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12:46 PM
@Adám managed to solve that question from yesterday, I'm currently at '.!'[?6⍴2]∘{⎕←'Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos, timeout is 2 seconds:',⎕TC[2],⍺[⍳⍵]⊣⎕DL 2}¨⍳6. Any clear golfs anyone can see?
@J.Sallé Run ⎕ML←3 and change ⎕TC[2], to 2↓⎕TC,
Will do
@J.Sallé ⍺[⍳⍵]⍵↑⍺
Oh yeah I missed that
@J.Sallé If you're allowed trailing spaces, change ⎕ML back to 1, and just '.!'[?6⍴2]∘{⎕←↑'Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos, timeout is 2 seconds:'(⍵↑⍺)⊣⎕DL 2}¨⍳6
12:55 PM
Goddamnit I just noticed I need to print a different string after all of those D:
I'll see if I can have trailing spaces
OP doesn't specify so I assume it's allowed?
@J.Sallé If you're not allowed trailing spaces: '.!'[?6⍴2]∘{⎕←⍵↑⍺⊣⎕←'Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos, timeout is 2 seconds:'⊣⎕DL 2}¨⍳6
@Adám I put a comment about the trailing spaces, but I'll assume for now that it's allowed
1:11 PM
@Adám notably a few of my solutions to challenges on anagol were too slow in Burlesque because the shortest way usually calculates "too much".
Okay, final code is '.!'[?5⍴2]∘{⍵≤5:⎕←↑'Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos, timeout is 2 seconds:'(⍵↑⍺)⊣⎕DL 2⋄⎕←'Success rate is ',⍕(100×d÷5),'percent (',(⍕d←+/'!'⍷⍺),'/5)'}¨⍳7
@mroman Your question was: why use APL? Using APL dosn't mean "golf your code". True, sometimes the shortest approach is terribly inefficient, but that doesn't detract from short code being a plus as long as it stays readable, of course. Usually, APL doesn't do constraint-based computations (there's only one exception to that, and you have to be explicit about it if you want it).
@mroman Rather a team of geniuses can optimise low-level algorithms in the interpreter, and then everybody who uses the interpreter gains a speed-up at no further cost to them.
but you can offer a lot of those things using libraries in languages.
For example extension functions in C# (LINQ).
I mean.. the benefit of using a language would have to outweight the cost of learning the language.
either that or it has a huge DSL character.
(such as some languages are mainly used because they ship with a lot of utility in some area.... like statistics)
I do agree that short code vs long code may have some readability advantage in the sense that you can pack more information into a single line of code.
Reading nested loops across a hundred lines of code with dozens of function call is pretty much less readable than when you have a high-level concept for this stuff in your language.
on the other hand working on such a language and getting paid for it sounds like fun :D.
2:21 PM
We are back from Dyalog ’18 and the video recordings for the event are being processed. We plan to release 3-5 videos per week - with each batch introduced via a blog post. The introductory blog post with links to the first batch of videos is at https://www.dyalog.com/blog/2018/11/welcome-to-the-dyalog-18-videos/
1 hour later…
3:35 PM
Posted my answer to the Cisco ping challenge. It would be nice if anyone could proof-read the explanation to see if I messed anything up.
2 hours later…
5:15 PM
Is WC a complete win32 API interface?
1 hour later…
6:30 PM
if not, how would I bootstrap external dependencies like that into APL?
6:49 PM
⎕nq can help
nq or na
Probably ⎕na and I misremembered
nq looks like system event queuing, so that may be right
na is the FFI
I was looking for that when you said nq
well, thanks for both. There goes all of the rest of my free time :/

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