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12:55 PM
@J.Sallé I just stumbled upon some cover functions for .NET cryptography. Look in [DYALOG]/SALT/tools/special/.
@Adám oh, cool! I'll take a look
1:45 PM
#tio alias view
Command Aliases:
⍞← -> #TIO do apl-dyalog ⎕←%args%
⎕← -> #TIO run apl-dyalog (⎕NS⍬).⍎'⎕CY''salt''⋄⎕SE.UCMD''box on -fns=on''⊣enableSALT'⋄⎕←%args%

Language Aliases:
apl-dyalog -> [apl]

Message Aliases:
)help -> %handle% [Dyalog APL Language Elements](help.dyalog.com/16.0/Content/Language/Introduction/…)
)ref -> %handle% [Dyalog APL Reference Card](docs.dyalog.com/16.0/ReferenceCard.pdf)
)about -> %handle% You can evaluate an APL expression by typing it into chat prefixed by ⍞←. Use ⎕← instead for boxed display and multi-line results. Do not use mar
1 hour later…
2:49 PM
alternative to ")lb":
0. go to https://ngn.github.io/apl/web/lb.html
1. drag "lb" to your bookmarks bar
2. go to https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52405/apl
3. press "lb"
@ngn Wow, that is very cool! May we borrow some ideas (= blatantly rip off)?
@Adám sure
@Adám well, you may need to modify it to other APL variants as well
3:12 PM
@ngn Dyalog should hire you as a JavaScript developer.
3:33 PM
@ngn On some sites, it appears to not work. E.g. github.com.
@Adám I'll take that as a compliment :)
@Adám That's because browsers added "CSP" - a new opt-in way to prevent cross-site scripting but broke bookmarks with it. In a blog post GitHub published their assessment of the arguments pro and con and decided to go with CSP anyway.
@Adám If you're using Firefox, I think there should be a setting to disable it.
@Adám about:config > security.csp.enable=false (though that may be unwise to do for all websites)
4:21 PM
@ngn​/apl doesn't have ?
4:33 PM
@Adám ⍤ and ⌸ appeared after I joined Dyalog
@ngn Am I understanding it right that tcs defines both the content and the tab completions?
@Adám you mean the content of the tooltips? yes
@ngn No, not the tooltips, the actual characters shown on the bar.
the characters are added to the bar in this loop:

let lbh='';for(let i=0;i<lbs.length;i++){
@Adám bloody chat formatting...
so, the loop is over "lbs", not "tcs"
"tcs" just defines a mapping between the squiggles and their tab completions
@ngn Ah, thanks.
@ngn Hm, how to insert a space…
4:45 PM
@Adám insert a space?
@ngn as in ← +-
@ngn '←assign',' ','+conjugate;add','-negate;subtract', didn't work.
anyway, gtg. Later.
5:21 PM
sorry for the delay
instead of inserting a space, isn't it better to increase the widths or margins with css?
@Adám or maybe you're asking about grouping? that's too advanced, I wanted to it simple
@Adám you found out?
3 hours later…
8:31 PM
@ngn Never mind. It works.
@ngn Something else: Pressing backtick and backtick again correctly inserts but fails to leave "backtick mode".
@Adám thanks, I'll fix that
2 hours later…
@Adám great :)
@ngn Indeed. And all thanks to you. Btw, I'm developing a liking for your JS style. Let me know when you have a backtick fix so I can steal that too. Do you want attribution on the page?
@Adám no need to mention me on the page, but you should choose how to licence your code
@Adám ngn/apl is under the mit, which requires copying of the licence file
@ngn I guess I have to include the license of ngn/apl since I use substantial parts, no?
@Adám your further modifications can be under any licence you choose, including proprietary
@Adám that's what the mit licence says, I think I've seen licences like that with an additional line that mentions the proprietary modifications (if you decide to go that route)
10:37 PM
@ngn So I need to include Original code copyright (c) 2011-2017 Nikolay G. Nikolov right?
@Adám but even if you don't include a licence, I don't care much :) intellectual property is bullshit anyway
@Adám I'm not sure, I think you have to include the text of the entire licence and possibly add another licence file if the rest of your code is licensed differently
@ngn This should be good enough.
@Adám looks good to me
@Adám :)
and you have your first green square in the bottom row of the contributions chart :)
11:03 PM
@ngn You're right. But it is in the winter, so nothing wrong there.
@Adám I know. Also, I've noticed GitHub determines days in strange ways, I think it uses American timezones
@Adám You made the language bar wrap, do you prefer it that way?
@ngn Yes, that's better than just hiding symbols. Think tall narrow mobile.
@ngn Also, that requires less CSS :-)
@Adám You can scroll it.
@Adám I was also considering buttons or autoscroll-when-near-the-edges, but just supporting the mouse wheel turned out simpler
@ngn That's too awkward, imho. Imagine if you had to scroll your keyboard to reach the keys on the right…
@Adám the drawback now is that you may cover some important part of the webpage
11:08 PM
@ngn Oh, I didn't realise that mouse scroll already works. Nevertheless, I think we have to think more and more about mobile/touch users. And they can neither mouse-scroll, nor hover.
@Adám they can swipe and some can hover with a stylus
@ngn Swiping appears to not work on ngn/apl, and most do not have a stylus. Hovering is uncommon on mobile, so it is not intuitive for pen users.
@Adám urgh
@ngn Styling is yet to be done. They layout is the idea here.
@ngn Well, you left us. If we had in-house JS expertise…
@Adám in ngn/apl I used to have UI designed for mobile but decided to remove it - it was a grid of characters and a "cursor" (blinking 1 pixel wide <span>) and a "keyboard" (in-page, just html)
11:15 PM
@ngn Sounds similar to what we're working on.

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