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1:23 AM
Haha. Just had someone point out tutorial.dyalog.com to me. It's full of little irreverent gems. Who are the authors?
7 hours later…
8:03 AM
@mitchelljohnstone ~0∘∊ looks to be the fastest
I assumed ∧/ would have been optimized to short-circit but apparently it doesn't
8:54 AM
@Jonah array notation isn't currently supported, but work is underway and there's a parse in □se
9 hours later…
5:53 PM
I vaguely recall that Before will be on shift+f, is that correct?
making a custom keyboard and would like to future-proof :)
5 hours later…
11:07 PM
@RubenVerg Sweet! Split? What controller? Ortho? Interested in the deets!

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