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The theory about the Mad Hatter, is it posting at :00 or at :15 ?
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ Either
i thought someone got it at 45
Trend Setter still unknown?
is it okay to post a link to just a random question without asking for clicks or anything just to share it?
@EmilyM What for then? I mean, would it be relevant here?
I think its a timed hat trendsetter
why is everyone getting it today?
It only started today.
what did?
@DavidPostill has it worked for anyone that posted at a meta site (not the SE.meta)?
@bleh The TrendSetter hat.
1 hour ago, by bluefeet
@David considering trendsetter just popped today, I'll leave that one for a bit :)
@PaulWhite exactly. Why hasn't it popped before?
@bleh Because that's how it was set up, I presume. That's happened in recent years as well. Also some regular hats are only active for a day or range of days, no reason that shouldn't apply to secret hats as well.
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ No idea.
@bluefeet could confirm or deny this: can activity on the various meta sites lead to hats?
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ Well we already know that some hats can be awarded on meta sites
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ lightbulb
meta.SE has seen a considerable increase in hat-related activity.
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ For example I have "I Am Your Father", "Abominable" and "Egoist" on meta.se
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ I Am Your Father = post/vote on meta, so the answer to your question is trivially yes.
OK. thnx. I guess my question was silly.
@DavidPostill But that is a conundrum, right? How did we get the I Am Your Father at Meta.SE? I don't see any posts at meta.meta.SE ;)
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ I'm too tired to understand what you are going on about.
@PaulWhite actually nevermind ><
I got "I am your father" at stackoverfow because I did something on its meta site. Right?
So why did I get the "I am your fater" at meta? Because I did something ... where?
ok what
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ Wrong. You got it on meta.so. It shows on the child site which is so. meta.se doesn't have a child site so it shows it on meta.se itself.
o that makes more sense
@DavidPostill The parent is SO, not the child
No idea for Trendsetter ;)
@AndrewLi s/child/parent/g
@Panda I added something to the gdoc
@DavidPostill I see, thanks
I might take a break from hatting
On vacation :(
When the winners of WB are announced, it's based on network wide hats right?
Got the trendsetter
@alecxe How do you think you got it?
@DavidPostill yeah, I think you are right. I've mostly just tried different hats on SO.
and tried to put them upside down as well
thanks for the ideas!
@AndrewLi yup, I think they use the network-wide scoretable
@alecxe No problem. I'm still not sure what the exact trigger is but I'm guessing it's a combination of hats worn and customised hats.
"This is Fine" timing is wrong.
i just got it for a post I wrote on the 16th.
timing probably based on when the bounty is awarded (or not awarded) rather than when the answer was written.
I can confirm that wearing hats upside down will get a trendestters
@bleh what hat do you have to wear? because I tried that.
I wore 2 secret hats
taco and this one
the where in the world
@David I wore 6 and 8mil upside down (and a couple of others). I also used the controls to adjust the size of the hats.
So i think its just wearing secret hats
@bleh how long did you wear them before getting it?
upside down
i went afk for an hour so im not sure
@DJMcMayhem Today and yesterday for sure.
I'm going to try it again
It took that long? OK, I guess I'll have to afk for a while
I'm trying it now. I need to maintain my lead.
I've got 8 mill upside down now
@Mego darn it, that's what I was trying to take! :P
@DJMcMayhem You will never surpass me in the hat race
I'm 4 in front on Super User :)
but this does not make since why is today the firs t day to see this hat. LOTS of people wear the hats upside down.
@David Maybe today is also the trigger.
it would be yesterday wouldnt it
well if the upside down thing does proove to be the trigger, then yes I guess that would be the case.
@bleh OK. Tomorrow is the trigger day with today working because of UTC stuff
if I remember correctly you get about 16 hours on each end of the day because of all the times zones.
@David Something like that.
Oh well then
No trendsetter for me yet
Oh, of course when I say tommorow I mean today because it is now today here :)
Damn time zones :)
At least I'm on UTC 0, so I suppose I should be grateful ;p
I've tried messing around with hats a bunch. No trendsetter.
@Mego me too
@Mego Yea, I switched 5 hats and still no sign of it
I've also close-voted duplicates at that time, but I doubt this is related
@alecxe Lol, no harm trying :P
well, Zanna did that recently, had to check
@alecxe Any idea if it got to do with the site the hat is earned from?
Maybe wear a hat not earned from the site upside down?
sounds worth checking, I've just randomly tried out different hats, wore them, turned upside down and also hit "this site only" couple times
brute-forcing it :)
yeah, brute-forcing Winter Bash
1 hour later…
Any clue on "trendsetter" ?
@goldPseudo Yes, you are correct:
The description for this is fire is incorrect. I awarded a bounty on Chemistry on the first day of Winterbash, and all the answers that had been there pre-Winterbash got the hat. The time of posting the answer does not need to fall within WB (however, it may be that the answer needs to be posted during the bounty period). — Jan Dec 20 at 16:43
@BhavinRamani Nope
I still can't seem to get it
@Panda Got trendsetter in 10 min after wearing a hat upside down
@BhavinRamani Wow, I wore it upside down for 3 hours already
Which hat did you wear? :P
@Panda "What's Up, Doc?"
@BhavinRamani Thanks, lemme try it :D
testing trendsetter too
3 hours later…
Anybody recently gotten trendsetter?
1 hour later…
Q: Got "Buche de Noel" hat on Dec 24 instead of "Have a little Dreidel"

Byte CommanderToday (Dec 24, ~11AM local time, 10AM UTC) when I voted on a post (both Ask Ubuntu and Meta SE), I received the "Buche de Noel" hat on both sites. However, the description of that hat on http://winterbash2016.stackexchange.com/ reads post or vote on December 25 The hat I expected to get in...

Anywhere in the world, I just checked the world time and date map: timeanddate.com/time/map
1 hour later…
anyone know how to account time for hats? In my country now 24 desember and i get Bûche de Noël (ask, answer, or vote on December 25th). what time zone is used?
A: Got "Buche de Noel" hat on Dec 24 instead of "Have a little Dreidel"

SklivvzBûche de Noël is awarded between 10am UTC on the 24th (12am of the 25th in some Pacific islands) and 11:59am UTC on the 26th (11:59pm of the 25th in some other Pacific islands). I Have A little Dreidel is awarded between 10am UTC on the 24th (12am of the 25th in some Pacific islands) and 11:59am...

I think it is one of the 'anywhere in the world' timezone ones.
I do not yet have the A little Dreidel even though I have been active on several of the sites yesterday and today.
@Willeke There was a bug "That said, the second did not happen because of a stupid error which I've corrected now.". See the above link I just posted.
That answer was posted < 5 minutes ago, so I guess the next hat run will award "A little Dreidel"
Good to know. I am on 13 hats on one site and I do not like the number 13.
@Willeke Triskaidekaphobia?
Maybe. But I have had some nasty surprises on days/events connected with the number 13 and I feel better avoiding it.
How often do hats get awarded? Every five minutes?
Not really a phobia, though.
One mention I saw that for one hat it was 10 minute intervals.
@ETHproductions Every 10 minutes. However the award of some hats requires badges to be awarded first so the hat award may take longer.
OK, cool. I too was wondering how I'd earned a hat for participating on Dec 25th but not one for participating on the 24th :P
Either the bug has not been really sorted yet or the hat awarding is slow because of too many hats to award at once.
I spoke too soon, it has arrived, the I Have A little Dreidel, two at once as I am active on two sites today.
Dreidel has turned up on every site - was that maybe waiting until after 1200UTC
Q: Can the description for Snaphat be changed?

PandaIt seems that the description of Snaphat is still not changed to match its implementation. As quoted from Why was the snaphat not awarded? Or why was it awarded incorrectly?: While the description of the hat is answer within 30 minutes of the question being asked, scoring 3 and get...

I checked on the lower levels in the leaderboard and it seems to have been awarded to everybody who has been active yesterday, regardless of activity today.
I was just awarded dreidels on six sites without doing anything.
I only got it on sites I have been active on
@RoryAlsop Me too, but not in any temporal vicinity to earning the hat.
I have done a series of hat changes in a short time. Wearing all 14 I had at the time. Did not earn me a new one. Now I am trying to change every 10 to 20 minutes, so that it can be registered by the hat bot that I am wearing a different one for each.
Ich wünsche allen Menschen auf dieser Erde, unabhängig ihrer Herkunft und glauben, frohe und besinnliche (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1spfhhb
(its english too)
Thanks @Videonauth And the same from me.
Thank you
Q: Does bonus rep deductions count against the Running Ragged hat?

HugoThe Running Ragged description states: earn 150 reputation points on three different sites (not including Stack Overflow) within 15 days. I've not received the hat yet, but I've earned 242 rep on Meta and 160 on Movies & TV: On English Language & Usage I've received 372 rep, but I've st...

FWIW (re trendsetter) have been wearing one different hat a day, none upside down, active every day, not anywhere near the top of the leaderboard. And happy holidays too!
Maybe it's just change your hat daily for X number of days
That wouldn't be too crazy of a requirement
Sounds reasonable. How about voting on new posts, or voting on something that later gets more votes? Just because I haven't done much besides reading/voting yesterday and today, and as 'trendsetter' suggests gaining some kind of following. Probably just the hat thing though.
I vote like mat (mostly reach the limit at 38 / 39 /40 each day on one site) and did not get the hat yet.
I am pretty sure voting is not the reason unless it is time specific as well.
If it was just voting on new stuff, the hat would've appeared day 1
Sure. Just wondering if it had been considered, thanks for confirming.
Since it took 3 days to appear, it's probably change your hat daily for 3 consecutive days (similar to the searching one)
@Mego is it a given that hats aren't introduced throughout the winter bash? Besides date-specific ones like Hannukah, Christmas and Epiphany?
@BDM Basically. It's always been the case that new hats aren't added.
Any other high volume voters around?
Q: Why didn't (or did) I or some other user get a hat although the requirements were (or weren't) fulfilled?

balphaDuring Winter Bash, users can earn hats. But sometimes it seems that a hat was awarded even though its requirements weren't (yet) met, or vice versa. What could the reason for this be?

for all the questions about how am I getting this hat, or why did I not ge this hat.
PS this date based hat question come up every year on meta.
Guys, will there be any reward/badge or anything for earning hats that will remain after winterbash?
@Sardar_Usama nope, hats go poof after the bash ends :(
not good :/ there should be some badge atleast
I did a screenshot of my 'you got these hats' last year, you can use that in your usual chat and brag about it.
Is that bragging? :P
it tis'
The amount of questions is noticeably smaller on SO because of holidays
nothing to answer
If it is smaller on SO, look at one of the smaller boards, nothing new being asked in the last day.
Trying to get 150 rep on 3 sites is incredibly hard
I only have +300 on meta.SE
I'm set on Meta.SE, and as soon as 1 more edit is approved on SuperUser I'll be set there.
Need to find a third.
I've been hoping for Security.SE, but no luck lately.
I have two accepted answers on one site both still without upvotes. Can get mild mannered only once per site, so upvotes would be welcome now :D
Even my normal travel is very slow today.
@AlexanderO'Mara Just suggest a ton of edits?
Non-SO sites are slow with queues
Not always. Travel usually has 3 to 8 in the queues but often non at all.
When there are some they are mostly needing higher level reviewers, not new members.
@AndrewLi Nah, I got a +12 answer too.
@AlexanderO'Mara darn.
@AndrewLi +13 now, guess the edit is just a bonus.
@AlexanderO'Mara Link?
What makes a question hot?
I'm not knowledgeable in anything :(
SE routine maintenance
now?? :D
@AndrewLi Depends. On Security, it's the latest popular hack. On Skeptics, it's Trumps latest absurd tweet. :p
oh its up again
@AlexanderO'Mara I can only read, not answer :(
Me as well. I have joined a few sites this WB but only where I can answer.
lel I just got the dreidel hat * 3 for clicking links
Easy one to get. As is the Jule log
Oh, that question somehow made the HNQ list. No wonder my answer got so many upvotes.
Your A much more than the Q.
hey I got trendsetter
just now
haven't done anything there this mornign yet
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I think it's something like changing your hat once a day over several days
oh, that's for me then
I change it every new hat I get
and I've been getting 1 per day
Couldn't say for sure though. The other theory is wearing upside down
hm, maybe lel
@DJMcMayhem any luck with that?
That's how I got it
I'm not sure if it was that or something else though
I have been changing hats a lot today and some yesterday, including upside down, no new hat out of it.
I will try again tomorrow.
@DJMcMayhem I haven't worn any hat upside down. Perhaps a slightly tilted cup trophy, but that's all.
@DJMcMayhem oh, I thought you meant the hatter
maybe it's for immediately wearing a new hat?
I tried that as well, no luck there either.
wear every hat once?
@KritixiLithos try wearing every hat once, to test?
i think you need to wait a while for hat-checks to catch that you're wearing that hat.
yeah, probably
I don't think I have though, not sure
because i've gone through my list, changing every 10s, and no trendsetter.
yeah, I haven't worn my spork yet i don't think
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Same here, so I can take a snapshot. Just got it this morning.
oh, or the dreidel and I got that first
I don't want to wear hats...
lel but you collect them
@DJMcMayhem Can't be--I haven't touched the controls for days, and never flipped a hat upside-down
I know, I'm the only guy in PPCG's first page of the leaderboard who doesn't wear hats
Trendsetter and 8,243,721 have me stumped.
I have an answer with accept and no score. Let's see if I get mild mannered
@KazWolfe yeah, 6 too
@AndrewLi Problem is, it's got to stay low for a while. That's what's tripped me up a few times.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ wait no, that's BITF. nevermind.
@nitsua60 I hope it does
I got the accept at 10:00 PST. Let's wait until 20:00 PST
yeah, i got 6 but no idea how.
@AndrewLi we'll see!
now I'm bowing outta here to try to dodge extended family, see y'all later today
it's 10:15 for me now
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ PST?
@KazWolfe 8 mil is deleting your own comments, not sure about trendsetter
Or PDT if daylight savings?
@AndrewLi yep, southern cali
@DJMcMayhem i nuked a lot of my old comments for 8mil, no hat.
Hmm. Not sure then
and just got 8 mil, can confim for delted comments
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ In Anaheim right now :P
@KazWolfe posted during winterbash?
@AndrewLi eyyyyyy
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ no, actually old comments.
claremont, I'm about 30 min away
like over 1y old
I deleted recent ones
@KazWolfe I was talknig to OP and clarifying his question, I closed, edited, commented, and vtro
and I got 180 and 8 mil
right now it has 4 votes still
not SO, you dont have RO privs
but here
huh, i see...
any leads on 6/bert?
@KritixiLithos you are not alone. It was only yesterday that I put one on.
hello guys
merry christmas hat hunters!
are there any hints regarding the Trendsetter hat?
@DavidPostill I just finished reading that section^^
@rekire <shrug> then that's it for the moment
@DavidPostill thx :)
Just got the Taco hat on ELU, if anybody wants to investigate (edit history)
1 hour later…
Just got my polymath, I thought you needed 450 rep for that, 150 each site but I got it when I got +1 on one site, total 150 rep over three sites.
And the Blue face, at the same time.
@Willeke You are confusing it with Running Ragged.
OK, thanks
Ah, polymath is only 'well received answer'
@rekire After a day of inactivity, I got it at the same moment as a silver badge for 2500 views on a 3 day old question...
That is a nice surprise,
A silver badge you say? hm
Did the Q make the hotlist?
in that case I have an candidate for a silver badge here: stackoverflow.com/q/25684167/995926 just one upvote required
I can not do that, not a member of overflow.
I got a silver badge
@rekire :)
no new hat yet
Can I edit a pending edit?
@AndrewLi I guess not except you review it
Try and see what it says.
I forgot to edit the title here: superuser.com/q/1159957/605470
I know I have tried in the past.
I have to low rep on su
I have no rep there.
I have there a funny reputation graph: superuser.com/users/538822/rekire
I started at that page with 266 rep
@rekire I have 2^7 rep there
nice hehe
Is it okay to ask someone if your answer worked?
What else should I try for? I'm going for +150 on Meta.SE and SU
I guess I will stop hunting hats. since I don't want to make rep on sites where I am not active... the rep cap is much too hard for me since I almost never get more then 50 rep per day
SO is easy due to traffic
I have had some of my best rep days during WB last year. The next few days people will come in, hat hunting, upvoting everything in sight.
It is still early days, and so far most people were working or busy preparing for the feast days.
In a few days they will come in, well eaten and a bit lazy
I tried today the snaphat hat but I get no upvotes in time :/
I did not even see a single question I could answer.
single new question that is.
I've been away for 5 hours and just found that I've received 6 on PPCG sometime in that period.
The only hat I might could get is Fiery
I believe I received 2 answer comments, 5 answer upvotes, and an answer downvote in that time. Perhaps it has something to do with an answer with a score of at least 6 being downvoted?
It was this answer that got downvoted.
I got the 6 hat very random. more or less I just logged in
I'm sure it'll be super obvious as soon as they tell us the criteria at the end of Winter Bash...
I am hoping for more activity on the sites in the rest of the WB. If not, I am #2 on one leaderboard right now and #1 on an other. (Where I started after the WB had been running a few days.)
I am not really sure how but I got it manged to be on #3 :)
That whole site has all of 53 hats together ;)
@Willeke that is not much^^
Ah, the regulars have woken up and now there is someone with 5 hats and one with 4, catching up on me.
No, it is not much indeed.
Nobody who is just a regular in those kind of sites can win the WB overal.
I'm tied for first on PPCG, which has 1667 hats altogether :-)
@ETHproductions I'm 5 in front on SU (5,384 hats) ;p

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