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@El'endiaStarman are there flat-earthers who believe in the speed of light?
I feel like those both fail at the same time
I mean, yeah, nothing in that blog series is going to convince flat-earthers.
I feel like the camera one is a really good one though
dunno. Past ones have felt less sciency. I'd argue the less science required, the better the proof
I don't disagree. I will make the point though that this proof is #29. I'd have run out of proofs at #5, if not earlier. I'm sure David MMR has probably effectively exhausted the easy non-sciency ones.
Oh yeah. The only proofs I know are the ones I've been told
I think it's incredible how much the roundness of the earth affects us
2 hours later…
6 hours later…
@DJMcMayhem but it doesn't look very Bézier-ish?
ah the emphasis was probably not using a Bézier curve, but on the shape:)
Isn't it satisfying to find a really nice solution like yours?:)
In case you can draw implicit curves easily you could also consider using algebraic formulations
@flawr Oh sweet. I knew that had a mathematical name, but I couldn't remember what it was. The Bernoulli shape is lot nicer than mine, I night change it to that
@DJMcMayhem The bernoulli lemniscate also has a very simple representation in polar coordinates as well as a nice parametrization in cartesian coordinates.
@flawr r² = 2a² cos(2 theta)
You're right, that is very nice :)
Although one advantage of what I'm doing right now is that it's very easy to define it as having a certain width (which is important to what I'm doing). If I switched to Bernoulli I'll have to find out a relation between a and the total width of the lemniscate
Wait I'm dumb
The width is just 2a haha
@DJMcMayhem whenever you say something like this to yourself it means that you actually just learned something,
so at least you're less dumb than before:)
@flawr One of my favorite long running jokes in TNB is how anytime someone says "I'm an idiot" it gets stars
3 hours later…
This was really interesting. He goes over two ways we get performance improvement wrong
7 hours later…
wait...this isn't CG&CC room. I don't remember adding GMT to the feeds
I meant to post all of the above in the gaming chat. Mods feel free to delete :)
Oh I don't doubt I did it :)

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