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10:59 AM
Is there a way to set the initial state of the accumulator in Dyalog's reduce operator? As a contrived example, to count elements in a list l in Python I could say reduce(lambda acc, _: acc+1, l, 0) where the last argument is the initial state of acc at the first call of the lambda.
@xpqz Evaluate one line of APL by prefixing it with . Use ⍞← instead for inline one-liner answers. Use ] to call user commands, including ]help ⍣ for help on a glyph etc. Do not use markdown, but fixed-width (4 initial spaces, Ctrl+K) is fine. Commands: )lb for language bar, )docs for full documentation, )ref for PDF reference card, )idioms for idiom list, )tio to create link or prefix code with f← for link to separated function assignment.
11:24 AM
@xpqz i don't think there's a better way than just appending 0
2 hours later…
1:24 PM
I believe there's a typo in the SQL Interface guide [https://docs.dyalog.com/17.1/SQL%20Interface%20Guide.pdf]

In the reference to SQA.Apl2Scar (p. 49) it says that parameter ascii should be 1 for ascii or 1 for binary. The latter should be 0, I think.
@mappo Thanks. Logged as issue 17870.
4 hours later…
5:04 PM
@Adám It seems to me that tryapl.org is down. Not sure if that is just on my side or for everyone.
I'm confusing myself with vector shapes. If I have a vector-of-vectors, how do I append to it?
      ll,('A' 65)
@JPeroutek Indeed. We noticed it earlier too. I'll see what I can do.
@xpqz ,⊂ maybe?
Hmm, I thought ∊ did what ⊂ infact does.
The reason is that you want to add another element, not append the elements of the additional vector to the existing elements.
@xpqz just unpacks all data into a simple list.

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