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06:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

Hey all! :D
Spoke to 日本の学生 today, 日本語で!
:) :)
I was so happy, @Flaw
You managed to sustain a conversation? That's wonderful
I find it hard to go beyond a few sentences before I automatically revert to English haha.
Well, not really sustain, but get my point.
Not full sentences
I basically asked if his english class was fun
And like, hard
Then I asked if these people were his friends and what school they were from
I should probably do something "productive" today
I need to go look for my piano scores. Wanted to learn a piece but I've been putting it off to forever haha
@Flaw I recorded my playing violin audioboo.fm/boos/840047- and pronunciation of the nasal g sound audioboo.fm/boos/836126- It is said that we kansai-jin can't pronounce the nasal g sound in a correct way, tell me what you think
@Shazer2 @gibbon @jkerian
I have no idea what to listen for. :p Nasal g?
Well it sounds like a g to me at least.
People even say that the nasal g doesn't exist in Kyoto dialect... so I think I'm not saying it correctly.... hehe
Maybe :) Do you have an example of how it's supposed to sound?
As in 考える? (which g is a bit different from 学 I suppose.. no?)
Yeah... I think I've ever seen a good video on YouTube, my friend showed me a link before. A second
The が in kangaeru sounds like [nga]
Are you making this sound anywhere other than when you say 音楽?
Yes, like はながさく, the case particle が is supposed to be nasalized.
tobeana.com/bidaku.html for more examples and your practice ^^
(But don't take nasal g seriously, because it's already difficult for natives, especially younger generation)
@Chocolate is that your voice?
The audioboo, yes~~
You're a girl? :P
Hehe... yes...
I said, "yoroshiku one"ga"i shimasu"
Haha thanks~~
I always thought that sawa-san was a girl, (her username just sounds feminine to me)
But she is often referred to as "he" in chat room. So, if you're not sure whether someone is a girl or a guy, do you normally say "he"?
(Oh this is not a question about Japanese language...)
Well.. in English, it's usually "they" or "them" I guess?
I mostly do. Also when talking about a generic person which could be of any gender, I simply say he for the most part. Some say s/he but I think it's just annoying when people try to be "too correct"
And in Swedish h*n which is even more annoying to see. (she - hon, he - han)
Ah~~ I see. Interesting. 聞いて良かった~ Thank you!!
In Japanese we say あの人, maybe. Rarely 彼/彼女 in daily conversation. 彼/彼女 might sound like "bf/gf".
Yes I've been wondering about that.. Thanks for pointing it out. So it's simply more common to use names or あの人 than 彼/彼女?
My textbook used 彼/彼女 a lot when saying he/she, and it always made me wonder if they meant he/she or bf/gf..
And on Lang-8 or some other sites, Japanese ppl correct Japanese entries like 彼女は。。。彼は。。。 あなたは…君は・・・. I don't understand why they teach Japanese learners to use words that they don't use. Yes, we use names if we know the names, to address someone.
Like... 「~~さんは何才ですか?」、not 「あなたは何才ですか」
When we translate English text into Japanese, we often use 彼、彼女、あなた、君。But we rarely use them in daily conversation.
When I correct on Lang8, I sometimes hesitate. I don't know how the OP wants his entries corrected. I wonder "Hmm should I correct it to sound perfectly natural? Or maybe the OP just wants it make sense/understandable, and wouldn't care if it sounds awkward or not?"
So Lang8 is that site where you post messages and get them corrected? I haven't used it and I don't think I will.
@Chocolate I don't know what a "correct nasalised g" is supposed to sound like because of insufficient listening exposure. But nice voice and violin though.
Thanks~ right, my example is not good (because I speak Kyoto/Kansai ben daily, hehe)
@gibbon Right you post entries and native speakers correct them. (I've never posted an entry yet though)
Yeah I've just heard about such a site..
"italki" has the same system, I think.
I gotta go, またね、みんな!
Hello @sawa. :)
1 hour later…
Do you speak fluent Japanese, @Sawa?
@Shazer2 I found it rather amusing that this question should ever arise.
@Flaw, what question?
Oh, the fluency thing?
@Flaw why so? Is he Japanese?
Well, it's by no means a stretch of logic to induce sawa's fluency based on the amount of good answers sawa has provided on the main site.
I'm new?
I don't really notice..
Do you use the main site often?
@gibbon Now you've got me thinking about deduction vs. induction.
Not often no.
I never have questions, I usually try post on Lang-8 and get corrected..
excellent :)
@gibbon. I concede. I think deduce was in fact the correct word to use.
I guess I decided to use "induce" because it allows for the conclusion to be false.
@Shazer2 I'm so happy for you :)
Why is that @silvermaple? :) :)
Hah, your Japanese conversation :)
Yeah :)
I'm trying my hardest with Japanese.
I'm listening to a podcast at the moment talking about narubeku (なるべく)
Good job :)
@Shazer2, You can click on the little arrow on the left of messages for some messages that others @user you with to see which message it's continued from.
What podcast? JPod101?
Thanks @Flaw! :)
silvermaple, it's from, learnjapanesepod.com/all-podcasts
@Shazer2 Also you can choose to reply to specific messages by clicking on other user's messages and selecting "reply to this message"
I don't understand it, it's frustrating. :(
@Chocolate I've heard that in terms of proper grammar, when someone's gender is unknown, it is correct to use "he/him". However, in practice we generally use "they/them" (even if it's only one person).
@silvermaple Really? I kind of thought that plurality takes precedence over gender (for me at least).
So if it's only one person, I would not use "they/them".
Actually, we do it all the time
@silvermaple, do you think I'll ever get Japanese speech?
Yes, eventually you will after practising and listening a lot.
Isn't this the "royal they/them" though?
Some people who are big on using correct grammar will say that it's so bad to use third person plural pronouns instead of "he/she", but it's used so much, I don't think it's actually a problem
@Shazer2 definitely!
@Shazer2 Do you have a environment that allows you to converse in Japanese?
@Flaw, not at all.
I live in a country town, in Australia.
@gibbon I would suggest you give it a shot :)
No Japanese at all.
And, I always thought sawa was a guy...the way he talks always seemed more masculine to me...I don't know, I also thought Chocolate was a guy
I thought Chocolate was a guy too!
I kind of thought sawa was female because I did a search on a name dictionary and it returned female names for sawa.
Oh, "sawa" doesn't seem masculine or feminine to me
Just an alias to me.
It's hard to tell sometimes over the internet
I thought Chocolate was female based on her avatar, then also on her lang-8's avatar.
Really? I was basing thinking she was a male based on her avatar! That's not a guy in that picture?
It's Tifa, no?
I thought TsuyoshiIto was female because of the pink avatar haha (I know, bad reasoning because the avatar is generated via some algorithm and not decided by the person)(Also pink does not necessarily mean female either).
I have no idea
Oh, Tsuyoshi is a guy's name, isn't it?
I guess it just goes to show how unreliable intuition can be for me.
Well, now I'm curious, what do you think I am?
@silvermaple, I'd guess a guy.
@silvermaple Yes, but I wouldn't know until I ran a search on a name dictionary.
silvermaple is female.
Yes, Flaw :)
That's cool. :)
Guess what I am?
@Shazer2 Nope :) I think I even said あたし the other day
Hmmm, I'm not very attentive.
Oh, I have no idea, I sort of default on male I guess
You might not have been there
I think Shazer2 is female too
Incorrect! :P
Flaw's wishful thinking: To be the only guy around.
@silvermaple ありがとう!!新しいことを学びました!
I kind of correlate being expressive with being female.
I tend to think of males as more reserved and less enthusiastic.
@Chocolate どういたしまして。英語の質問はいつでも聞いていいですよ。 ^^
I don't understand this podcast. :(
It's surprising me how many females are here.
What podcast are you listening to?
I think my gender was revealed some time back
I can't remember if it was in chat here or on lang-8
Oh was it? I always guessed you were male
Based on intuition?
@silvermaple なんでやねん^^
@silvermaple, "Learn Japanese Pod Shows". They are talking about "なるべく"
@Chocolate, 大阪 dialect?
@Shazer2 なんでやねん^o^
My host family was saying that!
What does it mean
@Chocolate えっ?
@Flaw I don't know, but I think a lot of it is that you have a bomb in your avatar
What is the square root of a bomb..?
The thought I intend to elicit upon trying to understand the bomb avatar is "But that makes no sense!?"
@gibbon www
@gibbon =P
@Chocolate, what does なんでやねん mean?
@Flaw, it's Osaka dialect, AFAIK.
なんだろう・・・It's "tsukkomi" phrase in Osaka manzai
Is it intended to be sarcastic?
One of the comedians says なんでやねん! when the other says something funny, then the audience laugh...
Literally, it means "why is that", なんでですか、なぜですか
Oh I think I understand the usage. It is supposed to prompt the audience to think
So we often say なんでやねん!when someone says something funny, or someone makes a mistake.
(I don't know if English has an equivalent)
@Chocolate, I think there is in fact a similar thing in English
But it's not entirely appropriate haha
@silvermaple えっちなこと?^^
It's "that's what she said" but its use is mainly limited to sexual contexts
@Flaw へ~~~!
見たことあるsounds like you didn't see all the stories
oooooooohhhhhh, that makes sense
But if you say ハリーポッター賢者の石、見たことあるよ, I'd think you saw it all.
I think it's because a movie is considered one unit, while a ドラマ is made up of many units.
You can also say ハリーポッター賢者の石、見たよ!
賢者の石、見たことあるよ sounds like you saw it a while ago,
賢者の石、見たよ can be "I've just saw it (a few hours ago)" , or "I saw it years ago."
Isn't "Years ago" also "a while ago"?
@silvermaple I'm a little confused at the grammar of ドラマの話している時, why の ?
Becauuuuse? I'm talking about the kind of talking?
I'm more inclined to go with を or について
@Shazer2 おやすみ!
@Shazer2 またね
I couldn't even tell you if that's correct or not, it's just what popped out of my head
@Shazer2 おやすみ~
Oh, hey @Andrew, I didn't see you pop in :)
I remember XのY is not grammatical if Y is a relative clause construction
I'm not sure how strong that rule is.
I'm so bad with grammar rules
Chocolate! Help us!
Oh, you're faster than me
Can it simply be ドラマにつては...
(話/はなし is a noun. 話 is read as はなし when it's a noun. を is left out)

(話して/はなして is a verb. 話す・話して are read as はなす・はなして when they are verbs)
Ah I see. Because 話している is ambiguous between はなし(を)している and はなしている, I misread the sentence.
そう!ややこしい。One of my friends always types 話しをする to say 話をする. (He's Japanese)
Yes~~ and I never point out his mistakes so that I can guess who wrote a message if he posts anonymously.
(I am ずるいww)
I tried typing in Romaji to find out what the response would be like. lang-8.com/424295/journals/1605323
The responses were friendly, but the replies used kanji. I wrote the post because the classmate from my former class (the one that stopped a few weeks ago) probably knows the kana (I know she was studying them), but doesn't know kanji, and probably would find an IME a bit scary.
(Not just because an IME involves language, but because it involves technology)
I see. I was about to ask why not just go into kana/kanji but then I realised that IME relies on romanised input
What do you mean by "why not just go into"?
Hmmm, that's interesting, they all corrected you into non-romaji
I could have posted in romaji but the first corrections were in hiragana and kanji so I just followed without thinking much... Also, after seeing some of your other entries I figured that you could read them.
If it had been your first entry they might have corrected/replied in romaji.
I feel like even if she could get by on Lang-8 with romaji at the start when she's saying very simple things, she would eventually progress to the point where she would need the kanji for clarification, what with all the homophones
@silvermaple This avatar is 紅葉(momiji) in the game "Nija-gaiden". It's a girl^^
@silvermaple Ah I thought I should have said "we might have corrected~~"
It's so small, I couldn't tell! :(
I thought shazer2, gibbon, silvermaple are all female....
"Chris" can be a girls name too, right?
Chris can be a girl's nickname
Usually it's a guy's name
Ah I see~
Christie... Christine...
Chris as a nickname for a woman sounds eh.. Butch.
Really? I think the way opposite
Very girly, very preppy
(I'm learning new words ^^)
@AndrewGrimm I meant ignore the perceived difficulty of transitioning from romaji to kana/kanji and start using kana/kanji.
I tend to agree with Flaw here
@Flaw そう思います
Hello everyone
I have no understanding for people who try to learn Japanese without kana/kanji, or without starting with kana the first thing they do for that matter. You don't learn to read before learning the alphabet. You don't learn simple arithmetic before learning what the numbers represent. Etc.
And the difficulty of it pales in comparison to the rest of the learning process anyhow.
Meh, just my mini-rant.. never mind me.
Hi Chris
@gibbon Exactly
@gibbon Agreed, my friend says you can learn hiragana in a few weeks, and always tells Japanese learners to stop using romaji.
I agree
If you resist hiragana, your brain couldn't possibly accept any kanji, he says.
Took me and my class a week to learn hiragana
jkerian and I got into this yesterday...the day before yesterday? Anyway, my own opinion is that there is a time and place for romaji, and a beginning Japanese class is not it
(So using romaji is like writing English in katakana, like... イエスタデー、アイウェントトゥザビーチ, maybe)
@silvermaple that's a reasonable rate. I went to look at language courses offered and also asked some of my friends who attended classes. They took in excess of 6 weeks. And that's without katakana.
My class started out with one week (half-time study) dedicated for hiragana/katakana. The next week was Swedish grammar, which sounds odd but turned out to be very useful + gave us plenty of time to let the kanas sink in. That's not too much to ask I think, a week.
@Chocolate interesting parallel
@gibbon Note that this is different from... basically every other language
@Chocolate Yes, I think that's a terrible habit that Japanese students have
maybe "terrible" is a strong word, but still
I think it's something that online Japanese learners like to get their panties in a bunch over, but doesn't matter anywhere near as much as they think it does.
@silvermaple You got me thinking on how "terrific" and "terrible" are antonyms but "horrific" and "horrible" doesn't have the same thing happen.
Hahah! That's interesting!
面白い~~But time to go~ Nice talking to you all, ありがとうね、またね(^_^)/
good night
wow, my day just started..I really feel on the opposite side of the world now
oh I missed her leave
Yeah, welcome to time traveling
@Flaw hmm... what about purple?
@gibbon That comment probably deserves more explanation. I actually suspect that the early focus on the written language, particularly in the online learning community, actually retards real language development. Reading and Speaking are separable skills. The focus on kana (continuing on to kanji), suggests to the beginner to learn primarily from the written language, and not from the (much easier) spoken language.
Yes, kanji are hard (but frankly they're not much harder to memorize than the pokemon... and millions of 9 year olds seem to be able to do that without much trouble), but that doesn't mean you should start with them if it's less efficient.
I think I see what you're trying to say, because we were talking about this earlier, but I think we're talking about two slightly different situations. (self-study vs classroom study)
And I'm still not convinced that focusing on one skill is the way to begin learning a language
@silvermaple I'm pretty much completely convinced of that. The only question is where you introduce the other skill.
Is it a problem to let the learner choose themselves?
But, a language is a whole unit...it has different aspects, but you need them all
(the one exception might be in an intensive beginners course... where you want something else for the mind to chew on after trying to cold-memorize conversations for X hours)
And how can you decide what skill is primary?
@silvermaple That actually isn't true
Ok, how so?
@ChrisHarris In theory, that sounds great... but if you're A) putting together a curriculum or B) asked for advice... it's not helpful
@jkerian ok, so this is specifically classroom study then
@silvermaple I know several people who count as "fluent" in either spoken or written language, and are completely incapable in the other.
@ChrisHarris Not really
I actually think it's more important to focus on the spoken language early in self study
Classrooms usually have labs with native-speaker TAs... forced vocalizations and practice sessions
@jkerian I do too, and I would argue that, at the end of the day, they're not really fluent.
It's important to focus on everything...I don't understand what you're trying to say
That's semantics. Being able to be mistaken as a native either at spoken or written (sound/write fluently) is impressive enough, and it rather firmly shows that the skills are dividable.
I don't understand this idea of "fluency"..
@jkerian I'm not saying skills aren't dividable
@jkerian And I mean that while it's less efficient the first week or two, it will greatly pay off very fast.
@jkerian For some reason purple = royal
I forgot where I made that association, but purple is a royal colour
@Flaw historically it was a very difficult color to make, so it was expensive
will use the 'royal we' from now on, just for Flaw
@gibbon See... that's the part I question. and it's the part that so far I've heard no one defend adequately.
@jkerian That's interesting :)
It's also the color for gay pride
@silvermaple Last I heard... they claimed the whole rainbow
mmm, yes, both
@jkerian I suppose I fall under this description in more than one way.
(well, not all the colors of the rainbow individually...but, like, all as a unit)
@silvermaple One of the major gay pride groups in France actually tried to sue the WYD organizers in Paris in '97, since they were using a rainbow for the theme.
oh, le sigh
Let's sue everyone for everything
Actually... I was kinda glad
I didn't have to put up with "you stupid sue-happy Americans" comments for the whole trip :)
Reminds me of the aptronym question we have on the main site.
Lawyer with the name Sue Yoo
Oh, wow, haha
The captain of my archery club's name was 愛弓
"Grabbit and Runn, Attorneys at Law", right next to "Dewey, Cheetum and Howe"
Oh, I feel bad for her
@AndrewGrimm They actually exist in the US. A local greek restaurant just has one...
I should probably clarify, I don't actually think romaji has any great virtue in studying Japanese. But I do think the rather intense focus on "switch to kana immediately!", the constant online advice, is a misplaced focus.
2 hours later…
and I have frightened you all away... chat is MINE!
an interloper!
Shouldn't you be asleep now?
yes, but not due to the time
I'm here too :)
It's afternoon here
(it's 13:30-ish here)
Ah, dunno why I thought you lived in Japan..
trying to make sure that a feature I'm recomending someone use... actually works
I lived there for a few months, and periodically go back
I see
I'm actually filling out an application for a 2 year stay, later this afternoon
You transfer within the company?
yeah, it'll be a temporary assignment
Still, two years is a while
cool.. Our Tokyo office just fired half of its staff, so I'm less optimistic about transfering now..
It is, I'm looking forward to it
Do it. Then let me in. :>
@gibbon Actually... you're a firmware dev too, aren't you?
No not really, working mostly on backend for opera mobile.
So you're less familiar with hunting down bugs that were caused by a channel sync being a few dozen nanoseconds out of sync...
(the thing I'm doing BEFORE filling out that application)
Less familiar, yeah. :) Sounds nasty though.
it's not all bad... we get really cool toys :)
fancy oscilloscopes, mainly
I'm actually a bit concerned about the transfer because of that
Less fun toys?
In our local corporate culture... Firmware is king. We're the ones that actually, you know, make the customers like us.
We also paper over the hardware bugs, and implement features a generation or two before the hardware can catch up.
In the Japanese branch... not so much
They're used to serving the consumer market. IE, customers will basically take any crap you manufacture, as long as the price point is right. All of the high profile work is done by the "advanced development" group.
Our corporate customers are more along the lines of "What the hell do you mean this generation requires X milliwatts more power on spinup than the last generation? Fix it now or the contract is cancelled. And while you're at it, your error recovery procedure is taking too long, half a second should be long enough for anyone."
Since we're the ones that can make that kind of thing happen, we get a bit more leeway... and less direct management control.
enough ranting about that from me today, though...
in summary, while I think I'll love the stay in Japan, the corporate culture shock (as opposed to the general culture culture-shock) will probably be a little rough
meh :) change should always be welcomed
while I like my current job, I'd give my left nut to move out of Europe.
Culture shocks be damned.
UUGhhh, I find that my comprehension of JLPT reading passages varies from "Oh yeah, I got mostly every word" to "What did that even say?"
And I still get the ones I understand wrong because it's a tricky question
It's so bleeding annoying
06:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

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