@NathanMerrill I do have to try all of them first:)
Does anyone here know a simple GUI library for python? I want to do something that allows you to display images and draw on them - but I'm not familiar with building GUIs in python. I also considered doing the GUI in HTML/JS but again I have no experience with building a python webserver:)
I've spent the last 2 days trying to define how an infinity shape should be drawn using Bézier Curves. Which was complicated by the fact that I want to scale it up to any size, know exactly how wide it is, and draw it at any angle. Realized my approach won't work, and re-implemented the entire thing from scratch in about 5 minutes
for (int i = 0; i < m_segmentCount; ++i) {
double t = i / double(m_segmentCount - 1);
double angle = DegreesToRadians(360 * t);
double x = centerX + cos(angle) * radius;
double y = centerY + sin(2 * angle) * radius / 3.0;
vertices[i].set(x, y);
It's basically just a stretched circle where the period of y is half the period of x