@Adám Do you happen to know a) How, on Mac RIDE, to change the point at which a line of code wraps from 80 characters? b) Why `]box -trains=tree` isn't working? Hope you're having a good Shabbat
@Cowsquack ^ the output didn't get formatted nicely, but i hope you can see that the first and second matrices are the same, and the third is different
or... did i misunderstand the question? are you asking why ⌹ was designed that way (to return the left inverse rather than the right)? i have no idea
actually, i used wrong terminology above. ⌹b is both "left inverse" and "right inverse" of b. there's a theorem that says those always match.
however, matrix division could be "left" or "right" and for some reason dyalog have chosen "left".