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@AlexMiller show-off!
I would love one of those geek desks.
Showing off his fancy desk, hah
You guys can't hear them talk? Try turning your volume up.
@JonathanYee, nice troll.
Everybody else is leaving
I can't tell if Jonathan is serious or not :(
@jjnguy they sell them at geekdesk.com I think (not same one, but basically)
The headphones are going on...
Greetings all podcast listeners!
The audio mixer is up. The headphones are on. It's go time
ooh fun
@MichaelPryor yeah, unfortunately they are out of my price range. But thanks.
@Jason, for the moment, we're just watchers :)
@JasonPunyon all I see is your forehead. You should print an advertisement on there
Joel wants to start a direct to consumer business furniture store.
Great idea.
no sound :(
not quite go time
@AlexMiller My clock disagrees
so when is this going to start?
We'll know when a dude with a sax appears and starts playing the intro music!
The perils of live radio.
We have sound!!
audio is running.
Audio is working
I hear Alex
We can hear Alex.
And the volume is ok this time!
We are
I have a question: is the audio working? Because I'm not clear on that
except, jeff is LOUD
Get on chat Jeff!
Jeff is super loud
@MichaelMrozek I don't think so ;)
but he should get on chat anyway
@MichaelMrozek works for me.
@jjnguy, maybe he is there, in stealth mode :)
Jeff is too loud.
@Benjol does that exist?
Where are the goddesses?
@JohnGietzen Last time he was way too quiet, so I think we'll deal with it
joel cuts his peaks on the audio :(
@JohnGietzen Jeff or Joel?
a bit softer thx
brb gonna grab earbuds...
@AlexMiller better
@Alex, a little softer still ...
Joel is much louder than Jeff at the moment, but the balance is fine I think
I had to get through a stupid dishwasher ad that actually required me to physically move a fan across the glass before I could get to the podcast -_-;
@jjnguy, I think I've heard someone say that it does...
my volume levels are at about 33% on each channel
That's pretty good now.
sounds fine to me
@AlexMiller now joel sounds a bit loud
ok, I'll turn mine down further
we should be set now
You need the sexy ITC intro.
I hear Skype
I was wondering if someone was actually calling me on my desktop.
This is the cool channel!
42 would have been cooler.
Just sayin'
I like Stack Exchange Chats! Stack Exchange Chats are cool!
@JasonPunyon needs to learn how to play the sax for the podcast music.
Intro music is lame.. outro music is ok
+1 @GeorgeStocker
If the authority says something's not cool, wouldn't that make it cool?
is jeff on the phone, or live there as well?
@Rebecca: I played sax in middle school, I could re-learn :)
@JasonPunyon You've got about 55 minutes
...who is Waffles?
@EduardoScoz On the line from the west coast
@Pandincus Sam Saffron
who's the guy at the end of the table then?
@Pandincus: Sam Saffron
oh, thanks.
@JasonPunyon I expect to see a sax on next week's podcast then!
I was getting hungry.
@EduardoScoz that's @JasonPunyon
I'm recording it ;) JK.
thanks balpha
This is the official beginning of the StackExchange Podcast
Okay, did the audio die?
Where's the sound gone?
Did it just go die for anyone else
@jcolebrand You're trying to give so much structure to something that doesn't really need it
its back
stream hiccuped
@MichaelMrozek :p people following at home may want to come back and figure out where we began ;)
back again. Apparently pressing Start stopped it :)
That song is "A Day in the Life" by The Beatles, I think.
a hint for the future: justin.tv is awesome for streaming
When jeff talks it's like Ed Harris in the truman show... The voice of god!
can hear him but not see him
It sounds like they're saying the same thing.
HenrikPaul Did you watch justin.tv when it was only justin broadcasting? :)
We can tell Joel follows the No Agenda Show podcast since he's copied the live stream and chat room concepts... but is he a No Agenda donor? :-)
i should stop watching this live.. I listen to SE podcast on my commute.
@JonathanSampson Jon: Err, no... But I stream on that every now and then
@HenrikPaul The site was interesting in its early days. Justin and his friends ended up having to hire an agent to plan fun things for him to do during the day - otherwise the broadcast was lame.
@EduardoScoz listen live if you wanna ask questions or chat about the topic ;)
It's Jeff and Joel's site-plex -- they can ban for any reason if they want.
I love the "ON AIR" piece of paper.
@JonathanSampson So... justin.tv was in the beginning just something a guy streamed, doing stuff alone or with friends? that sounds... bleh :D
@badp We don't need no stinking LED.
Ouch...the audio is painful.
Anyone else think the show has been incredibly meta since it came back as the SE Podcast?
1 hour ago, by Rebecca Chernoff
damn, we really pulled out all the VC money for that high tech on air sign, eh?
they all on macs there?
@HenrikPal He had mounted a camera to his hat, and wore it nearly 24/7 - during dates and all.
We're working on our "On Air" sign. We might have a good one on order.
Used to be great discussions about the whether Architects are useful or if it's really a good thing to have coded in C
The stream keeps dropping for me.
I miss those older days
Anyone else?
@JonathanSampson oh, ok. Neat... i think... ;)
@AlexMiller - the audio is maxxing out/distorting on the livestream
@codinghorror Hellbanning doesn't work on sites where you can see posts anonymously
@HenrikPaul Eventually, to make it more interesting, he had iJustine come and wear the cam for a day or so. More interest was found when she had it on :)
@jjnguy ok for me, for the moment..
Now I'm going to go through all my SE activity to look for tell-tale signs of hell-banning.
Jeff's audio sounds a bit too hot
@jjnguy Seems OK to me except for that one hiccup.
if someone is asking
@jjnguy okay for me too
@Parvenu74 Are you suggesting Jeff has a sexy voice? :)
@JonathanSampson oh wait... Have i seen a movie or a document about this? sounds weirdly familiar, in a visual way
no, almost overmodulating
"hot" has specific audio meaning :-)
Y U No pipe podcast through chat? Need another tab open? What are we, RAMillionaires?
@JeffAtwood What do you guys think of Sketptics SE? Does it take away from the topic-specific sites? Isn't there a lot of chance for duplication? IE, a physics "debunking" question, would it be best to ask on physics site or on Skeptics? And does answering it on skeptics take away from the topic specific site?
@Parvenu74 that's an effect of skype
@HenrikPaul Justin was interviewed a lot during the early days.
i want an episode where everyone's voice is auto-tuned
^ That?
@Jin Auto-tune the news to the rescue.
@Jin that would be halarious
@Jin post that to the "what do you want to see on the podcast" question (:
@AlexMiller the overall sound is hot coming out of the stream, can you lower the stream volume?
@Parvenu74 Agree with that. Fair enough, it's about communities and running them, the old podcasts where some of that but also programming - it was the Stack Overflow podcast then. They were excellent podcasts :(
I want all of the guys to sing "Sunny D and Rum, yum, yum."
I want hear Joel sings Chocolate Rain.
has the podcast started "for real" yet?
@NickCraver better?
@AlexMiller MUCH, thanks
@ChrisF Then somebody needs to remove that "Starts @ 4pm" message
@DougT Audio should be good now.
We're all listening in.
Suddenly, females.
@badp Not much I can do from here :) @AlexMiller might be able to do something though.
@AlexMiller Nice touch with the duct/gaffer tape in the foreground.
@Jin I want an episode about bacon!
@JonathanSampson joel sounds better.
@jcolebrand Waffles and bacon? Genius.
Livestream is very concerned that I may miss the Vanessa Carlton chat. I close the ad, it pops up again. Over and over
@jcolebrand bacon is lived, not talked about
Wait, wait. Those are already happening?
"Bacon strips, and bacon strips, and bacon strips..."
@Jin I don't see a problem with my comment and your comment
I thought that Jeff's post was more of a hypothetical...
Needs more ticker on the screen
"Sam of the waffles..."
I tweeted about Punyon Cola and now my friends are asking me what it is
@JohnGietzen No, they're not. People have been pretending they do ever since Jeff's blogpost, but they don't.
Now Jeff's mic is bad all the time, instead of some of the time
Sam brings more than waffles, Sam brings the noise!
Oh, nevermind, it's @waffles' fault. I should've known
The hosts are so electric you get static all the time
It's actually a legion of pancakes cheering Sam's existence.
sounds like more regexes than it's worth
^\s*(hi|hello).*?([.,;!-]+\s?|\r?\n(\r?\n)?) #DIEEEEEE
Not to mention caching doesn't work well when hell banning is in play.
Steam message bleep
Ohhh, this is a very nice blank to fill in.
wonders of live streaming
Jeff is explaining why Jon Skeet cannot be hired by Stack Exchange...
Can we agree not to flood the room with OMG AUDIO DEAD messages everytime it drops for three seconds? KTHXBYE
@MarcGravell is a pale shadow of his former self
@balpha Only if you guys agree to stop dropping the audio for three seconds
@balpha How about just "????"
Australia pays the price for being in the future
GMT is the only true timezone
@ChrisF nah, CST. Cole's Standard Time.
Swatch time is the real time to count the beats on
@badp good call sir
I know he said he's touched every "badge" but it sure sounds like he's saying something else...
@Parvenu74 he said 'Touched every page'
I think emacs/vim questions are on topic on like 7 sites
OMG, Audio Died!?!111One
Sorry, @balpha ;)
wouldn't it be great if... the audio didn't randomly die?
@JonathanSampson no soup for you ):
@AnonJr I don't think it's random, they just go off the record
@RebeccaChernoff Aww, but I love Joel Mchale.
@MichaelMrozek emacs on various sites: like religions and skepticism?
@AnonJr It's a life profanity filter...
It's not dieing, it's just taking a break ;)
Basically, it would be like sub-reddits.
it's like big brother when they play in bird noises
I like that idea.
@John: Exactly
@Parvenu74 No, but they're allowed on SO, SU, UL, AU, probably more
have a meeting... would be better if the podcast was later, like at 6pm EDT. Laters
Java-the-platform or Java-the-language? Java-the-platform would be awesome...
@waffles How dare you
When it comes to answering questions, I'm going to aim for stuff I know.
I already "hide" uninteresting tags.
Reading all this without context is rather entertaining.
@JohnGietzen Well, that's kind of the point. The site already supports it
@MichaelMyers You're not listening?
@MichaelMyers I insist ;) livestream.com/stackexchange
Join the in-crowd, @MichaelMyers!
@MichaelMrozek Well, there is no "homepage" for C# questions.
@JoelSpolsky 3115
@JamesSutherland Is that Paradroid or Quazatron in your avatar?
@JohnGietzen Either the tag page itself, or tag sets on stackexchange.com if it's a cross-site thing
@JonathanSampson, that's equivalent to stackoverflow.com/questions, not stackoverflow.com
I did get a SF question answered 2 years after I asked. People will find the stuff in their small areas - you just have to be patient. :p
I don't like where this is going one bit
I can tell the mods are distracted...
@JohnGietzen There's an "active" tab
28 flags on SO.
@jjnguy I was just going to say that; SO went nuts in the last 20 minutes
@badp Yeah...
@badp I'm not convinced either.
@middaparka It's Paradroid - well spotted :)
@JamesSutherland Ah... those were the days. :-)
Wait, are they touching on a Yahoo! Answers type mega site and only graduating busy enough tags?
@jjnguy Just 28?
@badp that I could see.
@random Yes
This went from an awesome idea to a bad idea in minutes. :(
Q: Can it be done the other way around?

M.SameerWhat if we have SE site for every major category defined in Area 51: Art, Business, ... . Area 51 proposals will be much easier then because the proposal will actually be to convert a tag (or a group of related tags) to an independent site and all the data needed to accept/close the proposal will...

Q: Do we have any idea of when a Tag will break out of an Stack Exchange site to be on its own?

Lance RobertsIf a Tag gets too proportionately large for a Stack Exchange site, it will need to be broken out on its own. Does anyone have ideas on when this should happen? Metrics? Algorithms? Remember this is a discussion, not a feature request. I think that any process of breakout would start with an ...

I think it's a great idea.
(Unofficial) StackExchange WWDC Meet Up in San Francisco tonight - meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/92181/…
The problem with "subsites" is deduplication
Testing wasn't shut down? sqa.stackexchange.com?
Let Google promote android.stackoverflow.com
@ThomasOwens jeff was talking about Selenium
Ah. OK.
@MichaelPryor Subsubdomains, I can get with that, even if it just loads the questions page for that tag
although those domain names are going to get real long real fast then
Have to agree with the sub-domain -> tag set mapping idea.
@badp right. And there's a possibility of letting people participate in their corner of stackoverflow.com without worrying whether its getting crowded.
A subdomain HAS to be a tag set for it to makes sense, IMO.
@MichaelPryor What? Is "crowded" a problem?
Also RSS feeds for tags
And then you'll get people saying they should roll Programmers back into SO
c#.stackexchange.com is a problem, tho, since # is a reserved URL character.
jeff loves cstheory.se
@badp Only in people's heads, I think. But I guess that's what they're trying to work around.
I love it too
@JohnGietzen "csharp"
@random Actually the only argument I can see against that is "SO is large enough as it is right now"
Number sign is a name for the symbol #, which is used for a variety of purposes including, in some countries, the designation of a number (for example, "#1" stands for "number one"). The symbol is in Unicode as code point ; it is also present in ASCII with the same value. In the United States, the symbol is usually called the pound sign and the key bearing this symbol on touch-tone phones is called the pound key. In Canada, this key is most frequently called the number sign key. In most other English-speaking countries the symbol is usually called the hash, and the corresponding telepho...
@badp And the counter-argument on those downvoted into oblivion posts on Meta is "but noooooobody is on Programmers!"
"Laces out, Dan."
The only thing that scares me about some sites is the restriction on knowledge level...topicality is more important than what level you practice it at. But there's some potential with this idea.
Jim Carrey is the most amazing person Joel can come up with, apparently :)
Did Joel just say Jim Carrey is "the awesomest person in the world"?
YES! Please yes!
Joel picks original examples.
(I made it a mission for myself to make sure Gamers.SE never exists by making those questions on-topic on Gaming itself. The universe has failed collapsing so far.)
ha i lost 4 viewers for that
The concept of Jim Carey being the "most awesome person the room" makes me wonder if I should re-evaluate my copy of Joel on Software. :-)
Tag hierarchies for life.
We should graph viewers over time and plot the big things they say on top
@JoelSpolsky Use Eddie Murphy next time ;)
Actually, we need a dial group where we can rate our current happiness out of 100 and adjust it every second based on what we hear
+1 for tag hierarchies. Especially if there is a tag-based sub-reddit style site.
American's don't get pounded the right way.
like, aspnet.stackoverflow.com MUST have aspnet4.
I think the big hate about failing the Area51 process is that sites like WordPress.SE exist, and it's hard for people to see any difference between what they propose and a site that seems equally focused.
What's Alex eating? Does he have enough to share with the class?
WordPress is a little confusing. If I'm writing a WordPress plugin, where do I ask it? If WP was geared toward WordPress users, it would be better.
They inject a bit of @random
@TimStone And Ubuntu, and English/German/Japanese vs something larger
My dial would've just gone up like 15 points
@ThomasOwens Good point. I visit both SO and WP.se and I'm often times confused as to whether a question belongs on one or the other.
No, it was the wrong way.
...or both.
Both...that's a problem, without cross-posting. Cross-posting would be interesting.
I thought WP was mainly for running WP blogs.
@ChrisF It's for "WordPress developers and administrators"
@ChrisF That's what I thought, but there are (or were, at least), questions about plugin development.
ChrisF It's pretty much all development questions.
Plugins, Themes, etc.
I did know about the development side - but didn't realise it had "taken over".
@JoelSpolsky And that's silly, IMO. Let everyone ask on-topic questions anywhere. It makes more sense. Unless you open two stack exchanges for everything - one for students/beginners/professionals and another for academics.
@RebeccaChernoff asked an administration question and tricked me into signing up, but otherwise yeah, they're mostly development questions from the look of it.
Must confess I worry about any potential automagical question selection. (As long as it's trivial to disable, then that's fine.)
oh gawd, bloomberg terminals...nightmares.
@Rebecca: You've used them too? :)
@TimStone That explains why my two admin questions got very little attention then.
Q: Wort für den Zeitraum, in dem man waschen kann

Tim NJede Woche gibt es sechs Stunden, in denen ich die Waschmaschinen benutzen darf. Wie kann man mit einem Wort diesen Zeitraum bezeichnen? Zum Beispiel: Leider kann ich nicht ins Kino gehen. Heute ist mein(e) ______ . Wie wäre es mit einem/r _____ nächste Woche?

Don't get me started on the Stack Exchange site...
haha, Joel, you're so right!
I've set my fogbugz to English, because a half-and-half-not translated UI is just weird
Total Annihilation?
(in reply to the siren sound we heard momentarily)
Must confess I don't get the value of stackexchange.com in it's current incarnation.
@balpha He should've called you to ask you to read the question title on the air
The Stack Exchange site could be awesome. But it needs a ton of love and care.
@badp: Whoopsie Doodle!
@middaparka I'm not sure any non-dev actually uses the stackexchange homepage. Tag sets are somewhat useful; the homepage really isn't
Maybe if you could add a bunch of sites to it like reddit lets you add subreddits to the homepage, but then you're basically just making a whole-site tagset
There's a Meta post that asked about suggestions to improve the Stack Exchange site or profile, I think?
@MichaelMrozek I want to start using my Network Profile page to link people to. But it needs work before I would push that over the place.
chrome: "this page is in German, would you like to translate it?"
"So this is a question about pie... we can all understand it's a question about pie... it's about the approximation of pie..." err what?
@MichaelMrozek the twitter feed is awesome though; and it's just a "condensed" version of the se homepage
@StackExchange, New York, NY
Community powered questions and answers!
1.2k tweets, 2.9k followers, following 48 users
I guess you could approximate a pie to a cake!
I disagree with Waffles -- I think there's lots of value. I often discover ideas (or entire sites) that I would never have thought to look into myself just by browsing the front page of StackExchange.com
@balpha I do follow the twitter feed, but only because it's entirely passive
it's tweeting a really good mixture of interesting questions
@MichaelMrozek Ah - yes. The tag filters look useful. It's still a bit too "meta" that said, but I probably need more of a play.
Why not a mixture? Show all the random crap, but then show some suggestions based upon what we know about the logged-in user.
Per-site twitter feeds aren't as awesome :)
I should post my ideas for stackexchange.com somewhere. Is there a "question" on Meta about that?
although it's quite improved
@JasonPunyon used, no. had to support people using it, yes. actually I have worse nightmares about integrating stuff into Thomson.
@AdrianPetrescu Hmm, interestingly enough, this happens to me, but through the network ads instead.
Q: Overlapped text in Emacs

The text in emacs is appears to be overlapped as you type (shown below): Does anyone know how to fix this? - Thanks.

Migrated from SO!
@Rebecca: Oh, I hate them too :)
@ChrisF @Gilles was one of the voters. Get him!
Sorry to interrupt. I'm on iPhone now. Is there any chance we can get a mould compatible live stream? There is a livestream app, but it claims that the stream is not mobile compatible.
Can the folks running the podcast look into that please?
I'd just add Bayesian filtering to the homepage
Q: Dairy that you have to wait 6 hours after eating it.

Gershon GoldWhich dairy is considered sharp and requires you to wait 6 hours afterwards, prior to eating meat?

Are there any sites like Goodreads for video games? http://bit.ly/kQ9E7n #website
I wish Stack* twitter bots deleted tweets when the question they link to gets closed or whatever.
Q: How to distinguish between a female friend and a girlfriend?

Tim NThe word Freundin can mean either a girlfriend or a female friend. In some cases, they can be distinguished by using the possessive pronoun to refer to the former: Ich habe mit meiner Freundin (girlfriend) gegessen. Ich habe mit einer Freundin (female friend) gegessen. Sometimes, thoug...

> In some cases, they can be distinguished by using the possessive pronoun to refer to the former
How long is this podcast?
@ThomasOwens an hour
Maybe that's a language distinction, but I don't think that would go over well in English :)
Yay CHAOS team! (:
OK. Perfect.
@RebeccaChernoff Wait, you managed to pass a competency test? I mean... you're the best!
@MichaelMrozek nope; the fact that female and male friend are the same word in english doesn't make it easy either :)
Sorry, meant mobile, not mould. (autocorrect)
Much like my real SAT, I'm sure I did great on the english and sucked on the math
Julia Child would totally fail modern Food Network screening
No. I got hired before Joel came up with that. Luckily! (:
Why is the team assuming that if they can't do it, it must be too hard?
@AdrianPetrescu You question the over-lords?
@AdrianPetrescu Why are you assuming that the team is assuming that if they can't do it, it must be too hard?
@AdrianPetrescu "Can I pass through my own employment procedure" is a pretty honest sanity check.
I made pretty patterns with my answers for the sales section. >_<
My test result was "I'm a sucky team player, but an extremely cooperative person". Whatever that means.
@balpha: Also you suck at closing.
whatever that means...
@RebeccaChernoff gogo all middle options.
@Kevin: Sociopath for the win!
@balpha That means they pay you in 31 gold pieces?
copy pasta
Wait, you need to know how to make links? No wonder the devs did so poorly
they need to be masters of memes, and lolpic hunting.
that's me
they need to be able to find any lolpic appropriate for the tweeter convo within 10 secs.
Ok, somebody get out a really good OCR program and we can scan the test off the video stream
government airfield
Nasa, right?
I don't even know what a 767 is :P
@balpha Well, it's nice to know you're very confident despite being terrible
I thought the Google plane was parked at the Nasa HQ?
@badp It's 20 bigger than a 747.
The paperless office is alive and... oh... er.. right.
@MichaelMyers Are you serious?
@MichaelMyers That's pretty big.
my faforite on Joel's test:

22. What does HipMunk have in common with Reddit?
A. Similar mascot
B. One of the founders
C. Union Square Ventures as an investor
D. Target demographic of older women
the internet is for ....
Everybody needs to listen to Ted Stevens.
Confirmed. I got it right. :P
E. What the fuck is HipMunk anyway.
All of the above.
... what are they talking about?
@ThomasOwens Exactly
@CRoss They wrote a test to give people applying for their salesperson job. It's a bit...odd. Not unlike SEI employees
Tricks are what whores do for money. Or cocaine.
@MichaelMrozek CHAOS team.
These questions...... just, what?
@JonathanSampson Moffett field is a nasa airfield'
This is actually a test?
@mrozek no. This was for CHAOS
@RebeccaChernoff Oh; you're all the same to me
Q: Where did "cc" and "bcc" come from?

PacerierI've just realised that CC is "carbon-copy" and BCC is "blind-carbon-copy". Basically I'm wondering, where did these terms come from?

@MichaelPryor I'd like to apply for the position then ;)
@MichaelMrozek s/odd/AWESOME/
@Jonathan: Yes, for the CHAOS team.
@MichaelMrozek did you not listen to the part about how we all failed the sales portion of the other test?
@JonathanSampson go ahead
@JoelSpolsky If we have time for a question, since waffles worked on the suggested edits and review page... I get the impression that the general opinion is "\o/ Hooray!", but did you guys collect any sort of metrics that would show how much these features helped to improve the average quality of content on the sites, in the sense of "How much more questionable content is being addressed"? (Poorly worded, and if this was already addressed elsewhere, ignore me)

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