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Given the integers p, q and n I would like to generate a vector of length n with the elements
(⌊p ÷ q) (⌊(⌊p ÷ q) ÷ q) ...
In other words I want to construct a vector where the i:th element is {⌊⍵ ÷ q} applied i times on p. How can I do that in APL?
@Adám i don't know, either something like that or a separate squiggle. in k they are just / and \. obviously, apl can't do that because it doesn't know the valence of functions in advance to tell apart "reduce" from "converge", and "scan" from "converge-iterate" (or whatever fancy name it has now)
@Adám like in Haskell, e. g. unfoldr (\x -> if x>0 then Just (-x, xdiv2) else Nothing) 42 is [-42,-21,-10,-5,-2,-1]. Here function returns (a) what elem goes to the result (-42), (b) the next state (xdiv2 aka {⌊⍵÷2}), (c) whether to stop (Just(v,state) or Nothing). Shouldn't be necessary that complex, but the idea is this.
@ngn that -x is not necessary, just a (simple) way to do unfoldr (\x -> if cond x then Just (x, next x) else Nothing) a₀ would be nice [But that's just me, and I'm only "using" APL for 2 weeks, so maybe I'm completely wrong]
think i'm finally going to try to somewhat optimize my line parsing code. though it's fun, it's annoying to have to write everything performance-requesting in train form :/