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6:40 AM
@Adám oh right, thanks. unfortunately, that just takes a screenshot of MSKLC. I was hoping it would print a nice keyboard map with all four characters on each key. I guess I'll have to create that myself.
1 hour later…
7:53 AM
@MartinEnder Hm, that would make a nice challenge: Take a .klc file and output a map like this:
│¬ ⌺ │! ⌶ │" ⍫ │£ ⍒ │$ ⍋ │% ⌽ │^ ⍉ │& ⊖ │* ⍟ │( ⍱ │) ⍲ │_ ! │+ ⌹ │Backspace│
│` ⋄ │1 ¨ │2 ¯ │3 < │4 ≤ │5 = │6 ≥ │7 > │8 ≠ │9 ∨ │0 ∧ │- × │= ÷ │         │
│Tab    │Q   │W   │E ⍷ │R   │T ⍨ │Y   │U   │I ⍸ │O ⍥ │P ⍣ │{ ⍞ │} ⍬ │Enter │
│       │q ? │w ⍵ │e ∊ │r ⍴ │t ~ │y ↑ │u ↓ │i ⍳ │o ○ │p * │[ ← │] → │      │
├───────┴┬───┴┬───┴┬───┴┬───┴┬───┴┬───┴┬───┴┬───┴┬───┴┬───┴┬───┴┬───┴┐     │
8:06 AM
@MartinEnder ^ Also available offline with 'notes.keyboards' ⎕CY 'dfns' ⋄ keyboards.
4 hours later…
12:34 PM
@Adám how can linefeed be produced for a single-dimension character-vector? ('\n')
@Uriel There is no escape mechanism other than doubling apostrophes. On the other hand, you've got full flexibility for varying newlines with'Hello',(⎕UCS 10),'World!' You can assign this to a variable before n←⎕UCS 10⋄'Hello',n,'World' or (for golfing purposes as it is bad practice) index ⎕AV with 'Hello',⎕AV[3],'World!'
12:56 PM
@Uriel Another trick, especially if you need a lot of inline newlines: '§'⎕R'\n'⊢'To be§or not to be§that is the question§'
11 hours later…
11:46 PM
@Uriel X⊃Y (as indicated by its symbol and pairing with ⊃Y) picks and discloses a single particular element at each level of of depth. X⌷Y (a ligature of [ and ]) indexes at the outermost depth, and can thus be used to select major cells of any array, and like bracket indexing, it doesn't disclose the selection.

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