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12:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

What SO really needs is a dropdown list of boilerplate greetings.
would help me find intelligent friends :P
fork answers!! Then you could have blog posts "fork me on stackoverflow"
"Thank you" "I know I'm late to the party, but"
Which people would select, and then the system could promptly ignore them.
hellGreet :-)
is the audio dead for anyone else?
@NickCraver The following aspect is kind of diminished now anyway, isn't it? You don't get very good feedback with the current implementation in the profile now.
@DavidMurdoch Nope.
not for me @DavidMurdoch
its back now
or just show a "thank you" button instead of the upvote button
explosion sounds
Instead of a Like button, a "Thankyou" and "I can't comment but I have an opinion" button
Placebo button
@TimStone true, that's the area we need to clarify and revisit, it's more of a usability determination issue than a technical one
Sad trombone button
@random lol
"Like" "Favorite" "Sad Trombone"
@JonathanSampson the creator for PDFs is almost the same size as the reader! Yatta!
@JonGalloway we call that a voting ring ;)
helllike - the only person that ever gets to see that you like the answer is yourself
fail button could be useful.
@jcolebrand Shh! We need a different site to discuss that.
@JonGalloway as an aside. Thanks for your podcast as well.
I'm still on the front page of Web Apps, based on activity that's nearly a year ago... Thanks for the t-shirt though
Haha, I "hug" this.
Jeff is awesome button :D
-> Poke <-
"Jeff" needs to be the verb. "Jeff this". "255 Peopled have Jeff'ed this"
UnicornPoke button.
Damn I need more Indians to ask for DevDays
@NickCraver Yeah, I've tried brainstorming how I'd like that page to look, but I haven't come up with any good ideas, heh. It still seems that "favoriting" is kind of the wrong word to use for following or bookmarking something though, I guess.
blame IE for that one :)
@jcolebrand Thanks!
We need a top tier con in the middle of the barren Saskatchewan prairie here.
Gotta go. Don't talk about anything interesting, okay?
I mean, you're never going to make everyone happy hosting devdays where only some people live, so you might as well have one where virtually nobody lives ;)
@JonGalloway All interesting discussions will cease momentarily.
@NickCraver Hah, fair enough ;) Though admittedly the switch from "Interesting" to "Favorite" tags was kind of odd too.
spot on in my opinion
I wonder who the user was...
What about a Webcast Dev Days?
not really, but it could be in alternate universe
Meta reccurent question !
@random +1 for web cast dev days
Why was my question closed....
You question was hugged
We'll need a side-hug button for the insincere hugs.
Your question has been "Don't quit your day jobbed. Unless your day job happens to be programming"
Your question has been Jeff'ed?
> This question has been given herpes
You question is now undead.
There should be a "Joel this" button for when you think a post is overcomplicated and you need to cut through the BS
Popular with the kids
Joel you are really too nice to people
@KevinLaity This would likely be applied to every single one of my questions...
5 stars people recomendations?
Get rid of the new users!
Marco, thanks for being a guest today. Great work on Instapaper!
Troll detected :D
Thanks Marco!
android users can use read it later XD
thanks Marco! great podcast
Jeff, no wave?
...It was a loop. All this time.
aww, leave the sound on for behind the scenes entertainment
dont feel like getting back to work...
...this is the part where we all substitute voices for Joel, Marco, and Jeff's video loop.
Now. Back to sending n00bs t3h codez.
Hey! Where is the aftershow?
bah, no SkipWhile for linq to sql.
12:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

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