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@Zacharý I'm 100% for a QuadRS lesson.
4 hours later…
@Adám can you explain to me why this ⍬{1≠⍵:(⍺,←⊢)⍺∇⊃⍵⌽0 1+.5 3×⍵⋄⍺}5 throws a syntax error at (⍺,←⊢)? Also happens with ⍬{1≠⍵:⍺,←⍺∇⊃⍵⌽0 1+.5 3×⍵⋄⍺}5
Also any tips on how to circumvent that would be nice
2 hours later…
I managed to solve this with a multiline Dfn, are those allowed by ppcg standards?
I ask because I don't recall seeing them here
@J.Sallé you can replace \n with ⋄ anyway
@ngn well, I kinda can't when I need to use a bunch of guards
I don't have the time to finish it today anyways, I'll just try to start afresh tomorrow
@Zacharý No. They're PCRE, but ⎕R and ⎕S do have some special and nifty syntax.
@J.Sallé You're not allowed to modify , only (attempt) to assign to it, and that whole statement is skipped if has a value. In a way, ⍺←xxx is like a ×⎕NC'a': guard, but execution continues with the next statement regardless.
@J.Sallé Just use a different variable name.
@J.Sallé Yes. Count line breaks as a single byte.
@J.Sallé Yes you can: Guards work by statement, not line, so {Condition:ValueIfTrue ⋄ ValIfFalse} works fine.

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