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Hi @Simply
Hey ‮ ‮​‮‮‮@Zophikel
@Simply looking back at my khan academy profiles
went through a lot of material
Huh? I do not do khan academy ‮ ‮​‮‮‮@Zophikel
@Simply how did you learn calc by yourself
Uh... well...
@Simply did you use a lot of books
I drilled through the problems but never got mastery for most of them :(
‮.ffuts dna seton enilno fo noitanibmoc A
@Zophikel Well, you just keep practicing
@Simply I did eventually got the intuition and grounded my understanding
@Simply dang you had to go answer
@Simply but i'll have to begin answering questions on MSE
I'll think i'll search for the low hanging fruit first
Okay ‮ ‮​‮‮‮@Zophikel
@Simply yeah do you keep saying my name backgrounds
What do you mean? I always say it this way ‮ ‮​‮‮‮@Zophikel
@Simply on khan academy you can walk awawy from doing like 100 problems but the system still says you haven't mastered it
with like 60% of them being correct
@Riker Oh god, I need to find a question I can answer using my messed up stuff
@Zophikel xD
@Simply tell me about it
@Simply it could be possible as an alternate appoarch
Woohoo! I just hit 14k reviews on "close" candidates within the review queue!!
Nice! ‮ ‮​‮‮‮@amWhy
@amWhy congrats
@Simply if you ever use khan academy to learn math be prepared to grind
Might take a read through this over the summer: ae-info.org/attach/User/Gallavotti_Giovanni/…
@Simply you may have mastered it but on khan academy boy you gotta grind
@Simply with that problem it could be possible to simply the orginal integral into something easier and then use contour integration
@Zophikel Yes, there are usually many ways to solve the same problem.
@Simply yay! i'll eventually have to write up something I nearly solved
:P @Simply but i'm really thinking about grabbing a CAS
tried of doing tedious steps
@Simply I wondor why undergrads call analysis a "bag of tricks"
You have a lot of tricks to work with
6 mins ago, by Simply Beautiful Art
@Zophikel Yes, there are usually many ways to solve the same problem.
Still "bag of tricks" sounds insluting
when I hear that makes me feel like a magician instead of a mathematician
They should say Analysis is like an armory each theorm a weapon to do battle
@Zophikel Or a blessing, each theorem a step towards peace!!
@amWhy lol
Woops... Was my comment too "harsh" here: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2287791/…
@Simply how was your weekend
@Zophikel good :-)
@Simply can't wait for the summer
@Simply what are you going to improve on over the summer
People answer MSE questions so fast :( hard to keep up
logic + set theory + more analysis
@Simply me more Mutivarible-Calc(anything I missed) Contour Integration, Real Analysis stuff, and working on more diffclut problems and using Computer Algebra Systems to automate tedious steps
anyway see ya :)
got to read my comics
See ya ‮‮@Zophikel
@EricStucky that's nice :)
good night @SimplyBeautifulArt
whoops that was a while ago
also: just finished the fourth post O.O
that was way harder than I was expecting
6 hours later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt Cool!
Morning to all
1 hour later…
what is up with everyone removing messages recently o.o?
Heading out for a bit. Be back in an hour ish.
Good afternoon
Good afternoon :)
@shredalert I see no such removed messages, right @Mithrandir ?
I removed two messages
of my own
Also, I came up with a puzzle. It'll take me a bit to write
And I'm gone!
better hurry - last day of voting is today! :P
@SimplyBeautifulArt bye
rolls eyes @SimplyBeautifulArt
@SBM \o/
I want to learn more about Calculus
‮Good morning @shredalert
@SimplyBeautifulArt 'afternoon
Good evening
nomnomnomnom time
Does graduation mean Bachelor's degree?
or 12th grade?
it means the site got a custom design and a mod election </joke>
:}{: @Mithrandir
@Mithrandir ¿? ‮@Mithrandir
@SBM If you want to learn more about calculus, I recommend Spivak.
Q: Graduation, site closure, and a clearer outlook on the health of SE sites

AnaBack in April of 2010, Joel shared our assumptions about the role of small sites in the newly minted Stack Exchange network: If a site does not have enough activity at the end of 90 days, it will be closed down. Any existing Q&A will be archived and made available for download, but the site...

I have a copy but never really learned from it, but after learning from other, not-so-satisfactory places, I realised Spivak's is probably the best for someone wanting to learn about calculus. Too busy studying logic and programming things now to bother with math. :P
You always reply to the wrong person lol ‮@Mithrandir
@SimplyBeautifulArt no
Ok will check that book from the library once school opens; if it'd be in the library
that got the right one
Most libraries have a copy
I do not think my school library might have.
@Mithrandir but I didn't ask about graduation ‮@Mithrandir
@SimplyBeautifulArt you replied to my message with a question mark...
@SimplyBeautifulArt, I think I need to give @SBM a quick lesson in jolly-rogering.
@Mithrandir but not about graduation ‮@Mithrandir
@SimplyBeautifulArt so then what?
@shredalert lol, go ahead ‮@shredalert
@Mithrandir I just like replying all weird like this ‮@Mithrandir
@SimplyBeautifulArt ...why'd you ping me on that?
I get enough pings :P
@SBM do you have discord?
I swear, the first thing someone who comes online needs to learn is how to jolly-roger
what's your id on discord? @SBM
What's yours?
Shred Alert#4364
enjoy jolly-rogering
Pirates ... yikes
One of the nastiest underbellies sailing the IPs
Just went through information and material implication @amWhy interesting stuff.
three- and four-valued logics definitely make formalising natural language easier.
Just talking about logic with truth values in between true and false
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@Feeds ‮
Hi @SimplyBeautifulArt
@SimplyBeautifulArt Hey, @SimplyBeautifulArt Will you provide, here, a comment or perspective as to whether you think my most recent edit to my answer here: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2289098/… is more confusing than it is helpful? (Do not upvote, though, since that's not what I'm seeking. It's just nice to have an extra pair of eyes.) The edit (addition) appears below the "horizontal line"
@projectilemotion, @EricStucky, Please see my request immediately above, since I'd appreciate any/all feedback, here. Not looking for upvotes; I simply want to know if my "my edit addend* today, below the horizontal "line", makes my post more complete, or more confusing, or both :-/
Oops, edit below the second horizontal line!
@amWhy It is certainly a useful edit, but whether this would make the OP confused really depends.
Looking at his/her previous questions and answers, it does not seem like he/she would be confused by your edit.
Okay, thanks, @projectilemotion That helps a lot!
@amWhy You're welcome, though you might want to ask for some different opinions (Someone may find a problem I have not seen).
Of course... still hoping @Eric and/or @Simply might add their thoughts too. What I was initially thinking of was that we have a composite number as being $\neq -1, 0, 1$, but the product $\pm 1$ times the product of two primes.
Just corrected my mistaken "two" when it should have been "too". Usually people make mistakes/typos between "to" vs. "too". Only those immersed in math will sometimes write "two" instead of "to" and "too"!
Hi, @TheGreatDuck. I do understand about the mod chat, and I was, for a time, chatting too much there, too. As for the other user I addressed: ....it seems the "new user" has been a member of MSE chatrooms for only three days.
@amWhy Do you think this question is worth the reopen vote?
Q: Group Theory, Abstract Algebra

sudarma123 If in a group $G$, $xy^n=y^{n+1}x$ and $ yx^n=x^{n+1}y$ for some $n \in \mathbb{N}$, show that $x=y=e$, where $e$ is the identity of $G$. I found this problem from the book "Modern Algebra" written by Surjeet singh and Qazi Zameeruddin. This problem is on the page 59. I've been trying to...

@amWhy I'm not even wanting to chat. I was just reading up on mod stuff...
and the conversation you were trying to redirect had been over for about 20 minutes when you came in
@TheGreatDuck You are a big boy and know better, and could have cut the conversation off (or redirect. You wrote the last comment there (did not need to), introducing a mathematical question that does not belong in the Mod chat, nor was it solicited. So Don't act so indignant.
Hey, @Theoretical! Welcome to the chat room!
@TheG "Im trying to figure out the maximum number of integers divisible by any number in [1,n] within the range [n^2,(n+1)^2]
basically an integer b in [n^2,(n+1)^2] is a composite if and only if an integer 1 < a < n divides b
combinatrics should reveal the answer
the trick is how to avoid counting duplicates
Hi, SBM!!
How are you today?
OKay but sad.
@SBM Why so? :(
News of somebody's death is not a happy subject.
@amWhy: I think I might have gone about that a slightly different way, and made the observation that sometimes you'll get negative numbers, following that up with the definition that negative numbers require at least five (or six) factors to be composite. But what you have written seems fine.
@SBM You are right. Such news is sad, but even deeper than sad. I'm sorry. The depths of mourning are known only among the mourning.
removed that because I guess that eight lettered word with m is too violent and bad.
@SBM, I saw that brief comment. How horrible! Just know that Justice will be served.
@SBM No worries. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
April was already horrible and May was little better at least till today
You are welcome to email me, @SBM. Let me know if you'd like my email address, and if so, when you're ready to copy it (so I can post in a comment briefly) after which I will follow up to delete the address)!
Can't mods read deleted messages?
amwhy is only half a mod
Yes they can
I think
Mod's know, or can contact by email, even if they don't know it, so I'm not worried about what they might be able to read. I just don't want to leave my email address so it's too available to too many people. @Mithrandir is here, and can help me delete a comment with my email address, if it persists beyond the window of time we each have to delete a comment. @SBM Are you ready?
it's about time I go to bed.
@SBM That's fine too. I hope you sleep well.
@SBM Good night! :)
Good night
@amWhy also, if necessary I can purge it so that even people who can see deleted messages won't be able to see it (if it's edited to not show it before it's deleted)
@amWhy I fixed the first line a bit :P
Afternooon gents done with my finials
got one more :p
@shredalert Correction: yes mods can see message history. Hence we can see deleted messages. /cc @SBM
Wow I learn something new every day.
@Zophikel Hang in there! It only gets harder from here onwards. :)
If you're a lifelong learner, you're never done! @Zophikel :D
@shredalert tell me about going to be doing some real analysis stuff today
@shredalert Room owners can also see the deleted messages
I was stuck on a tis100 puzzle earlier today
realised I could have easily solved it using one of the commands I forgot about, but trying to implement the program without it xD
@shredalert you going computer algebra XD
nah, it's a game
assembly language game to be precise
TIS 100
oh lol
@shredalert do you know the intuition behind affine space
It's similar to a a vector space from my understanding and with affine space we are concerned with the behavior points
OK ... I read the blerb ... is it like code golf ? ... no you explain me ? ... you say it is easy to learn in a few days ... can you refer me to the stuff ? ... I am interested ...sell it me ... I will but anything ! Kind Regards DS
@Zophikel It's something to do with projective space, I forgot exactly what though
@shredalert reading it in…
Simp‮trA lufit‭ly Beau
Oh, hello ‮@TheGreatDuck
@Simply found this interesting post: reddit.com/r/math/comments/6cb7s4/…
Hello ‮@Zophikel
Hi @ylpmiS
Wrong way :P
What is the small big number stuff about ?
@DonaldSplutterwit Try to code the largest number you can in 100 bytes basically
What language (s) would you recommend I use ? ... Can you give me some cool examples ?
@DonaldSplutterwit Personally, Ruby was easy for me to pick up
@DonaldSplutterwit See the second link for a simple example
See this one for a slightly more advanced example
I have never done Ruby ! ... I use c# & R at work ... but I have written code in BF (for a laugh)
programming languages in general shouldn't be hard to learn unless they are intentionally designed in an obfuscated manner
@DonaldSplutterwit You can use c#, R, or BF.
my favourite is Scheme
just because it's so easy to abstract away xD
Hit the run button at the top with no code
Right ... I will give Ruby a whirl & will look at those examples ... any other advise ?
@SimplyBeautifulArt have you ever solved legendres conjecture?
@DonaldSplutterwit Come back to ask for help on codegolf. I can codegolf Ruby.
@TheGreatDuck no...?
oh ok
just curious
@SimplyBeautifulArt you should look at Scheme. It takes like 15 minutes to learn.
@shredalert will do
Anyone know the command in sagemath to do this $\frac{d}{d \theta}e^{iei \theta}-1$
@Simply started learning how to use computer algebra
gonna use it to automate my proofs :P
@SimplyBeautifulArt looking to prove that there is always a prime between n and n^2.
i think induction might work easily
the issue is when n is a prime
I will have a gander a the Ruby stuff ... is the little big number stuff still on going ? ... let me know when you set another contest.
all right tried the command: diff(e^(rei^theta, theta)
                                                               ^ Wish someone could help me out with this
@DonaldSplutterwit It's still going on
@TheGreatDuck Well of course lol
@Zophikel :|
@TheGreatDuck ... I was trying to remember what Legendre's conjecture was ... thats right ... there is a least one prime between n & n^2 ... probably easier than Bertrands postulate !
@DonaldSplutterwit no between n^2 and (n+1)^2
im proving a weaker version
@Simply i'll ask in the mathematics channel
@TheGreatDuck yeah
@SimplyBeautifulArt ... still on going ! best get my skates on ... don't suppose I will come up with anything ... but I will give it some thought
@DonaldSplutterwit You got plenty of time, don't fret
@SimplyBeautifulArt I can prove it for all for n even by induction
perhaps that would help
Duck: you never need to worry about the case when $n$ is prime; you need only do it for when $n$ is a power of two
@TheGreatDuck m'kay
@EricStucky hmm?
ermm I might be dumb 1sec
prove that there is a prime between n and n^2?
@SimplyBeautifulArt nvmd. me an idiot
Yeah I'm being silly; ignore
@SimplyBeautifulArt suppose that the statement is true for all 1 < m <= n
I want to prove it for n+1 and n+1 is prime
the issue is that I cannot refer to the case of n neccessarily
alrighty then
So, trivial observation: the inductive structure you're proposing works no matter which range you take, as long as it's at least three. I mean: if you wanted to prove that there's always a prime strictly between $n$ and $n+3$, you would be able to provide a proof by induction as long as it were true for prime numbers. (It's not, which is why the statement is wrong, of course.)
because of overlap
So it seems that your question is, in some essential way, about distribution of prime gaps, i.e., can we put an upper bound on how far it is between a prime and some other one. Which, yes, you can, but you wouldn't expect that to be very straightforward.
im trying to solve legendres conjecture and I'm proving a different statement that would be useful towards solving it
Yes, you've made that clear.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I'm surprised I didn't get the little message in my message post, to the effect that my "post has been edited." But thanks, I think?
@amWhy Lol, no problem
@SimplyBeautifulArt I'm trying to count the number of combinations of 2 and 3 when I select 3 allowing duplicates
i think being able to do that (in general) will be incredibly useful
Q: Read this carefully: ‮114 116 108 111

Simply Beautiful Arthttps://repl.it/‮01001001010011000110110001011000 Hint:

Good luck to all who try my puzzle xD
@TheGreatDuck Okay...
‮@Mithrandir ?
Hm, wait, lemme check if everything works correctly....
@SimplyBeautifulArt But what's the question, or puzzle? I see "Read this carefully ... .. .. " and a hint. Is the puzzle to translate? Decode? Otherwise, any one who "Read your title and post(hint) carefully" has succeeded.
@amWhy Oops, yes, the puzzle is to find the hidden message
@SimplyBeautifulArt Okey Dokey! BTW is this perchance a carry-over from "yadretsey"
@amWhy Well the point of the hint is to say "Hey, you probably didn't read this the way I meant it to be read"
Anyways, I'm not giving out any more pointers
And it does work
42 secs ago, by Simply Beautiful Art
Anyways, I'm not giving out any more pointers
Feel free to try your thoughts out though.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I wasn't asking for a hint. Only suggesting an edit for the sake of clarity. my last comment was a joke!
Whoop de doop
It appears ridnarhtiM is too busy to see my puzzle
Agh, where'd ‮@Mithrandir
@Catija Hello and welcome to my realm!
(can't quite ping you for some reason)
(or you left already and my computer was being slow)
$$\frac{(-1)^{er}}{-r} \, + \, \int_{0}^{\pi}(-1)^{er}-1 \frac{-(1)e^{ir \theta} - 2 \theta i }{r}$$

Applying Feryman's trick on the RHS side of our problem we now have the following.

$$\frac{d}{d \phi}\int_{0}^{\pi}(-1)^{er}-1 \frac{-(1)e^{ir \theta} - 2 \theta i }{r}= \int_{0}^{\pi}\frac{\partial}{\partial{\phi}}(-1)^{er}-1 \frac{-(1)e^{ir \theta} - 2 \theta i }{r}$$
Would one take the partial derative on the RHS side with respect to the parameter
Or did I apply this Ferynman's trick wrong
Looks good so far, but usually I would do it in the reverse manner. Your integrand should be the derivative of something... anyways, what are you integrating with respect to?
i'm integrating with respect to r, usually when apply ferynman's trick with an expotient in their integrand one would integrate with respect to that exponent
@Simply I should have mentioned that I introduced a parameter
oh well
@Simply how would you apply in the case of this integral maybe the way I applied is making it unclear for me
@Zophikel Differentiate with respect to $\theta$ would be my first thought.
The $(-1)^{er}$ shouldn't be a problem. Just an exponential function
@Simply yeah I've seen people apply where they put the partial derative of whatever equal to the integral
@Simply but it's ok to differentiate with respect to r yes
@Simply ahh so that's where my mistake was
Can't differentiate with respect to the variable you integrate with respect to
ahh ok
@Simply then how would this properly set up
because I tried differenating and integrating with repsect to the parameter
5 mins ago, by Simply Beautiful Art
@Zophikel Differentiate with respect to $\theta$ would be my first thought.
oh ok so just set up $\theta$ as the parameter and go from there
$\theta$ is already in the integral, so no need to set anything up.
Ahh ok I just made it more complicated
just do everything with respect to $\theta$ and we're done, usually when I use this method I set up a parameter and go from there
@Simply so then take the Partial Derative of the RHS side with respect to theta and we're done basically
should be
@Simply this integral i'm taking come from when I using the estimation lemma, skiping over details but in order to find my upper bounds I have to simplify the integral
@Simply also here's an alternate approach that I considered with Feynman's Integration trick for that integral I mentioned earlier
$$\frac{\partial(I)}{\partial{\theta}}=\int_{0}^{\pi}(-1)^{er}-1 \frac{-(1)e^{ir \theta} - 2 \theta i }{r}$$
           ^ Set the partial derative with respect to theta equal to the integral
then move the partial derative on the RHS next to our integrad
@Simply is that also a proper way of doing it in this case also ?
@Zophikel What do you mean?
$$\frac{\partial(I)}{\partial{\theta}}=\int_{0}^{\pi}(-1)^{er}-1 \frac{-(1)e^{ir \theta} - 2 \theta i }{r}$$ $$\int_{0}^{\pi}\frac{\partial}{\partial{\theta}}(-1)^{er}-1 \frac{-(1)e^{ir \theta} - 2 \theta i }{r}$$
             ^ Could you also apply in this way ?
@Simply I should have latexed out the first time sorry mate
no problem
Is that a valid way of doing it
@Simply well..
@Simply mate you there
well is it a vaild way
@B.Mehta Hello and welcome to my realm! What brings you to these parts?
@Zophikel Yes...
@simply looks like i'm getting better
Hey, did you see my puzzle ‮@Mithrandir
I'll take a look at it in the morning
But I'm exhausted now, so... Zzzzzz
@Mithrandir g'night, sleep tight
Mornin', might be more accurate
@Simply here's what I have so far from the stein's analysis exercise: mathb.in/143575
                       ^ Not everything but I think I did a horrible job
@Zophikel lol
@Zophikel Your first line is wrong
The integral does not converge
@Riker Have you seen my recent puzzle? It might be something a programmer like you could solve.
no, link?
am too lazy to check yer profile
Q: you probably read this wrong!

Simply Beautiful ArtRead this carefully: ‮114 116 108 111 https://repl.it/010010010100‮11000110110001011000 What's my message? Hint:

lol, I love how half my hint lies in where you preview/view my question
@Simply really
that was the hint given in the book
@Zophikel Well yeah... $\lim_{x\to+\infty}e^x/x=+\infty$

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