@PaulMansour "The COALESCE function returns the first argument that is not null." -W. if i understand correctly, k's ^ used to do the same, except vectorized. unfortunately i don't have access to a k version to test with (<k3 ?)
@Adám yes. and it shouldn't ignore occasional keystrokes in ff on linux :)
@ngn You are correct. Upon a little coffee and reflection, fill and coalesce are closely related. Q has fill and fills (and coalesce for tables). It looks like with fill properly defined, everything else one would want to do is handed by reduction and scan.
@Adám @Adám Adam, I am trying to read an excel file. It is something I do on a regular basis but on occasion I get a value error when using the same DDE statements I always use. The spreadsheet is open and the worksheet is named correctly and has data but I get value error.
@Adám These are the program lines I am using: GetCPPIncSt;Data100 'DDE:EXCEL|CPPFinancials'⎕SVO'Data100 R12C5:R12C54' CPPInfo←Data100
@Adám, just a follow up on the excel issue. It turns out I can write to the excel sheet by assigning numbers to the shared variable but when I try to read the shared variable it gives me a value error.
@preaburn Dyalog WorkSpace. excel.dws is one of the sample workspaces bundled with Dyalog. You may want to have a look at loaddata.dws. Just type )load loaddata
@Adám is it possible to use dyadic take or drop with scan? My goal is to turn a list such as ⍳10 into something like (⊂⍳10),(⊂2↓⍳10),(⊂2↓(2↓⍳10))... until ⍬ is reached
Now that I think of it, obviously scan is not what I want here
@Adám i don't have time for a pr, but modern dom should be simpler and likely faster than datatables.js. i think you should throw away the dependency and do searchField.onkeyup=_=> go through all results and resultElement.hidden= 0 or 1 depending on whether they match