I don't think it's the japanese that's confusing in this question
Basically, the existence of things like 'writing lab', 'math lab', and 'theater lab' are a bit unusual to a native English speaker who doesn't live at a college.
@ssb They're not for the main site, that much was decided. As for whether they belong on meta or not, it's a bit up in the air
My general guideline has been, if it's a well-formed question that involves some complication of the language (ie, is not more likely to get an answer on SU), I tend not to close it.
Most of these questions have not been very well formed. This most recent one would probably be better on SU.
Before tonight, I thought that "ga" was always used when asking if something did or did not exist. I learnt otherwise from lang-8.com/424295/journals/… , but wanted to confirm it.