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Is everyone excited? It's our first non-programmery guest
@AlexMiller I'll save the excitement for when he's actually on the phone; we've been promised Shirlock Homes before
@MichaelMrozek Touche
oh the Jeff's loop is off :S
was that a BSoD?
oh and there is a little "on air" box now XD
yes, that was a BSOD
M-Audio's driver support sucks
SE podcast team will need bigger shoes very soon :P
Well, it looks like you can rewatch podcast #09
hm nice
Ok, I see the "On Air" light, but I don't see any people....
It doesn't start for a half hour
it's ping pong time
My guess is this one is sponsored by Mountain Dew
that doesn't say "Mountain"
People say that every podcast; I can only assume none of these people have seen an actual Mountain Dew can before, as they look nothing like that
That is true, can't really read it, just going by the logo's look.
What does it say?
It's Punyon Dew
@Hogan Punyon Dew
I need audio so I can tell if it's dropping out. Play the nyan cat tune for the next half hour
The can is white...
that is the new logo, I posted the old one.
So you thought he was drinking a can of mountain dew from 1999?
I might be strange, but I don't think that way, it reminded me of a can of the stuff -- guess I musta seen it before 2005.
Odd tidbit that I shouldn't know: in "The Social Network", Mark Zuckerberg has one of the new Mountain Dews in his fridge even though the year was 2003/2004.
@JimmySawczuk It blows my mind that I haven't noticed that in my approximately 4000 viewings of that movie
I was probably drinking mountain dew about 3000 of those times
See... they should have hired me as a consultant on that film -- I would'a sed "That don't look right!"
Surprising that Fincher missed that, really
My guess is they didn't miss it - it was probably product placement
@Hogan You should put "Ability to spot Mountain Dew cans circa 2005" on your CV
Product placement doesn't work on me. Although I'd kill for a can of Punyon Dew right now
I'm noticing a gaping void here: shop.stackexchange.com
@AlexMiller, we should sell Punyon Dew kits. Order this and you'll be able to make your own Punyon Dew!!
@MichaelMrozek I agree. I'm just wondering what jobs I would get.
Probably better than the one I have. It wouldn't take much.
haha, its pretty easy to make your own
I'm watching @AlexMiller watch @AlexMiller. The future is now
clap clap
is sound looping?
Livestream hates me more than usual today
why so?
Normally it randomly refreshes the page every 5 minutes or so. Today it's like every 30 seconds
Should I be hearing stuff right now?
@RebeccaChernoff This could be a big money maker -- it is just some paper to wrap the can.
or I should too :P
Should I be concerened if I was hearing sound and now I'm not?
no, we were just doing a quick sound test
Gotcha, thank you @alexMiller
@Hogan exactly!!
does joel have a strawberry on his glass?
he does
I think it is a rose
@JimmySawczuk Looks like it. @Alex still needs to fix the HD feed to not blur everything.
Interesting idea, I figured they blurred it so they could put how a HD release on DVD in 5 years.
@Shog9 Start this movie... FOCUS!
puts on hat and lights cigar
I see employee's running before the podcast starts
I'm going to need pricing on that ad spot
This looks like it would fit nicely:
@AlexMiller Joel mentioned something last week about a hackathon day before the D.C. DevDays conference, is there any info on what time that starts? I'm trying to plan my hotel stay based on how lazy I'm going to decide to be when it comes to travelling.
I'm a big fan of this
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee echo
It doesn't matter when you tune in, you can hear the whole podcast
They should include this in the published episode.
Split it into 10 second segments and play them all at once
Do we need bingo cards for the audio?
what does his hat say?
@MichaelMrozek don't tell me your planning to submit that to SU's ads ;P
@Hogan "Your Ad Here"
still looping?
Haha, anyone know what's going one?
Ah, funny!
We're going to lose one of our 88 valued viewers
this has to stay in
face palm
Sooo we were at: LIIIIIIVE!
Because the audio wasn't on 5 minutes ago?
i smell realtek drivers
It's great watching them rehearse before the actual show starts
@Alex - ask if steve has realtek, the default config causes a loopback
I put my money on realtek
@MichaelMrozek Look at it this way, if it keeps repeating everything they say, maybe you'll be able to catch the whole podcast through all the disconnects.
viewers are up to 100 -- this not having audio seems to work for them.
SE should upgrade Shirlock Homes' computer for being the leading non programmer on SE
@TimStone I'm trying to watch on my phone, and it won't even play anything; it just shows a black video
Haha, who's Jeff yelling at?
@JimmySawczuk YOU
:( I'll be quiet.
@Michael it seems they just shut the video off. Probably trying to turn it on and off again.
it went offline and they gained 7 viewers!
@AlexMiller What was wrong? Currious
@jjnguy it was a routing issue
they have the mics set to audio adjust??
Skype has "bars"? Measuring what?
@AlexMiller Thanks.
Let's load up the questions while they fiddle more buttons
So that's what happens when you push the green button twice...
is anyone else getting looping?
@AlexMiller No
I'm getting "popping"
@NickCraver I'm not getting looping
Lots of snap, crackle and popping
Two Skype users walk into some bars...
@Hogan I am getting static, I thought that was just my typical Livestream failing
@AlexMiller No looping, but it does sound like they're under water and the audio/video is out of sync
Who has popcorn ?
@random yeah me too.
@jjnguy odd, restarting it
I changed it to "medium" and it got better but it might have been timing.
... and my typing is just off today. Transposing more keys than a jazz guitarist
sounds used to be better
We're going to need to explore this whole "someone in the world likes Comcast" thing...
Let him be a power user - he's the only 10K user we've got!
Ask him why he hasn't accepted my suggested edit on his post yet
@MichaelMrozek I'll do it
That...is not what IRC stands for
Lots of breaking up
These non-programmers stealing our abbreviations and acronyms
@MichaelMrozek haha, my thought process was "wait he knows about IRC?! ohhhh, no...that's not what it means >_<"
Question: What parts of using SE does he not like?
@Mvy International Residential Code (I think)
"Half the time the answer is....{refresh}"
@MichaelMrozek I hate that as well
@Mvy Don't you just love when you straddle two professions that use the same acronym for two different things?
but how to get those contractors to the site in the first place? Hopefully not paying them like AOL does
@jjnguy Is it not just me? I was under the impression it was a problem with my connection
Yes :D
@IvoFlipse Yeah, that would be not great
@MichaelMrozek things are fine here.
@MichaelMrozek noep, it happens about once every 2-5 minutes here
@jjnguy Me too. Just now?
@MichaelMrozek no....
@IvoFlipse I've had a similar discussion with Larry over at the Mechanics.SE - how do they get the good mechanics on the site?
The summer camp I worked at was wired by the camp director - leaving to an interesting game of "which switch states will get the lighting I want"...
@MichaelMrozek now
@AnonJr I have the same problem on Fitness, how to get fellow kinesiologists online. So I'm wondering whether SE has a plan de campagne or if everything has to be organic. Because that way you're more likely to attract tech-savvy users, which skews the users base towards a crowd you might not be aiming for
@jjnguy Yep. Apparently we have the same problem but mine is twice as bad :)
@MichaelMrozek i wonder what the issue is.
Does Livestream use any unusual ports? I'm at work, a lot of ports are blocked
Plumbing is one thing I'm wary of. Electricity you can turn off and it's off, water keeps flowing.
"Enough to be dangerous" - that's me!
Well, you can shut off the main water into the house, in theory (assume anything I say about house maintenance is 100% wrong)
@IvoFlipse Larry and I talked about at least getting some decent posts up there to up the Google Juice (legit, just too long to explain in a text box - we work for the same hospital). He also teaches Mechanic classes on the side, so we talked about using that as a platform for getting people interested in asking/answering questions.
@ChrisF Getting wet beats getting electrocuted though.
@MichaelMrozek True - but the water in the pipes keep flowing. Electricity stops dead when you flip the switch.
@Shog9 I'm more worried about the damage to the house.
@AnonJr You can always start a blog to point everyone to these exemplary posts (so you don't just have to wait for users to stumble over them)
@ChrisF That's what you think; I have capacitors hidden all over my wiring to confuse electricians
@MichaelMrozek haha, that would be funny, and terribly dangerous
In all seriousness though, you never know for sure that someone didn't do something stupid until you test it. Flipping the switch ain't a sure thing.
@IvoFlipse We talked about that too. We figured it would be better to post a well-phrased question that the average person is likely to search for (How do I fix a flat tire?) and then he or someone else will provide a thorough answer to it - possibly breaking it down to separate, related questions to provide some good baseline questions and a few google-able, canonical answers.
Question: How does Steve cope with us folks from the UK and our funny ways?
@ChrisF Does he answer questions about UK-specific things?
Question: I learned some valuable tips on software development from my father in law, a home remodeler. The biggest was short delivery / pay cycles (weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2006/07/12/…). Interested if Joel / Steve have thoughts on the overlap of software construction / home construction, esp. on managing projects w/ short ship cycles.
@AnonJr sounds like a good plan
@MichaelMrozek I've not noticed, but I do answer US ones where it's not obviously about something very US specific.
@IvoFlipse now comes the real problem - finding the time to get it done... Larry's one of those guys who tends to over-book himself. :p
@IvoFlipse I'm just the consultant. :)
@AnonJr Just like with the blog, you need to rally the community. Which sadly takes just as much time as actually writing the stuff you're trying to get them to write
@ChrisF "WTF is this thing"
@MichaelMrozek Well that's one I wouldn't answer. I can guess - but it would be a guess.
@IvoFlipse So we've noticed. He keeps planning to take it to the Mechanics.SE Meta, I just don't know if he's done it yet. This week was his "un-bury myself" week since some of the classes he was going to teach got cancelled.
@ChrisF It's the free money dispenser. All US homes have one
@AnonJr but if you can write an upvoted answer, you can write one of these posts too. Besides, that's what originally community wiki was for: to have users collaboratively make posts awesome. So my point is: don't try to do everything by yourself, discuss what you want to write with others and it will become a better post
@MichaelMrozek I would have guess wrong :)
@IvoFlipse I'll have to be the one that writes the questions, not the answers - Larry's the mechanic, I'm the programmer that showed him the SE network (starting with SU)
listens to podcast live Ok, I've performed my daily dose of socializing with other humans.
@AnonJr that's even better, because you'll ask the 'dumb' questions that people google for
We've had those for years in the UK. The longer earth pin moves the guards over the live and neutral holes.
The latest NEC codes require child proof outlets, but not all municipalities require that code yet - a lot of them still require much older versions of the code.
@IvoFlipse That may be my next step. I haven't offered yet as I'm also a little over-committed these days - hence the intermittent activity on SO, etc.
A: Is there an easy way to measure the height of a tree?

shirlock homesFind a stick the length of your arm. Hold your arm out straight with the stick pointing straight up (90 degree angle to your outstretched arm). Walk backwards until you see the tip of the stick line up with the top of the tree. Your feet are now at the same distance from the tree as it is high. ...

@Mvy Some of the answers were involved (I read this question earlier); his answer was pretty simple
or Thales
So is there a reason why that array of large monitors in the background isn't displaying something more interesting than a matrix screensaver?
@AdamDavis It had graphs earlier, I'm not sure why they switched to a screensaver
humm livestream is erratic ...
@MichaelMrozek We need to get someone to move the mouse!
That's what @AlexMiller does when he's not managing the podcast
Hey, it's nice work if you can get it.
I'll have to download and try listening later - too many gaps, skips, and I was too engrossed in a wonderful conversation with @IvoFlipse :)
@AnonJr well you know where to find me if you want to talk more about it
Well I've lost sound by my side
@Mvy For two seconds?
Interesting. I'm getting great livestream here.
@AdamDavis Stop hogging it
no some mins
No skips, gaps, jumps, drops, etc.
@AdamDavis what is your location?
@Mvy Hmm. I guess I'll be happy that mine at least partially works
@IvoFlipse The next step is to talk to Larry since he's the Mod I've been working with.
Ypsilanti, MI on AT&T.
it's back
normally I'd move the mouse, but I really kinda like the matrix.
@AlexMiller Good use of that VC money
@AlexMiller You should at least modify the matrix so the codes it displays as each drop falls actually comes from a recent post to the network.
@AdamDavis The fact that it's all incomprehensible doesn't mean it didn't come from the network.
that's all code from SE
if you know how to read the matrix code you can actually see the questions
@TimStone Actually that's strong evidence that it does come from the network.
Should always do the roof first. Work down the house so if you cause damage it's on the stuff you haven't touched yet.
Duct tape, baling wire, and a leatherman.
gaff tape
its all about the gaff tape
what's Jeff doing in a Fresno tent city?
@AlexMiller Isn't it gaffer tape?
@AlexMiller True, but that's expensive.
argh gone again
@ChrisF gaffer tape is the full name, but in the production business we don't have time to pronounce those extra two letters, so we just call it gaff
@AlexMiller Ah. OK.
I mostly use duck tape and bailing wire
Screw the drywall, don't nail it.
A: Nails or screws for hanging drywall on the ceiling?

shirlock homesThere is absolutely no reason to use nails in this day and age. I urge you to use 1 5/8" drywall screws. There are several reasons. Screws have much better holding power, they are actually faster to install, and they can be slightly counter sunk during installation to make mudding a lot easier ...

When homeowners offered to help my father in law, he'd say, "Sure, I'll charge you 50% more, though"
I'm having second thoughts about posting the pictures of my walk in shower project now. I don't want Steve to laugh at my work.
He's right about the taping artists. Professionals are amazing in terms of speed, and how well they do.
There was a show on NPR once where they followed up on some of those home improvement makeover shows 6 months later; everything was falling apart.
My uncle is a general contractor - I learned all about the difference between what Norm shows on TV and what he does in IRL a long time ago.
@ChrisF We have a no laughing at other's work policy. Smirking, facepalming, and rolling eyes are fine, but no laughing.
@ChrisF I'm unwilling to try stuff like that. I'll screw with my computer and render it non-functional, that's fine -- I don't want to destroy part of my house
@MichaelMrozek agreed, if I screw up a computer I can buy a new one and replace it no problem. If I screw up a house I have to call a plumber/landlord/someone to come and fix it. And then they'll judge me.
@JimmySawczuk If I could set a restore point and reverse my changes if I screwed up, I'd happily tear stuff apart
@MichaelMrozek yeah, where's version control for my house?
I suspect my home improvement projects would be similar to this:
I'm a fan of "measure not at all, cut 50,000 times"
How much would it cost me to get this image displayed on one of the TVs?
@MichaelMrozek $500 - payable to Alex Miller. Cash or Money Order
+1 <- this!!! to what Jeff's saying
@JonGalloway Yeah, our customers have our direct phone numbers so they can yell at us if we screw up; I live in constant fear
Why every dev should spend at least their first year in maintenance / support
@AlexMiller I'll give you a 500 rep bounty on meta and we'll call it even
@Jeff - I've noticed the difference between some of the different department programmers at the hospital. The ones that work with, and get a good understanding of the problem domain, and use the software, have a much higher satisfaction rate
@MichaelMrozek Eh, my meta rep grows well enough on its own. I want the cash
How to get a top user's attention: post wrong answers
Get some cards for Steve to give out to his friends and colleagues
Whoever is doing that on the TV, you're my hero
"I'm not here to make friends"
@ChrisF That is a spectacular idea
@Michael: It was @JasonPunyon...
oh no, you've humored him. pretty sure you've just created a monster.
That was the right thing to say.
Those monitors in the background should be replaced with a fake backline.
@ChrisF Considering how much people flip out over wrong answers on SO, it's probably justified; wrong answers on DIY are magnitudes worse
What? He researches answers?! Who let this guy on SE!
Somebody needs to explain FGITW to him
@Shog9 He'll never get that Enlightened badge now
@MichaelMrozek Yeah, I guess crashing programs are different than crashing walls...
Ok, this is now the best podcast ever
it's just a mess for me...
damn - I missed the joke. Everyone was sooooo still and then, laughter.
will listen to the audio
I always assume my site is getting at least 5 times the traffic Analytics records. Unfortunately that means the number is still 0 :(
How come it always takes ten hours to load images from your server if you aren't getting any traffic?
@TimStone Imagine how bad it would be if I were actually getting hits
He'll get the 100 point bonus though
I have 452 SO images hosted; SEI should buy me a server for them
Aww, I'm not going to get the four notification bars?
I enjoyed those
nope, you won't.
It's the price you pay for getting your gravatar on the TV.
Q: Weekly site newsletters?

David FullertonWe've noticed that a lot of users (ourselves included) have a bunch of sites that they're interested in, but don't necessarily check in that often. While power-users can set up filters on stackexchange.com, the average user isn't going to figure that out. So we're planning to introduce a weekly...

That e-mail would be really cool if I had any faith in question votes
@MichaelMrozek how do you track this?
@IvoFlipse They're on a separate domain, so.mrozekma.com
Cookie? WHERE?
the cookie is a lie.
@AlexMiller is going to be watching next week from his house hoping Joel fails spectacularly
Awesome guy; enjoyed the interview.
watching from an airplane actually
Did he say a time for next week?
4pm is always the goal
Take it easy!
Is this how music is played in NY?
while ( music.playing() ) { music.clone().setTimeCode( current - 2 ); }
Ah; much better! Now it's good music :)
@JonathanSampson Probably because I closed the window 10 seconds ago
room topic changed to SE Podcast Live Chat: livestream.com/stackexchange / Next Episode: Tuesday 7/05 @ 4:00pm EDT

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