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@Adám Nice. Thank you, and... a Dyalog Viking Challenge? This sounds fun!
10 hours later…
@Jeremygee It may be more obvious as 1 (↓⍤2) m.
4 hours later…
Dear Community
I am a building engineer and project manager, lately at the Municipality of Guldborgsund in Denmark.
In the hindsight – that is after 36 years of professional experience – not surprisingly I’ve come to the conclusion, that most of my professional career really has been about finding or generating knowledge on specific subjects, aligning it with people around me, and communicating the results in some form.
I realize, that bringing people on the same page is the hardest task of all, however only because we humans contextualize things differently. We have different backgrounds,
Thank You very much for Your time.

Greetings Jannik
@user1418115 Your links seem to be missing.

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