Speaking of which, did somebody pull the thing that showed the message ID on the right? It stopped working for me, right around the time I synced for the first time in months
@AlexMiller keeps trying to explain things to me about microphones and video cameras. I keep telling him to take it up with the other kids in the A/V Club
I didn't think we were gonna clear all the old starred Qs, but I guess it makes sense. I did want to hear about that team's take (and Joel and Jeffs most notably) on distributed teams
For the number of times I do this on every project I start/work on, I'm surprised the ASP.NET MVC team hasn't included the 'ignore favicon.ico' code in every MVC project as a default.
Is the sound level going to be higher this week? Last week I had to have my speaker volume turned right up and got a fright when I was mentioned in any of the chat rooms.
Hm. I just hit the rep cap on Programmers...maybe I should actually write code and run projects instead of talking about how to write code and run projects.