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12:40 AM
@Ari It's strictly speaking meant to be used to revise for the listening part of the JLPT, but I found the content in the 完全マスター "聴解" books really useful for learning patterns in spoken Japanese
unfortunately the Kanzen Master series can be pretty strong on rote learning and it's all in Japanese, so if your members aren't all comfortable practicing grammar points it probably isn't the best choice
14 hours later…
2:35 PM
@Ari I think it's going to be difficult to find a written resource for that which is truly helpful. I found three things helpful in aiding my listening / conversation abilities: (1) talking with friends, (2) J-dramas, and (3) some anime. But regarding (2) and (3), you should try to find them without subtitles or cover the subtitles. Then rewatch with and test your listening comprehension. Textbooks as written materials are less helpful for understanding listening, etc.
^You could also watch anime with Japanese subtitles at first、as well (unless you don't need the subtitles, that is. I'm not there yet).
I just rip the audio to my Anki deck along with text to listen and speak through until I "get it".
3 hours later…
5:29 PM
Thanks everyone. @virmaoir I think that you're right that it will be hard to get resources that fit this bill. I'm surprised that there isn't a bigger market for this.
To be clear though, I'm not looking for listening practice, just speaking practice. Talking with friends is great, but you're limited to the things that you talk about with friends.
I think that the the tests for everything at S-3 and above in the link I in my question really demonstrate that.
I see a role for a book with a bunch of scenarios that you work thru with a native speaker, and am surprised I don't see one.

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