Elias: well, in A+ it's not a true operator but like reduction it only works with limited set of functions, namely ∨∧~<≤=≥>≠ so no rotations
klg, yes, but that's pretty close to what I'm doing.
yay per-char timing cause why not
Cool. One thing I miss from APL*PLUS is primitive-by-primitive tracing.
@Adám that's something i might do at some point too
I implemented bitwise operations based on klg syntax
I.e. using ∵
Although ₂ is still neat
By the way, can anyone explain to me what ⎕AV is actually used for?
I'm trying to understand the argument for not extending the characters available in GNU APL, which is that ⎕AV cannot be larger than 256 elements.
@Wezl the colons look better this way
@EliasMårtenson originally it was for the way APL code is actually encoded, allowing for a single byte per character
@EliasMårtenson ⎕AV is the character set from when implementations used custom mappings between bytes and characters.
It is only included in Unicode Dyalog for backwards compatibility. It isn't used for anything, and it is considered deprecated.
@Adám Thanks, that means I don't have to pay attention to it.
I mean, GNU APL has ⎕UCS to handle mapping between chars and numbers, so I don't understand the desire to keep ⎕AV.
They also try to stay standards compliant and compatible with APL2.
@Adám True, they are very committed to APL2 compatibility.
It's an honourable goal, actually. It's just one that I personally have no interest in.
@EliasMårtenson No, actually, less than I thought (and than they originally claimed).
@Adám Really? All I have to go on is people saying that they took their APL2 code and ran it unchanged on GNU, but that's obviously very YMMV.
@EliasMårtenson Then their code never contained
In APL2 and APLX (the true modern APL2 clone), replicate is an operator. In Dyalog and GNU APL it is a function.
@Adám Didn't they change the behaviour of that recently in order to be APL2 compatible?
In KAP it's also a function. I'm not sure why you'd want to make it an operator?
@EliasMårtenson No, they recently (when I made them aware of their mistake) stopped claiming compatibility.
Ah, got it.
Who was it that suggested I use ` at the end of a line to indicate continuation? I implemented that.
Their documentation used to say that IBM's documentation didn't clarify the syntactic rules for replicate. But that was wrong. The APL2 reference was 100% clear and unambiguous ― about APL2 not complying with the standards.
@Adám I think it's the ISO spec that is unclear.
@EliasMårtenson I did, based on it being the only line continuation character used "out there" (PowerShell) that wasn't already taken by APL.
@Adám OK, then it's you that I have to thank :-)
@EliasMårtenson No, the spec is clear about it having to be a function. It isn't clear about when and how to disambiguate the role.
I have to admit I considered ⤶
@Adám Yeah, and I think his original wording in the manual was referring to the ISO spec.
@EliasMårtenson That's possible, but when I saw their info doc, the claim was about APL2, which was reasonable because they claimed compatibility with APL2, not the standard.
Yes. But I recall reading that paragraph all the way when I first used GNU APL (which wasn't that long after its initial release). It's been there for a long time.
@EliasMårtenson reference
@dzaima Thanks. :-)
@Adám $RIDE_JS - afaict it's untouched except for formatting. eclipse plugin - iirc the developer's name is oleksandr but i can't find the project on gh.
hey @Adám, I'm that beginner from yesterday, can we continue my APL lesson this evening? I finish my lessons at 8pm (GMT +1 timezone)
is there maybe an APL cheat sheet or something? it can be useful
@Konrad'Unrooted'Klawikowski abrudz.github.io/lb
the keyboard gives hints if you hover over it
@Razetime replacing alert with your own function might work. the problem with ⎕ and ⍞ is that any function implementing i/o must be synchronous, so that the interpreter can continue it work immediately after the function returns. otherwise it becomes a callback hell, a.k.a. "continuation passing style".
oh make sense
btw, the version on npm is really old and i don't have the cryptographic key to remove it
whats a better place to get it from
@Razetime gitlab for now. i'm tempted to move all of my projects to sr.ht despite the risk of commercialization.
for unobvious reasons, that doesn't seem to load propely
@ngn I've been looking at forges, what advantages does sr.ht have?
@Razetime you could do git clone https://gitlab.com/n9n/apl from the cmd line without visiting the website
I keep having it recommended by friends that haven't tried it
@Wezl simple fast web ui
@Wezl also, it's maintained by a single person, not a big corp
looking at ngn's solution I think I overcomplicated it...
@Razetime this should work too: gitlab.com/n9n/apl/-/raw/master/apl.js
so I just need to do apl("string") right?
or does it change
it just shows "[Object object]" everywhere now
@Razetime apl('string') returns a js object representing the result. if you also want to format that, apl.fmt(apl('string')) returns a list of strings to display
oh nice
now it's not showing anything..
@ngn I'm not sure why, but this doesn't seem to load up in the userscript
@ngn The resource from “gitlab.com/n9n/apl/-/raw/master/apl.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/plain”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
@Razetime oh..
@ngn even this one isnt working for some reason
⋄1+2 3 ⍝ test
│3 4│
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ok so there's some weird SE chat thing where it just deletes the code block for no reason
│4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12│
I wish this chat was using Matrix instead :-)
it evaluates whatever was previously done on page
but doesn't interpret new ones
Hi folks, could anybody talk me through massaging ⎕JSON object into some sort of a tree? I'm studying Aaron Hsu's papers and talks, but I think before I can use those I need to get my data to the representation he works with...
I know ⎕XML gives the depth vector as one of the results of the parsing, but ⎕JSON doesn't...
I'm thinking some recursive fn that runs ⎕NL ¯2 and holds the current depth in its left argument might be a way to go, but I'm probably thinking way too functionally about this.
Oh wait I can variant Format to 'M' and get the depth vector? That would be sweet
yup that's so much more usable!
@MartinJaniczek cf. json parsing in k
(ctrl-enter to eval)
@EliasMårtenson is there free hosting?
@ngn Well, yes. You can always use matrix.org
Or set up your own server, it's federated.
I run my own, but I'd say most people just use matrix.org
Also, (and finally, since I don't want to be seen as marketing :-) ), matrix.org automatically bridges to all Freenode channels, with a much better bridge than stackexchange.
So you can just connect to Matrix.org and go to the channel called #freenode_#apl:matrix.org
Hmm, OK, #apl is not bridged for some reason.
In any case, there is an APL room (not bridged to IRC)
are StackExchange rooms IRC behind the scenes?
@MartinJaniczek i'm pretty sure SE chat is custom-made by SE
@MartinJaniczek No. There is a bridge, but it's pretty bad. It works by having a single IRC user relaying messages between the IRC channel and the stackexchange chat.
This is different from the bridge used by Matrix, where the Matrix server is a real IRC server. People on Matrix-bridged rooms often don't know who is on IRC and who is not, unless they look it up.
Are the numeric designations for types in ⎕DR used in Dyalog part of the APL standard, or is there significant difference between APL implementations? The types available to me in CL are different and it's important to have more types (like unsigned ints) for some stuff I work on
@phantomics It's not part of the standard
Ok cool
⎕DR isn't part of the standard at all.
Also, ⎕DR will convert a vector of 8 16-bit numbers to a vector of 4 32-bit numbers if 32-bit is the specified output type, right?
@EliasMårtenson if those are prevalent, how does it handle feature discrepancies?
I do wonder if SE chat is going to remain. It does say that there are only 77 users online across all rooms at the moment. That doesn't bode well for the service. I'm not suggesting everybody move away from SE chat, but I'm hoping that if SE chat is decommissioned, that people move to Matrix.
@dzaima Well, as best it can. For example: When an image is uploaded, the IRC channel receives a link to the picture. Formatting it's supported in IRC of course, so IRC users see the markdown markup. The big one is editing, and IRC users simply don't see the edits.
No kidding, I hadn't used SE chat before this place but figured there'd be more people using it
personally, i don't really care which chat i use, as long as it's public and there are many like-minded people in it
No, wait. I just tested. The IRC users do see the edits. It's displayed as an updated message prefixed with a *
I haven't used SE chat that much, it seems ok, but I don't like not being able to paste images directly in chat
@rak1507 you can post direct links to images though, they should onebox just fine
@rak1507 Matrix is so much better it's not even funny. But that's just me, and like I said, I am not going to run around telling everybody to migrate just because I personally am not a fan of SE chat.
@dzaima having to link to an image is a lot less convenient than being able to send screenshots with a few clicks imo
@rak1507 well, there's also the upload button
Could probably hack some interesting APL interactivity features into Matrix chat
@phantomics Yeah, the API is pretty neat.
@EliasMårtenson since there are so many different options, what client would you suggest me to look at? i'm intrigued by a "much better" claim
also, what markdown/extra message features does it have? can't find anything
@dzaima You can use the standard Element one. element.io
@dzaima means I have to save the image
This is the main login: app.element.io/#/welcome
You can test join the channel #APL:matrix.org
recaptcha >:(
aight now to make a userscript to make it look like SE chat
@ngn Yeah, if you want to join matrix.org, they have that. Sadly.
No such thing on my Matrix server (which is the one I connect from). But then again, my server doesn't accept open registrtations.
@EliasMårtenson is there a proper place to test things?
Yes. I just created #test:dhsdevelopments.com and invited you.
/me imagines all the chatting has migrated to matrix.org
@ab5tract well, the message count in the matrix APL room did increase significantly
I've got an account somewhere.. but it feels a bit like an unnecessary brain split at the moment. I guess if the interactivity really improves then switching makes sense but having two chats is usually an issue for smaller communities.
@dzaima (as in, 30 → 44 messages if my message counting js is correct)
@ab5tract right, noone's really recommending moving to it now. But just in case SE axes us, there's a good alternative (plus i have an archive of this chat (limited, only rough time of messages, and only HTML (no raw markdown), but it's good enough))
@dzaima It's a good point. If the statistics on the RHS are to be believed, the SE chats are not exactly high volume, ie. may not last too long. And for the archive point, definitely it's a better situation considering all the cultivation work and other learning material that appears here.
@ngn and the terms of service are unacceptable
@Wezl What did I miss in the TOS?
nvm I reread
3 hours later…
Is [...]← indexing assignment syntax supported for ⍺, like {⍺[...]←...}? It gives me a syntax error (where non-dfn didn't); unsure if I should investigate further or if that expression is just not supported...
To prevent XY problem, here's my full problem:
mincounts[nearest_node[idxs]]←values[idxs←⍸'namespace' in name] works
lift←{⍺←(⍴d)⍴⍬ ⋄ ⍺[nearest_node[idxs]]←values[idxs←⍸⍵ in name]} and
mincounts lift 'min_count' doesn't
@MartinJaniczek most likely deliberately not supported. assignment to ⍺ is special. it has effect only when no left arg was passed.

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