I love construction: They seem an abnormally high number of clever things they do
The other day I was helping build a house, and we were putting windows in. Part of the process is to put silicon around the window before you press the window frame into it
The silicon helps seal the window, helps it stick, etc
however, the interesting part is that you don't put silicon on the bottom edge
rather, you put the silicon after the window is already in, below the window, because otherwise, the silicon would make a pool of water if it rained
Stuff like that: There's just so much...knowledge in the world of construction
When compared to Apollo 13, I would say it was less historically accurate, but I don't think anything was provably wrong. Apollo 13 had the benefit that every minute of the real event was logged. The cinematography was great... it passed the "no sound in a vacuum" test. Also they are really different types/feels of movie, First Man is a "life journey" and is much more tragic/emotional.
Research shows that at least, regarding the few more-or-less made up parts of the movie, there's been real-life speculation about those things. No spoilers.
@NathanMerrill If you ever consider building your own house, consider getting windows like you can find them in europe, instead of those "slide half of the window up and down"-windows:)
In the US, most are separated into upper and lower halves where you can slide the lower half up (or sometimes the top half down). Not sure about typical European windows.
And yep, can attest to mugginess during the summer too.
Imagine living on the eighth floor of a dorm building (heat rises) during the beginning/end of summer (hot + humid) with no AC (because it's cold more often than hot and colleges like to save money on student housing) and how much fun all that is!
Right now we've had a very warm and dry summer. It has rained on maybe 3 days since march, and right now at noon you can still wear a tshirt outside, while we probably would already have had the first snow in "average" years.