I'm fairly sure this interpreter is RIDE because that's what the starting screen says, but it says it nowhere else and the Git commit in "About Dyalog" doesn't match anything on the RIDE GitHub. I'll email support@ first
@Sherlock9 RIDE is just a dumb frontend. The interpreter is always the same. If you're on macOS you are likely to use RIDE (unless you took special action to run dyalog from a terminal emulator).
@Sherlock9 That tells me that the whole output handling system is not working.
@Sherlock9 Can you try ]output.find on -i followed by ⍎⎕FX'f1' ?
in reality it's all implemented with stacks and all sorts of clever parsing stuff, so there's no actual dancing left and right on the source code, but conceptually yes
@rcabaco for each operator it is known in advance whether it's monadic or dyadic, unlike functions which are often ambivalent ("nomadic")
i have difficulty reasoning without ¨. For example, in the grouped data we got from above, i need to order each group by its 3rd column. i do this: (⍋¨2⌽¨⊣/⊢∘⊂⌸⊢)data
unrelatedly, i find it interesting that this uses ○÷¯180÷5 instead of ○5÷¯180. i guess it makes more sense to think of ○÷¯180÷ as a single thing, but then again the same file uses ○⍵÷180 before