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I though it meant 神の無い月(a month with no gods) but I just googled and found that it actually was 神の月, the character 無 was ateji for 「な/の」.
Seems like no one has posted a question about 神無月 on this site. It would be an interesting question to post here because there're some web pages where 神無月 is explained as "a month with no gods" and I don't think I'm the only one to have believed it. I think my junior high 国語 teacher also explained the 無 as "without"...
@Chocolate what a terrible choice as ateji
Haha, yeah, and I also read that 水無月 doesn't mean "a month without water" either
@Chocolate: I was thinking about posting, but trying to figure out the tags
maybe source-error?
etymology too?
Oh you have ateji too
I though there was "history" but I can't find it
what is "classical japanese"? ww
Does this fall into the category? But these readings of months are still used..
classical Japaneseは「古典」かな?(「つれづれなるままにひくらし・・・」etc.)
Oh I see. Well Chocolate, if you want to post the question, then please do so. If not, I might consider posting after looking at some sites.
Ah, no I'd like you to post it, cos I don't think I can write/explain it properly in English. (If I were to ask anything about Japanese language I'd look for a place where I can post in Japanese... but probably not on 知恵袋, goo or OKwave. I think there're too many mistakes/ much wrong information there)
Ok, I'll try. Please edit if you want to add something
Hehe, ok~ good luck~~
2 hours later…
Regarding questions like japanese.stackexchange.com/q/6236/542 ,
Perhaps we can have a community wiki for a simple introduction to basic features of the Japanese language.
A sum up of things like "what is kana" "what are kanji" "what is okurigana" etc.
Maybe with a short description of postpositional particles and basic sentence structure.
Hm... I think the scope is going to be huge.
I'm going to have to include inflections of verbs, verbal adjectives, function of copula...
@Flaw: That is a good way to handle the situation
That way we can redirect all "I'm starting from scratch" questions there.
Something like a FAQ
English stackexchange has this for a close reason:
General Reference:
This question is too basic; it can be definitively and permanently answered by a single link to a standard internet reference source designed specifically to find that type of information.
Well, we do already have a resource recommendations post in meta. I suppose entry-level learners could theoretically hunt for the information on their own.
I have a hard time thinking about entry-level questions that we could add
except for the one's like the above link.
I wonder, should we just monitor entry-level learner kind of questions and add them to a FAQ as we go?
I don't think we need to.
Simply just redirect them to the resource page on meta each time I guess.
"definitively and permanently answered by a single link to a standard internet reference source designed specifically to find that type of information", I suppose the links in our meta post count.
I suppose, I have a feeling that the OP in the post you linked to is going to throw a fit again if we do that.
@Flaw A "this is the basics of the the language" might not be a completely unreasonable FAQ entry... but it's tough to draw that boundary
I've started writing one two or three times
It's hard to draw the line between what's basic and what's not
Flaw: He's sortof thrown two temper tantrums in comment threads on his questions
Q: What's so great about this site?

AerovistaeWhy is French.SE a freaking great place to get help learning a foreign language? There are a million foreign language forums. What makes this one special?

@jkerian I probably missed it because the comments were moderated
Heh... most of his questions on french.se have actually been pretty good questions... for some reason he seems fit to bless japanese.SE with evidence that he can't read wikipedia
@cypher Hm something bothers me though..
He came off with making very broad and direct claims about the Japanese language.
@cypher Wow, just wow. I didn't know he was that angry.
And anyone making broad and direct claims about the Japanese language is sure to hit the sawa wall hard.
the sawa wall was there and I saw it coming
He removed most of it, but some of his comments in japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/6113 were completely and totally unacceptable
The comments also make more sense if you consider the question before I edited it
From his French.SE post: "Everyone here gives thorough and complete answers, makes a point to understand what is being asked and answer it precisely, goes out of their way to give extra information, and just generally makes this a fantastically helpful learning environment."
I don't see how JLU doesn't fit the same description
Mostly because we got frustrated with his 4th question about memorizing kanji as independent units, and forcing them on the language...
He's got that relationship backwards, and has had it explained at LEAST 5 times in various answers... and basically refuses to understand it
I think he has preconceived notions of how words should behave in Japanese.
He hasn't grasped the delimiters of words
That seems to be the case
It might also be true, that he has a different definition of what he believes some terminology to be
as in the case with "loan words"
perhaps to him 歩く is made up of 歩 + く, instead of a single word.
I'm not certain, but I think his French had already been somewhat established before he started using that SE site. Whereas, he is learning from the ground up here.
I would like to draw parallels for him, but I'm not sure if that would make him angry.
He seemed to like your answer previously, so he might be more open to you
Like running is not made from separate words "run" and "ning"
A: How to know what Okurigana signify?

HyperwormYour question assumes that people typically learn the kanji, for instance 歩, and then go on to try to figure out what extra meaning the okurigana impart on the kanji -- for instance, the addition of く creates a verb 歩く "to walk", and the addition of いた to 歩 creates the past tense verb "walked". ...

I wonder if it would just be more beneficial for him to join chat..
Yes I think it would be.
He was in here earlier
a few days ago
I @user him once, he didn't reply though.
He can ask basic questions freely. It's quite a different atmosphere.
I was wondering whether to post a comment to that effect on that FLU meta post
I wanted to find out if he was learning by himself or attending a class, and how far he got into the language.
Apparently, he is learning without a text book, through online material
I have no problem with that. I learned without textbooks too.
Just that I had an extremely systematic method
I learnt with "Mirai" initially...aside from that I didn't use one
@cypher I wouldn't... I'd be slightly annoyed if such things clutttered up our meta
I ran across someone who learned entirely from Tae Kim's guide... basically
actually... should probably recomend that to him, since he seems dead-set on not using a textbook
I wasn't saying add it to the meta
I learned a little from nihongoresources, and from their IRC. Then I came over to JLU to have sawa tell me that nihongoresources has some parts that are unreliable.
After fixing my basic particles, I went on a massive vocabulary memorisation excercise on my own up to 2k words.
Well... I'm sure sawa is right... but I'm not sure it matters
but I wonder if we should organize the beginner links to a separate section on the meta post or something
Then once I "got the hang of things", I bought A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
That book fixed a ton of problems actually.
@cypher Doesn't the meta post already have a short description of each link?
I don't think we need to regroup them under "as a beginner, you will need these"
We'll end up having repeated data. Because you'll probably need a majority of the resources shown there as a beginner.
I guess so
would it be worth adding japanese.about.com ?
I think there's a fair amount of beginner stuff there as well, I don't know how good it is though
Hm why not, just add it in.
Ah but I see a lot of kanji for a learning resource
But it's mitigated by having romaji right beside the sentence.
to be honest, I think I prefer Tae Kim's guide
about.com has so much clutter
the Hiragana/Katakana tutorials look OK though
Tae Kim's guide looks more organised
Well it wouldn't hurt to have another site recommendation.
I'd only add it if you can actually recomend it for some reason
It's another perspective, useful for cross examination.
If you ever start to doubt some portions, just look for consistency across various sources.
The Hiragana/Katakana tutorials (japanese.about.com/od/howtowritehiragana/ss/hiraganalesson.htm and japanese.about.com/od/howtowritekatakana/…) look good to me, so I think it'd might be worth adding, if only for that
Why is it たこ焼き but 焼き鳥?
鉄片焼き、すき焼き、照り焼き、たこ焼き, but 焼き鳥
鉄板焼き* typo
焼きそば is another one that is in "reverse" order
@cypher: You know what I like about that japanese.about.com? The author has this "question of the week archives thing" which handles stuff similar to Aerovistae's questions.
eeh, on second thought those might be too basic
2 hours later…
How reliable is about.com as a resource?
おもしろ~い^^ 焼魚[やきざかな]、焼飯[やきめし]、あぶりイカ、ゆでだこ、ゆでたまご・・・but めだまやき
焼いた鳥=焼き鳥、 焼いた(炒めた)そば=焼きそば、焼いた(炒めた)ご飯=やきめし、焼いた肉=焼肉、あぶったイカ=あぶりイカ、ゆでたたこ=ゆでだこ、ゆでたたまご‌​=ゆで卵・・・
たこ焼き is not 焼いたタコ。
So maybe if you say 焼き鉄板 instead of 鉄板焼き、it might sound like 焼いた鉄板?^^
Chocolate.. I just briefly revisited a question I asked a while a go but didn't get a satisfactory answer to. You mentioned "verb + そう" when I asked about difference between "verb + みたい" and "verb stem + そう".. If you don't mind me asking, are these really the same, or are they just often similar in use? I mean I was taught that the two I try to differ mean "it seems like" while the one you mentioned means something more along the lines of "I've heard"
And if you say 焼き目玉 instead of めだまやき...(ギャー)
Just a moment~見てきます
I think ~そう implies that it is your own visual observation
But you don't have a visual observation of say "行ける" as in ハワイに行けそうだ
Yes ~~するそうです is "I've heard", I think. So ハワイに行くそうです is "I heard someone's going to Hawaii", and ハワイに行けるそうです is "I heard someone(or I/we) can go to Hawaii".
Verb+そうだ = hearsay
Verbstem+そうだ = conjecture based on own observation (imply visual)

Verb+みたい = ?
I don't see much difference between このセーターは家で洗えそうです and このセーターは家で洗えるみたいです. Both sound ok for casual speech. Maybe the latter sounds a bit more casual.
I'm at work so I don't have my textbook, but I want to remember that verb + みたい is essentially the same as stem + そう, hence my question about distinguishing the two. I think I'll edit it to make more clear. For instance why not say ハワイに行けるみたい?
Perhaps it is just difference in personal preference
Aさんはハワイに行けるみたいです sounds to me like, ...Maybe you heard that A-san can go to Hawaii directly from A san (=I mean, A-san said that directly to you), but it sounds to me more like, "Judging from what I've heard/seen, I think A-san can go to Hawaii".
I suspect someone has been serial downvoting me.
Again??? Huh...??
On July 13, 12 questions were downvoted.
On July 23, question 4281, asked in January was downvoted for the first time ever. On July 19, question 1804, asked in July last year, was downvoted for the first time ever. On July 16, question 2978, asked in September last year, was downvoted for the first time ever. On July 14, question 2698, asked in August of last year, was downvoted for the first time ever.
Those dates are a little separated to be serial downvotes
Chocolate.. Thanks for your explanation. I think the difference may just be too fine for me to comprehend at this point. :)
Ah, I just wanted to tell you just one more thing, about 雨が降りそう
Sorry I'm slow in typing.
@Flaw the ones on July 13 weren't very separated. 06:59, 07:02, 23:01, 23:01, 23:02, 23:22, 23:23, 23:24, 23:25, 23:26, 23:27, 23:28. Wow, exactly one minute apart each!
Apart from the two 23:01s.
So, I think 雨が降りそう can be used in two different way. ~~しそう can be used to say "l guess~~" as in the title of your question, and
The July 13 one is rather suspicious
しそう can also be used to say "It's about to do~~"
So 雨が降りそう can often be used to say "It's about to rain, in any moment"
I see, interesting
I thought about to do is ~そうになった or ~降ろうとする
By contrast, before July 13, the most recent downvote on a question that wasn't recently asked was April 1.
But if you say Aさんはハワイに行けそうですor Aさんはハワイに行くそうです, these sentences don't mean "A-san is about to go to Hawaii now, in any moment".
I got that :) Also if i'd be talking about myself, it would mean that "it seems like I'll be able to..", no?
Like, 「(私)、ハワイに行けそうです」?
Like so, yes
"私は来週から、ハワイに行けそうだよ!" is the exact sentence. (I interpreted this as "it seems I'll be able to go to Hawaii next week")
And no other such downvotes this year.
Yes, same as (私、)ハワイに行けるみたいなの。(私、)ハワイに行けそうなの。(私、)ハワイに行けそうよ。/行けるみたいよ。
cool, thanks
My pleasure
@AndrewGrimm I visited the page "users" and tried to check how many "downvotes" each person has done,
I thought most top posters haven't downvoted so many times
@AndrewGrimm I'm surprised the automatic daily vote anomaly script didn't pick it up
Did you check the "Users" page?
Well, there is a non-zero possibility that it was not an anomaly. But we wouldn't know. Perhaps you should raise this to a mod because they can see the information about the votes.
Ah yes you should report it to the admin
It detected the July 13 downvotes as an anomaly, but it seems like whoever did it isn't barred from still downvoting me.
It bars downvotes?
I went to "Users"→"Voters", then clicked "this week", "this month", etc.
I only thought it removes the rep loss
@Flaw Sorry, I was meaning "The System has dealt with the July 13 stuff, but isn't doing anything to help with the more recent stuff"
@AndrewGrimm Honestly, some of your questions aren't good.
The more recent stuff doesn't look very suspicious though.
@Flaw Perhaps. But the timing seems non-coincidental.
The only legitimate explanation would be if a new person came along, saw my questions for the first time, and downvoted them.
I went through the downvoted questions, but they weren't your "not good" questions.
The fact that those questions had upvotes exceeding downvotes means something
Not really. I often see down right retarded questions getting up to 10 upvotes.
Which probably means 10 people want the question to be answered
True, not arguing with that.
@gibbon I'd prefer it if you used a word other than "retarded" (or "lame") if possible.
Which means that the question can't be entirely retarded
Political correctness is overrated.
@AndrewGrimm how is "lame" inappropriate to say? I'm not a native English speaker, I don't know what other meanings or connotations this word may have.
The most upvoted question tagged "ruby" in Stack Overflow is a fairly simple question, but one that many people have found useful.
I see your point.
@gibbon Unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs. en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lame#Adjective
@AndrewGrimm, there's really no point avoiding "potentially offensive" words
Yes, you can't be politically correct all the time.. I find that offensive. (only partially joking now)
If people coin new unoffensive terms for the same thing, it will eventually take on the offensive meaning
@Flaw are you talking about using a term for someone who's actually disabled, or about other uses of the term?
The word changes. It will have the original meaning, and slang is derived from it.
@Flaw if I was telling gibbon "Please call the question developmentally delayed", I'd be able to understand where you were coming from.
A case in point would be the old naming convention of idiot, imbecile, moron; representing IQ ranges of <20, 20-49, 50-69
I believe the word "retarded" was a euphemism for that, the original meaning was "made slow"
Now "retarded" is regarded offensive, and possibly succeeded by the terms "mentally handicapped"
@Flaw And "developmentally delayed" has the same literal meaning.
It gets ridiculous that the words keeps changing because we need to "respect" people
Now there's also "intellectually challenged"
South Park had an excellent episode on this not long ago. Essentially the kids were calling people "fags", then the homosexual community got mad because they found it offensive to them even though the word is now used to put down annoying people of any sexual orientation. (And it had some meaning before being slander for homosexuals, but I don't remember what)
@Flaw handicapped is probably regarded as inappropriate. I wouldn't object to someone using that word if they were merely describing someone, though.
Point is, words change and you need to take context into consideration. You can't just pick out a word and get your panties in a bunch over it.
I'm one for calling a spade a spade, instead of calling a pedally operated humus redistribution device a pedally operated humus redistribution device.
I get a little frustrated at the euphemism treadmill myself.
Operating systems used to talk about disabled accessibility, as far as I can tell. Then they talked about accessibility without mentioning disability. Now they talk about "universal access", which is too broad in meaning. Is it talking about people with disabilities, or people who don't speak English?
I'm more worried about the meaning, than the words themselves.
Anyway, I didn't mean to derail the conversation.
I think the conversation was about your down votes anyhow. :)
And how idiotic, imbecilic and moronic my questions were.
Well honestly only these I had an opinion against: http://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/6011/
@Flaw That's fair enough. I made sure I didn't count downvotes against new questions in my total.
The majority of your questions are fine, except for some that were bordering on off-topic
@Flaw Being more "meta" than "Japanese".
Not that it's a bad question,
it's just not a good fit on the main site that's all
The recent downvotes seem to be justified by "I don't like you" rather than "your question is bad".
I don't think those questions were bad
Some of the time when I'm on lang-8, I encounter sentences that are almost but not quite correct, and I can't work out how I'd say it myself!
Sometimes I still can't tell if a sentence is correct or not
@Flaw Are you on lang-8?
I am, but I haven't used it in a long time
I got lazy hah
Someone asked on lang-8 difference between "my friend" and "friend of mine", and I came across this on Wiktionary en.wiktionary.org/wiki/friend_of_mine
Is スペシャルマッサージ a euphemism for a certain kind of massage? I think スペシャル is katakana for special, and マッサージ is katakana for massage.
But ponds.jp/massage/massage/special.html is describing a legit massage.
@AndrewGrimm Ahh it could be... not always though
@Chocolate ちょっと難しい! Thanks!
1 hour later…
@AndrewGrimm I do not mean to offend you, but it just does not appear to me that you are coincidentially mentioning sexial things.
@sawa it's not a coincidence. I'm doing it deliberately to annoy you.
@sawa sexual things, not sexial things.
@The moment after I typed, I was aware of the typo, but did not bother to fix it.
@AndrewGrimm sarcasm does NOT come through in text...
How can we have a translation tag but not do translations? link: japanese.stackexchange.com/q/6277/1328
If that's true, then shouldn't that tag be changed/revised/removed or something
@cypher meta.french.stackexchange.com/questions/350/… I think this is 当てつけ. wwww
@ChrisHarris It can be complicated... as I tried to get across here: meta.japanese.stackexchange.com/a/799/29
The real rule is closer to "if you can find it in a dictionary, don't ask here"
heya JNat
if anyone can help me with this question
it'd be great
@JNat heh... don't ask if you can ask... just ask >_>
Q: Keyboard layout "preview"

JNatI am Portuguese, and thus have a Portuguese keyboard layout on my laptop. I want to write in Japanese, and have already installed Microsoft IME and am able to write in Japanese. What I want to know is if there is anyway to get a "preview" of the virtual Japanese layout (preferably in kana) so th...

@JNat ahh... I'm not sure if you can do that or not, but you should probably be aware that basically no one uses the kana keyboards
do you use romanization?
Yeah... I'm American, but I didn't see any of my Japanese fellow-students use anything but the romaji-based IMEs when I was at a Japanese university a few years ago
Same with my coworkers now
that is weird
I am not used to writing in romanization
I usually write in Kana
well, you don't really write in romanization, you just type in it
I meant
when writing by hand
and learning japanese
I never use romanization
so it'll be a bit weird
自分 <- type 'jibun<space><enter>'
but well
Yeah I do that way too
but they usually type the romanized form?
the japanese I mean
@JNat unlike me, Chocolate is Japanese :)
and bye
I have a hard time with the "@" symbol on the Japanese keyboard. I can never find it when I need to.
@JNat jisx6004.client.jp/layout-kana.html#JIS My keyboard layout is the one on top of this page
2 hours later…
I'm sure more people are wondering and it kinda related to what we talked about earlier today, so.. Hey @AndrewGrimm, why do you have a bounty on 6256?
If you don't mind me asking.
I need help understanding 向こう. Context: Instructions to find a 会場.
@Flaw: Doesn't that mean the direction it's facing?
But what is it facing? Or is something facing it?
@Gibbon: I was wondering that too
I thought "The building facing 四軒"
Exit at exit no. 5, walk towards the tower and turn left at the fourth traffic light. From there walk about 100 metres to a place with a drugstore. At that corner, it's at the basement of the building facing 四軒
I dont understand what it means to face 四軒
is it a station?
it's directions from an imaginary station to a 会場
ah, then maybe the building across from 四軒
but 四軒 seems to mean "four buildings" rather than a place named "四軒"
Perhaps I need to bring out the implicit first person
Oh 向こう is not a verb it seems
向こうビル would mean the opposite building
"It is in the basement of the four opposite buildings"
"It is in the basement of the four buildings opposite (to me)"
Am I making sense?
Yes, as long as you are standing at the corner
Sigh, the resource I'm using is not that good afterall
What are you using Flaw?
日本語総まとめ, 読解.
Ah, I have the grammar and vocabulary ones
but not 読解
By 佐々木 仁子 and 松本 紀子
The English translation for that part was "The fourth building"
Which I found strange, because fourth would be 四軒目
Honestly, some of the English translations from those series are not correct
Then I thought that there was some systematic order of counting buildings when you were at a cross junction
like maybe always counting counterclockwise from where you are
so the fourth building would be the one opposite you
I figured I needed some practice books to give me something to work on.
Or else I'd be forever in the theoretical learning phase of Japanese.
If you were to gauge your reading comprehension now, where would you be? Have you tried any other resources for 読解?
It really depends on what the material is talking about
I'm generally bad with directions haha
So far I've had Breaking into Japanese Literature, that wasn't exceedingly difficult. Just right to challenge me I suppose.
Have you tried 完全マスター as a resource?
My reading comprehension prior to Breaking in Japanese Literature and 日本語総まとめ comprised of dictionary and snippets of stuff in JLU
I'm okay with self-contained example sentences used to explain grammar constructions in dictionaries.
Hm, how about wikipedia? You can read articles about stuff you're knowledgeable about.
Haven't tried that.
The huge wall of text I admit, is rather intimidating haha
ahah, yes it can be
How is your vocabulary?
I know surprisingly little about everyday items
That's ok :) Do you know your kanji?
I guess that's where having Chinese as a second language is a huge advantage =)
I can safely say that I know my kanji haha
That is awesome! Then that's one hurdle down
Oh! I know!
I wonder, if you can find some old entry exams for Japanese school
they usually have like a 国語 or 読解 section
I don't think it's a particularly easy resource to find online
That is somewhat true, I think I only found some by searching the websites of many schools.
It seems to be a news column updated in order to assist college students with understanding logical texts
What is logical texts?
I don't know how to explain in English. 国語や小論文
"short essay"
Maybe you can read essays as a way to develop 読解. There is an essay section at this site that I've used yomou.syosetu.com
I'm taking some time to navigate that site haha
@AndrewGrimm: as far as i can tell, there is no unique pattern of one person consistently downvoting you (aside from a few in the past, that have all been reversed). Only a bunch of people who do tend to cast mostly negative votes toward your entries, but do so in a statistically reasonable way. Sorry, but it just seems you rub some (/many) people the wrong way.
@Dave Hey... long time no see
hey, @jk
been meaning to ask, why DO we have most of those FAQ entries on meta?
ie... my second half of this: meta.japanese.stackexchange.com/a/814/29
what do you mean? that's part of the whole point of meta...
I just mean that quite a few things tagged "FAQ" aren't really very FAQ-like
@Dave: and I chased you away again :(
hmm... bounties attached to ancient questions all of a sudden... ( ・◇・)?
@jkerian The one Andrew Grimm posted one on already has four close votes
I'm tempted to rewrite the question as a straightforward basic question
"what does the small tsu do?" Part of the problem is that the question reads like it was written by the most confused prescriptivist ever.
ie... "What were the original authors of the language thinking when they decided to name Japan, にっぽん?" was how I read the question at first
Honestly, I think I'm biased to disliking questions about romaji.
I don't care one way or another
anyways... back to this spec _φ(□□ヘ)
I decided to just answer it under a slightly different frame of mind
basically "it's easier to answer trivial questions and close other as dups... than to haggle over a question being 'too easy'"
Is there a reason why this site is still in beta?
Not sure... we're pretty low on the google-charts still, which is a bit annoying
^ There's alot of sites doing much better than we are that are still in beta though, so I wouldn't read too much into it
Ok, I was just curious. Since I'm relatively new, I wasn't sure.
I do suspect, however, that we'd be more likely to progress to full-site status if we were green all the way across this board: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/7526/japanese-language-usage
Primarily... that requires a massive increase in Questions/Day. we're not that far off on the answers/question metric, and it's really hard to have a direct effect on the visits/day metric.
How can we have 600 visits per day, yet an average of 4 questions per day
Many more readers than askers :)
interesting :)
Well, it seems to be a common theme for languages..
except for English
slightly different site-style though
Oh I see. Well, I really hope this site becomes a full site at some point
It's interesting to watch the Chinese site develop, since we do face many of the same issues
@Flaw 向こう means "the other side". その角から四軒向こう is "four buildings on the other side (from you with respect to the corner)", or "four buildings away from the corner".
2 hours later…
@AndrewGrimm ??? Is this a joke?
@jkerian: sorry for leaving earlier, but I do need my sleep sometime too. Anyway, you should feel free to consolidate and weed out the FAQ entries if you are inspired.
@sawa @Flaw (might be missing context on that conversation but...) whenever Japanese use 向こう with a foreigner, there's a 50% chance they are talking about "abroad" ;)
at least that's my experience :)
@Chris @jkerian: we might start so see an upswing of questions as the December JLPT approaches
Just a guess

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