@H.PWiz No, and that's intentional, so we can change it at will. E.g. for 18.0 we are working on a complete pocket restructuring, bumping max-rank, allowing additional types (bigger ints, magic arrays, …), and reserving space for flags (is-sorted, all-unique, …), etc.
represent big numbers as (ndigits; afewleadingdigits). when multiplying: add the first components (with some correction), multiply the second components and keep only the leading digits from the product
Was talking w a friend about possibilities for the sum of a 2d6 roll and found a super neat way in dyalog apl to generate the table: ∘.+⍨⍳6. (row result of first die and cols the 2nd or vice versa) ⍨ super handy for making 1-liners without any parens.