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7:44 AM
parsing APL, even a restricted subset, turns out to be much harder than expected
the parsing part of tinyapl might have to wait some more
8:09 AM
@RubenVerg I recommend studying the Bunda-Gerth parser included in the dfns workspace (dfns.dyalog.com/n_parse.htm). It's an intuitive approach to parsing APL. A reasonably complete 'grammar' for Dyalog is here: dfns.dyalog.com/s_parse.htm and the orgiginal B-G paper here: dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/384283.801081
If you're interested in implementing it it not-APL, I wrote a Python version here: github.com/xpqz/numpapl/blob/main/apl.py
ngn-apl takes a more traditional recursive decent approach (github.com/abrudz/ngn-apl) which is clean and also ok to follow.
ivy's parser (github.com/robpike/ivy) is also a good resource.
2 hours later…
10:27 AM
@xpqz this doens't seem to exist
thanks for everythine else though! i better go study :)
@RubenVerg Try now -- apparently, I'd left it private.
The parser should be complete, although the interpreter itself is only half-baked.
4 hours later…
2:27 PM
Announcement: BAA Vector Webinar in half an hour.
4 hours later…
5:59 PM
Are there any resources on dealing with graphs in APL? Running through old AOC problems, anything with graph traversal totally stumps me. Even checking solutions on the wiki doesn't help.
1 hour later…

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